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Everything posted by djfierce

  1. Beautiful shots of a wonderful aircraft Bill!
  2. Fired up FSX, and went for my trusty QW787-10. PHNL-KLAX Scenery is stock.
  3. Agree with much of this. I really had to tweak my hat switch settings to try and emulate the FSX feel of panning around for views, but the effort was worth it for sure. Go into your settings and manually set each view for camera: drone, external, and cockpit. I also cleared "quick look" settings because I didn't find it helpful to have to constantly pan in a direction, only to have it reset the minute I let go of the hat switch. A pain, but that extra 10 minutes of work has really helped. Just as an example:
  4. What method are you using to start the aircraft? Have you tried ctrl+e?
  5. Don't delete it! One of the more interesting shots lately!
  6. That's a great shot! Nice dramatic weather.
  7. I fly with it daily, and find it so engaging. That said, it's truly unlike previous versions, and in that, I understand some of your frustrations. I'm not all that fond on of the ATC, access to maps that provide information like navaids and their frequencies, etc. It's just....different, but the more I experiment, the more I start to get the hang of it. Don't give up on it yet despite it's flaws, which per it's relatively young age, I hope they will address as time goes on.
  8. Thanks Michael, good to see you around. Don't be a stranger! :D Those are great stories about LAS, as honestly, I wouldn't doubt them at all. The one time I visited I noted that the only place without machines was usually the bathroom.
  9. Excellent shots! Have yet to do much flying in that region...
  10. Looks great Bill! Those clouds are amazing. I need to spend more time understanding this bird, particularly in learning the FMS and basic flight dynamics. Just feels rather slow to respond to input from the joystick. As of now it's beautiful, but frustrating.
  11. Those are warning lights on wind turbines. They sit in a literal wind tunnel in between Mt. San Jacinto and Mt. San Bernardino. I've been through there when the wind literally knocked cars and semis of the road. Very interesting place.
  12. what are your settings in this menu? I'd recommend auto rudder and assisted landing be turned off? I'm only guessing, but my first time thru with piloting set to easy I puked all my landings....
  13. Fighter jets are fun. If i could ever figure out how to use the auto pilot (is there one?) so I could command GPS and altitude, I'd probably use them more. Enjoyed this one!
  14. ...but returning to SOCAL with a pretty nice bird! Hey, look what I found! I didn't mean to come back here, as I had no idea it was on the way. Finalizing descent and gearing up for RWY 27 per the ATIS. Yet after getting clearance, I was informed it was runway 9. The tower did not accept my complaint. But we must adjust to curveballs, and the TBM is such a honey that I didn't mind having to change my plans.
  15. Those are great shots Jan, I especially like the last one.
  16. I had to change from settings in the assistance area from easy to medium, or I always ran amuck and lost control. Must have something to do with rudder maybe.
  17. Excellent work Bill. In all fairness, any screenshots that have the P3 are probably going to be awesome.
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