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Everything posted by djfierce

  1. "This ain't no disco. This ain't no country club either. This is LLLLLL AAAAAA." I hope y'all like 757's, as it's currently my jam. 25L arrival into LAX at dusk.
  2. I always enjoy seeing mountains. I might have to start some small craft flying again. Nice shots!
  3. Hello, would anyone want to participate in a screenshot request thread? The main idea is for the new sim for those of us who don't have it yet to search out, but it can honestly be for any Microsoft version for those who'd like to see any particular scenery or aircraft. Would be great when requests are fulfilled, if the shots shared include whether they are stock, freeware addon or payware and if the latter to provide which versions. I'll start. I'd love to see some shots of KEUG Mahlon Sweet in Eugene Oregon, and a couple of items from the surrounding area. Autzen Stadium (University of Oregon) Sacred Heart Riverbend Hospital in Springfield: Is there a helipad on the roof? Cottage Grove Community Hospital (20 miles to the south) Mercy Medical Center in Roseburg, OR. Is there a helipad next to the hillside parking lot? Thanks in Advance! - James
  4. I never accept go arounds! :D I love the Lear, and flying in AK. Excellent share!
  5. went thru Innsbruck many moons ago, but this brings back a few pleasant memories. Great shots!
  6. While I wait on my turn to play the new sim people love or hate, thought I'd test out sharing some screenies from recent travels... Runway 17 arrival into Lihue on a muggy, misty afternoon. - James
  7. I still play FS9, and I still dearly love it and play it daily. I might even do so after getting MSFS. Having worked in tech support call centers with software that would bring business's to their knees during a bad release, I find the amount of negativity here puzzling, given that MSFS is.......a game. How many games/applications are released before they should be? Probably too many. Maybe that's the case here. But world has worked this way for awhile, and buying something this early in the game has risks. MSFS probably needs some time to be ironed out, and I'm perfectly fine with it. If I had a computer that could even touch this game I'd be exctatic to have that "problem", but I'll be awhile getting that solved. :D One last thing, when you call someone a "fanboy" on an internet forum, it really says more about you, than the person you are labeling.
  8. The assignment was the fix!! Thanks for the reminder and the help!
  9. Hello folks, I've noticed in the last week that for some reason I can no longer restart either my payware 757, or default FS9 aircraft using CTRL+E. Once I have done the CTRL+SHIFT+F1 to stop the engines, the only way I've found to get things to work again is to shut down FS9 and restart it. If there is a manual start switch visible on the panel that will sometimes work. I feel like the dialog box that pops up to advise "your engines are not started" used to include the keyboard shortcut to restart, if it once did it only shows the message with no instructions. Any ideas? Windows 10, FS9, with all updates installed. This is the only problem I currently have. Thanks.
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