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Everything posted by miatamariner

  1. The wheels are aligned with the aircraft which is heading about 3 degrees to the right. If I don't make a correction at the start off the roll, the plane accelerates and goes off the runway.
  2. When selecting an aircraft and an airport specific runway to start my flight I have one specific aircraft, the Alphasim B-52, that does not line up with the runway heading. It is about 3 degrees to the right and in order to have a straight run down the runway, I have to slew it back to a straight path. Just wondering what setting, and where, needs to correct this mis-alignment.
  3. In the readme for V2, Javier mentions that steam is now present on the catapults. I do not see a steam fx file in the Effects folder. Does anyone else see steam on the Nimitz catapults and if so, how did you get it. Thanks
  4. Not wanting to use Java to run Lamont's AI Carriers utility, I went to FSDT and DL Orion's AICarriers.NET. When I opened the folder, the executable was labeled "aicarriers.exe, same as Lamont's original file with a date of 12/25/2014. Should it be labeled .NET and not .EXE?
  5. It is a great little gauge for quickly finding ILS frequency's for say, doing TOGA's, without having to file a flight plan to get that info.
  6. CRJ Simpilot: Not sure about 111.10 being a VOR frequency but I ended up assigning my own frequencies for runway 13 & 31 anyway using ADE to do it. Here is what I entered for VHHX using the format of VHHH which is right above it. Not to concerned about magnetic variation! VHHH HONG_KONG_INTL 28 07L_ILS_073_12467_111.10_072 07R_ILS_073_12467_109.30_073 25L_ILS_253_12467_108.90_253 25R_ILS_253_12467_110.90_252 VHHX HONG_KONG_OLD 30 13_ILS_130_11740_111.95_130 31_ILS_310_11740_109.90_310 I have adapted this as a pop up gauge as seen here on a 777 panel.
  7. This gauge goes back almost 20 years. I used it in FS9 and now use it in FSX. I would like to add info to it for VHHX Hong Kong Old. I have the necessary data for Runways 13 and 31 and will use the format from VHHH. The first numerical entry for VHHH is the number 28. Here is the text line for VHHH from the original data string. VHHH HONG_KONG_INTL 28 07L_ILS_073_12467_111.10_072 What does the number 28 stand for? Also, are 73 and 72 magnetic headings for runway O7L? TIA Update: Figured it out. It is elevation.
  8. This got me intrigued, so I downloaded both the Base Package and the updated FDE. Installed the Base folder into the Airplanes folder, and I also did not see the aircraft in the FSX menu. I then checked both the panel and sound folders and found they were aliased folders to DMFS Shared Files that were evidently not part of the Base Package. You need these Shared Files to complete the panel and sound folders and until they are present in each folder, the aircraft will not show in FSX. Where to find them is anybody's guess. If you have a 727 in your Airplanes folder, copy/paste both the panel and sound folders from the 727 to the Trident folder and see if the aircraft shows up. Be sure you also have the needed gauges from the 727 panel installed as well. It worked for me.
  9. My AI program is Ultimate Traffic Live and all the AI traffic from that program do trigger the GSX jetways to operate. It is necessary to have the "Exits" properly configured for each aircraft used by UTL but once done, the GSX jetways connect to the AI aircraft without issue.
  10. Point well taken. Is there a way to specifically identify which airports are contained in a specific APX file?
  11. If you want to get rid of them airport by airport, it is quite easy. If you don't have Airport Design Editor (ADE), download and install it from the FSDeveloper website. Just Google it. IN ADE, open the airport bgl, go to the "Lists" header in the tool bar, click on it and a sub menu will open. Look for Jetways and click on it. A list of all the jetways at that airport will appear as a pop up. At the bottom, click "Select All" and then click "Delete". The default Jetways are now gone. Then "Compile" the file using ADE, saving it using the original file name. ADE wants to create a new file but I always save the amended file to itself in the original location. Your choice.
  12. I found this pic on an automobile auction site. Most notable for the car involved as it is a 1930 Mercedes-Benz 770K. The pic shows it being off loaded in Irag in 1958 to be delivered to King Faisal II. At first glance, I thought the aircraft was a modified DC-3 but I'm not so sure as the props are four bladed and the landing gear appears to be fuselage supported. Anybody wish to venture a guess?
  13. Take a look over at Simhouse.com as they might have some freeware models of the aircraft you are looking for.
  14. In the Programs Files folder, does the 7-zip folder, under Types, show Compressed or File Folder? If it shows File folder, than you are good to go. Now take the Teterboro folder and place it on your desktop where you have some extra room to work with, place your mouse cursor on it and Right click it with your mouse. In the window that pops up, you will see a heading that shows 7-zip. Place your mouse cursor on the 7-zip header and another pop up window will appear. Countdown 5 titles to where you see "Extract to" (the name of the Teterboro folder) and double click it. This will de-compress the Teterboro file that you downloaded and it will create a second Teterboro folder that will contain all the individual files of the program. Open up that folder and look for a "Readme" file that will give you instructions and what to do to install the program. Mr. Zippy provided this link for a tutorial on how to install the folder into FSX.
  15. Looks like you need some basic assistance. First, do you have a folder un-zipping utility such as 7-zip? You will need this to unzip the compressed folder you have in your downloads folder of the Teterboro airport. Let us know if you have this utility and we will take it form there.
  16. If indeed this is the gauge you are having trouble with that Mr. Zippy references in thread #4, that is the gauge developed by the late Ernie Alston. I also had a bit of an installation problem as I mis-interpreted the install instructions. There are two files that need to be installed in your main FS9 root folder but NOT just by themselves. First, create a folder and name it "Rwyinfo". Then, place the two text files that come with the download, Pnav and Prwy (both are Text files), inside of the "Rwyinfo" folder that you just created, then place that folder inside of your FS9 root folder. From what you describe, you already have the Rwyinfo GAUGE file placed in your FS9 Gauges folder. I had the same problem you described. After entering the airport ICAO and clicking the Enter button, no info appeared. The box went blank. Just put the folder you created with the two text files added to it, inside of your root FS9 folder. This gauge also works in FSX.
  17. Email him. He has always responded to my inquiries very promptly.
  18. Nothing. The only other panel windows are for TDS Utility, which is an old Posky creation, TDS Advance Controls and FDE Helper. The TDS Utility controls lighting and ground service vehicles. Nothing opens the doors.
  19. Good point. So I checked the Exits data for the TDS 738 MaxV3_LEAPPX1B--LP2WM which I downloaded from the library as a repaint under the livery BUZZ opb Ryan Air. I had to download the base package in order to use this repaint. The base package aircraft cfg file showed the following for the Exits data: [exits] number_of_exits = 4 exit_rate.0 = 0.3 exit_rate.1 = 0.3 exit_rate.2 = 0.3 exit_rate.3 = 0.3 The port side passengers door forward and aft as well as the two starboard cargo doors, open and close respectively, with key commands Shift-E and Shift-E-2. Shift-E-3 opens/closes the port side aft passenger door. Shiift-E-4 commands the air stairs to the forward port passenger door. The service doors do not respond to any key commands there for I assume they are not modelled as animated doors. Does this make sense?
  20. I too did experience a bit of what you describe with the CamSim A350, so I found a file in the library by Willem Sophia called 737 Autoland. 737al11.zip. Thought I'd give it a try. Now his program kind of takes all the fun and challenge out of the landing process, but it does yield a very smooth landing and a much reduced tendency to simply hover over the runway. Even though the file is labeled for FS2004, it does work in FSX as it is XML based. And though written for the 737, I have applied it to 747's, 777's, DC-10's, E190's, A321's and A330's to mention a few. Carefully read his Readme file for adjustments for heavier aircraft from the 737 group. You can change the airspeed of the aircraft upon initial activation of the gauge which also calculates how far away you are from the ILS signal. The gauge will automatically apply progressive increments of flaps as you get closer to the runway. The gauge also incorporates a "flare" for a really smooth landing.
  21. Either do I! :) I was just venting over a situation that has long bothered me about modelling doors on aircraft, where some are animated but others are not.
  22. I simply limit the number of active aircraft entry's in my Airplanes folder (currently just have 2 instead of the 36 I previously had) and the same with my Addon scenery folders, outside of basic folders which are needed to run the sim. I have a total of 241 Addon scenery folders of which 84 are inactive. This is enough for FSX that I have eliminated all OOM incidents. To accomplish this, I have a complete backup of FSX on another HD and I select what aircraft and airports I desire to fly, grab them from the backup HD and transfer them to the respective folders on my SSD where FSX is located. When the flight is completed, I delete/inactivate those entry's I just used and start over with a new aircraft and airports selection. It is a bit of work, but since implementing this process, no OOM's at all.
  23. That was precisely my plan as well and decided to upgrade for MSFS 2020. I erred on the side of caution and decided to upgrade before I purchased 2020 knowing that my new specs would be a definite plus improvement than what I had, for FSX. After reading the MS2020 forum and all the posts of malfunctions, etc., I decided to forego my purchase of the sim and stay with FSX. The result has been a sim that runs nearly flawlessly. You have to be aware of the 4GB memory limit of FSX but that can be worked around. I do still get an occasional texture "square box" loading hiccup but it is very rare. Probably should have gone higher with my video card selection. You can see my specs below. Overall, FSX is running extremely well. I still have not closed the door on MS2020 but I will wait until it matures.
  24. I am baffled by the omission of ALL doors on an aircraft that DON'T open. I have yet to find any model by TDS or CamSim that have opening service doors. Please correct me if I am wrong. I am not a modeler so I do not have any knowledge of what is required to animate a door, but if you can animate one or two doors, why not every door? The only modeler who has made a concerted effort to animate all doors on his aircraft, is Tom Ruth. Kudo's to him. For those of us who have and use GSX, it is unrealistic to see food carts passing through a closed door. Just my two cents.
  25. I am using Ultimate Traffic Live (UTL) for my AI. I have just completed a reconfiguration of all the UTL aircraft landing lights, to Shockwave lights. With the lighting features of Shockwave, there is a dramatic positive increase in visible light as AI aircraft land, particularly at night. I never noticed this before this lighting change, but shortly after the tires touch the runway, the aircraft rolls a short distance and then the landing lights are turned off leaving the aircraft to navigate the taxiways with only ambient light. Also observed aircraft taxing to a takeoff runway also do not display running landing lights until a pre-determined distance from the runway hold position at which time the lights are automatically turned on. Just wondering if anyone knows the file and setting which controls the on/off execution of the AI landing lights? I suspect it is controlled by FSX as I notice the same scenario when landing the default 737-800 after manually turning on the landing lights. The aircraft rolls a short distance after touchdown and the lights automatically turn off. Thanks
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