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Everything posted by miatamariner

  1. Version 1.0.0


    This is a small mod repaint to the Project Opensky 757-200 for FS2004/FSX of Steve Colleys Trump livery. The 757 was rehabbed and repainted during his Presidency. The Trump tail insignia was replaced by an American Flag. The remainder of the paint scheme remained the same. By Christopher Tower.
  2. Thank you Sir. The new AFCAD did the trick.
  3. I have the Fly Tampa version of KBOS. The ILS marker is mis-aligned for Rwy 15R. When I say mis-aligned, I am referring to mis-alignment to the center line of the runway. It is, I'm guessing, pointing to the left about 2 or 3 degrees. The marker is also positioned way to the left side of the runway causing any aircraft to touch down off the runway. Using ADE, I can move the marker to the right to get an aircraft to land ON the runway and not off to the left side, but I can't figure out how to align the ILS marker to the centerline of the runway.
  4. I have downloaded and installed four PA models, 318, 319, 320 and 321 with various liveries. They came with various panel configs so I elected to use the panel from the default FSX A321 in all models to simplify operation. They all fly without issue except for one peculiarity. At idle RPM (N1), all four models start a slow forward roll after releasing the parking brake. As a comparison, my TDS 737 Max8 remains stationary when the parking brake is released. I suspect that a setting in the aircraft cfg file needs to be changed but not absolutely sure of this. What is intriguing is that all four PA models that I downloaded all exhibit this anomaly. Would appreciate any advice.
  5. Parking Brake "Off" - Engines Shut Down = Door doesn't stay open. Parking Brake "On" - Engines Shut Down = Door stays open. Such a simple solution. Interestingly enough, setting the parking brake activates the door action. No need for Shift-E. Thanks.
  6. Downloaded this aircraft from the file library. Ran Set Up and aircraft installed without issue. Selected aircraft in FSX menu and it appeared at selected airport. Desired to open the main door (starboard side). Door opened, starirs extended and action completed. After about 1/2 a second, the stairs retracted and the door closed without any Shift-E command. . So, the door opens but will not stay open. Any thoughts?
  7. Ever since I discovered this anomaly about two weeks ago while sorting through engine failure in Manfred Jahn's L-1049, (Thanks Mr. Zippy) I have been perplexed how this scenario will work in one aircraft, yet not another. I consider myself preety familiar with folder/file hierachy in FSX. I am going to use two different aircraft to illustrate my dilemna. First the TDS 737 Max8 and last, Manfreds L-1049. Both aircraft come with a "Sounds" folder as an additional folder to the "Sound" folder that usually contains engine, gear, flaps sounds etc. The "Sounds" folder has all sorts of extraneous cockpit sounds such as Pilot to Co-Pilot verbal commands and Co-Pilot responses, button clicks and aural warnings. As instructed, I placed the "Sounds" folders in the FSX Sound folder. With the L-1049 download, there is also a folder titled "SP 1049A" which I placed in the FSX Gauges folder. In the 737 panrl cfg file, there is a gauge entry like this, which ties the gauge to the sounds in the FSX Sound folder. gauge36=Gauges_Sound\dsd_fsx_xml_sound!Sound, 1,1,1,1,\Cockpit_Sound\CockpitSounds.ini In the L-1049 panel cfg file, no such gauge entry is found to tie the cockpit sounds to the aitcraft, yet the sounds are functioning and audible when variuos keys/switches are inacted on my programmed Saitek Yoke, such as flaps and radar altitude callouts. Now, what I can't figure out is how it works for L-1049 when there is no gauge entry in the panel cfg file such as there is in the 737. Also, there is no Sound ini file in the L-1049 extra Sounds folder that contains all the cockpit sounds. This all stems from my desire to add this "Sounds" folder to the Calclassic DC-7B. How are the cockpit sounds deciphered by FSX in the L-1049 when no appropriate gauge file entry is found in the L-1049 panel cfg file under Window[00] and no Sound.ini file is found in the extra Sounds folder? Thanks
  8. Great info guys. Mr. Zippy's info about the RPM gauge settings in keeping it in the "Green" area on the gauge was the solution. Now I can enjoy flying this bird once again.
  9. I have had this beautiful aircraft for a number of years but haven't flown it until recently and now I remember why. First off, my platform is FSX Acceleration. In my hangar I only have 4 other, four engined pistoned propeller aircaft. Manfred's B-50, C-97, Cal Classic DC-7B and Manfred's L-1049. Of these, the L-1049 is the only one that exhibits the problem I am about to describe. I have applied the various updates and revisions as found on the Cal Classic website under the Super Constellation header. After loading the aircraft ,and setting the Autopilot IAS, heading and desired altitude, but not activating the AP, I prepare to start the engines, but not yet. I set flaps to flaps 1, check all my gauges and everything looks good. Of note here are the two Manifold Pressure gauges which oddly enough, at least to me, have all four needles at 35 MP. Mind you, the engines haven't been started yet. Why are they at 35 MP? OK, I start the engines using Ctrl-E. All OK. I release the brakes, and start my take off roll. At 140 kts, I rotate , retract the gear and fly straight out for about 3 miles. At that point I am about 1200 feet ASL and I engage the autopilot for altitude climb and and heading. Seeing that I am doing an ILS approach, I level off at 2900 feet and head towards the ILS marker on the GPS. So far, so good and then it happens. At close to the 7 minute clock of flight time, number 4 engine followed by number 3, 2 and finally 1, sputter and shutdown. Fuel quantity in all tanks is full. In FSX, I have Unlimied Fuel and Auto-Mixture options checked. In the aircraft cfg file, I have changed Auto_Mixture=0, to 1. If in flight, if I Reload the aircraft, it restores the engines operation, but screws up the Autopilot so I start a dive to the ground. I can not get beyond 7 minutes of flight to where I loose the engines, attempt after attempt. I have followed the documentation instructions for initiating a new flight. No change. 7 minutes in, engines quit. I have attemped to use other panels from the C-97 and B-50, but I end up with the nose steering gear pointing at 90 degrees. Makes for deteriorating rubber and somehow just doesn't look right! LOL! Not to mention that the C-97 or B-50 panels look awlward in a L-1049. So that is it. Can't keep engines running beyond 7 minutes of flight. For anyone who has this wonderful aircraft, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  10. OK, the Avsim post references FSDreamteam. Now at least I know where it came from. XPOI appeared in the Addon menu. It was introduced back in 2008 . Don't know why it just appeared in my Addon Menu, but do understand it came with a recent reinstall of GSXL2. XPOI stands fro FSX Points Of Interest. You can read about it here. https://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php/topic,1114.0.html
  11. Just did a fresh install of FSX and noticed a new entry in the Addon Menu titled XP01. Never have seen this before. You can enable or disable it. What is it?
  12. I don't have MSFS2020 so I am curious to know if this KBOS is default or third party KBOS? Beautiful screens.
  13. OK, my misunderstanding. I applied the offset to the main center gear and indeed the aircraft now responds to Shift+P for pushback. Thanks
  14. The cabin is air conditioned! I found another MD-11 by Doug Trapp which does respond to the Shift+P command. It is the Fedex MD-11F but on this model, ,the port side large cargo door doesn't function. Oh well, I've also got the SGA DC10-30F for which everything does work!
  15. No I didn't, as by most standards today of a pushback, engines are not started until pushback is under way.
  16. Mr. Zippy: Selected parking spot had no buildings nearby. Plenty of room. I tried it on several airport parking positions with the same result. F16jockey_2: I tried changing the nose wheel lateral position from 0.00 to 0.05 as an experiment but that didn't work either. I then decided to swap the entire nose gear contact data line from the SGA DC10-30 to see what would happen. Had to adjust the vertical position as the nose wheel was now below the tarmac, but that didn't solve the problem either. At least I have GSX to perform the pushback function, which it does. Just FSX won't do it by the Shift+P keys. Strange. My only reason for wanting to keep this aircraft is for the excellent VC that comes with it.
  17. I just downloadfed and installed subject aitrcraft modified by Ken Wigginton. When I tried to execute the FSX pushback function via my keyboard using the Shift +P key combo, I got an error message saying that this aircraft could not respond to this function. First I've ever run into this with any of my 80+ aircraft in my hangar. Anyone know how to correct this?
  18. I've got an aircraft with the N1 Idle percentage at 42.7. Can this be changed and what folder/file should I be looking for to change it? Thanks
  19. You could make a Camera Definition for a rearward-side view from the cockpit to simulate that view. See attached pic.
  20. Version 1.0.0


    This is a repaint of the panel bitmap of the FS9 Embraer series E panel by Uwe Ingber. I did this to more acurately reflect current color schemes of E series aircraft after observing such on a recent E-190 flight. I have also added and removed some gauges from the original configuration to make it operable in FSX. I removed the FMC and default Garmin GPS in favor of the GPS by Gavin Munro. I also added the Airport ID gauge by David "OPA" Marshall and the V Speed gauge by Rob Barendregt. Also added the FSX default Lear 45 radio gauge as well as the Runway Info gauge by Ernie Alston. As such, this FS9 panel is usable in FSX. See README for further details. By Christopher Tower
  21. Has this feature been carried over from the old software to the new format? If so, where can it be found?
  22. Found it. Didn't realize there were two control towers in your scenery.
  23. Wonderful scenery Dan. I have not been able to get the beautiful Control Tower to show. I downloaded all the necessary files that you mentioned in your notes. I placed all the scenery bgl's and accompanying textures in my Scenery\Global folder. Can you help me with this? Chrus
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