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Everything posted by miatamariner

  1. When did you download it? Have you re-downloaded it with in the past two days?
  2. I just tried to duplicate your fault with the "Nearest" button (block) and I did not get a green screen. The author has done a "running" update to when he posted the gps_1_8 zip file, that may have solved this. Re-download the file and install it again (overwrite if asked) and see if that corrects it. Mine works perfectly.
  3. If you have not tried it yet as an alternative and excellent replacement to the Garmin 500 series GPS gauge, get Gavin Munro's recently updated GPS gauge here in the library. gps_1_8.zip I have been using it since the first release some 5 years ago. IMHO, it is far easier to use than the Garmin and gives info to you at the click of your mouse. The feature you are looking for was recently added to the Map screen at my request and the total remaining distance to your destination airport is right in front of your eyes. No calculating needed on your part. The gauge does it all. It counts down the mileage as you fly. Great for determining when to start your descent.
  4. I ran into the same situation as you describe. In reference to your previous post about selecting the TDS 727 over the Thomas Ruth model. I choose the Ruth model for one particular reason. In the Ruth model, ALL the doors are animated and having the GSX program, it was important to me to have doors that opened to simulate real functions, such as people walking through an opened door as opposed to walking through a closed door! Ouch. Aside from that, both models are very well done. To address your panel issue, I also decided to use a panel bitmap from a 2002 creation by Lonny Payne . Just a personal preference but I liked the bitmap and layout of gauges. I did have to changes gauges for it to work in FSX but there are a few 727 panels in the library that will work in FSX so you shouldn't have trouble finding one to suit your needs.
  5. At the bottom of a panel cfg file, you find these entries: Day, Night and in some instances, Luminous. I would like to know if the Luminous setting affects just the panel bitmap or in some way, gauges. I know gauge luminosity can ne altered in a gauge XML file. Just wondering about this entry in the panel cfg file. Thanks
  6. We have lost another prolific developer and friend to the sim community. I have been emailing him since September with no responses so I suspected that something ill had happened to him. Fellow simmer Bob Familton also had not heard from him so he did some research and found this obituary notice. https://trauer.merkur.de/traueranzeige/dietmar-loleit. Rest in peace good friend. We will miss you.
  7. Yeah, I'm still trying to wrap my head around "full flaps". Guess it is dependent on runway length, weigh and balance of the aircraft. Going to see if I can get airborne at Lukla with the 737-800 using full flaps. If you never hear from me again, you probably will be able to find me at the bottom of the valley! :)
  8. Thanks il88pp, Inuss and TextRich for Flaps 101. Great insight and info here. With the default 737-800, I have always used 10-15 degree flaps and with default weight and balance brings me to around 145-150 knots Vr. Good point about shorter runways, lower speeds and liftoff point.
  9. Your comment about full flaps for take off is very interesting. I was never under this impression that full flaps are/were required for a takeoff. I am not a pilot and only base my comment on what I have garnered over the years from YT videos of real flight operations and what knowledge I have gained on this site. I generally select 10-15 degrees flap for a takeoff based on the weights and balance section of each aircrafts cfg file. I've been under the impression that higher take off weights would require more flap extension to get airborne before you run out of runway. Am I correct in this assumption? And thanks for your input.
  10. I should probably be true to form and use my Saitek Avi8tor joystick seeing that it is an Airbus product.
  11. OK, my reference to Vr would by V as you described. It is the speed that Rob Barengredt's VSpeed4 gauge is listed as Vr on the gauge. Thanks
  12. At some point in the past, I downloaded a 737-800 IIRC, that came with a V Speed gauge as part of the panel cfg. I still have that gauge but there is no Readme in the folder that could identify who made this gauge. I've attached a pic of the bitmap. If anyone recognizes this bitmap, could you clue me in to who created it and what aircraft it came with. I've done a search in the library using VSpeed as a text entry but can not find this particular gauge and bitmap. I am just looking for the Readme file. Thanks
  13. Thanks Inuss and Mr. Zippy for your input. As an example referencing my post, I find that the default A321 lifts off at VR with a tail strike in mind. It doesn't strike but comes awfully close. As opposed to a Project Airbus A320 (yes it is a bit shorter in length and weighs a bit less than the A321) which lifts off very smoothly with a nice flare. Obviously some huge differences in the flight dynamics between the aircrafts. I am going to start by swapping the flight tuning sections from the PA to the default understanding that weight and balance are not the same between the aircrafts. It should be an interesting experiment.
  14. I find that with most all of my aircraft in my hangar, jet and piston powered, when I reach VR and pull back on my Yoke, some of my aircraft react instantly launching into the air and others react very slowly and smoothly, with the same amount of movement on the Yoke. I would like to know what section and what parameters in the aircraft or air file folders control this differing sensitivity, or is it a combination of factors? Thanks
  15. Now you could have exercised a bit of poetic flare by changing the last word (season) to "year"! Merry Christmas to all. And to all, a Good Night!
  16. IMHO, it is quite a bit more complex. Read the "Readme" and I think you will see that. Unfortunately, included airports and surrounding airports of a hub has no coverage for my home airport KBOS. There maybe a way to add it but I haven't figured that out yet! What I need to do is some aircraft spotting at say KJFK and see if AI spacing works with minimal, if none, go arounds.
  17. I have been trying without success to remove the beacontower01 object from my local airport. It just doesn't exist there in real life. Using ADE, I high lite the object, right click for the menu, select "Delete", and it disappears from the AFCAD. I save the file and compile it. I go back to FSX and the airport and the beacon is still there. Can default FS scenery objects be deleted, and if so, what have I been doing incorrectly?
  18. You might take a look at this utility for control of AI aircraft. https://library.avsim.net/download.php?DLID=191047
  19. I'm using Ultimate Traffic Live 2 for my AI aircraft. In the FSX Sound folder are a number of files that are labeled "ai_lgjet", "ai_smjet" etc. Do I need these files when using a 3rd party AI aircraft program that comes with sound files for it's supplied aircraft?
  20. I would like to find a SS program that takes pics in native JPG format so that I don't have to use my paint program to reconfigure the format from PNG or BMP to JPG. What do you guys use? Looking for freeware. Thanks
  21. I don't have FSX via Steam, but I do have Train Simulator which is located here: C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\Steam apps\Common\Rail Simulator. I think you will find that FSX will be located in the Common folder. Take a look there.
  22. You'd think I'd know better by now, but I guess not. I have been experimenting with camera views and desired to return to the OEM configuration for Nearest Tower and Facilities camera's. Only problem, I never made a backup. Could someone kindly provide me with the OEM camera config file so I can get back to the basics. I promise to keep it in a safe place! This is for FSX. Thanks Update: Disregard request. I found what I was asking for.
  23. OK Loyd, incredible amazing video's. First, some questions about the Machynlleth video before we get to the mechanics of the camera's. 1. Did you use the program "Chaseplane" to create this video? Also, did you use a Multiplayer option to get two planes in the video at the same time? And also the three aircraft at the end of the video. IIRC, did I see an A400M, two Jaguar's and an F-18? I suspect that you used "Chaseplane" to accomplish this, but at this point, I'm just guessing. 2. Apart from the camera's used, I loved the topography of the land and the textures. Were the textures and mesh FSX default or from another program? What is the closest airport to this section of Wales so I can try it myself? 3. Did you create the scenery camera's or were some shots captured using the FSX Fly By camera? Thanks Chris
  24. Hello Loyd: With 749 views and no responses, I was beginning to think my quest for info was an exercise in frustration, but then you came along! Wow! You have provided me with a wealth of info and expertise for me to digest and absorb and also gives rise to more questions, but by your enthusiasm for FS camera operations, I think I've found a source for good answers. Thank you for your in depth response. First thing I will do is to watch the two video's you referenced to give me a better reference point for understanding what you have given me ro ponder. I'll be back after that with I'm sure more questions. Again, thanks for your in depth response. Much appreciated. Chris
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