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Everything posted by tgibson_new

  1. Sometimes they will be in oddly named folders, for the name of the author and such. Try this - in Windows Explorer/My Computer go to Details view (a list of the files) and then click Date Modified at the top headings. This will sort them by date, and the most recent one will be at the top (except for WinXP, where you click twice). Doesn't always work if the installer does not update the folder's mod date, but it does sometimes.
  2. Hi, Put an apron route (taxi route, etc. - green ADE line) down the runway at that location. Make it just wide enough so you don't fall off of it.
  3. You can create a small flatten at the level of the freeway using ADE, but typically this depression will be too large. You then use GMAX or other program to create a ground object that fills in the depression. You'll also need to add or create a bridge underneath the runway.
  4. Just use the passenger version paint kit and turn off the passenger window layer?
  5. Terry, He gave you the correct way to fix this problem; make sure you are editing the correct panel.cfg file. Then try numbers larger than 3600 and see if that works.
  6. I assume your runway is so thin that you have not placed the black line on top of it. If you haven't created a runway at all, you need to do so. If you have created one, you can ignore the message.
  7. Try creating small polygons that cover the gap, and give them a higher layer number?
  8. Hi, Try making the apron paths a little wider at that point?
  9. I have never heard of that technique, sorry. Perhaps you could examine one you did earlier and deduce what you did from that?
  10. I assume you have unchecked Options/Settings/General/Pause on Task Switch?
  11. https://calclassic.proboards.com/thread/7470/fs2004-start-read
  12. Might it be you reduce the texture mapping a few pixels in from each side?
  13. Hi, AI aircraft fly using GMT, not local time. So since GMT is the time zone in England those will always be correct (in the winter without DST). But other time zones can vary between FS and real life, and if your flight plan is a summer plan (during DST) and you are flying in the winter, that can make a difference too. So the actual flights can be up to 2 hours off in certain locations. To more reliably find your AI aircraft, set AIFP to use GMT time, get the relevant time from that, then go to FS and set the GMT time (not the local time) to the same thing. Then the AI plane will be more likely to appear as you expect. Hope this helps,
  14. You could fly it in windowed mode, where you don't have to press the Alt key...
  15. If you mean appear on the screen, if you want the flight number and route the plane is taking, then you have to go further than the choices in Options/Settings/Traffic. If you have the Traffic Toolbox SDK installed (Tools/Traffic Toolbox/Settings), then you can set those there. If not, you will need to edit the fs9.cfg file. Quit FS, open the fs9.cfg file, and find the [AContain] section. I have mine edited this way: [AContain] ShowLabels=1 ShowUserLabel=0 ShowLabelManufacturer=0 ShowLabelModel=1 ShowLabelTailNumber=0 ShowLabelDistance=1 ShowLabelAltitude=1 ShowLabelAirline=0 ShowLabelAirlineAndFlightNumber=1 ShowLabelFlightPlan=1 ShowLabelContainerId=0 ShowLabelAirspeed=1 ShowLabelHeading=0 LabelDelay=1000 LabelColor=FFFF0000 Choose what you want (=1) or don't want (=0). Save the file and restart FS. Hope this helps,
  16. Yah, it is. Look under DC-4, the versions available include C-FBAP. It's not pictured, but it's there.
  17. Hi, That livery is available to Buffalo Virtual Airways members, I believe? http://buffaloairwaysvirtual.com/index.php/pages/fleet Hope this helps,
  18. So I assume this is scenery already inside a BGL file? 0. Place the BGL file inside the same folder as BglComp.exe. 1. Use a BGL decompiler to decompile the BGL file into an XML file. Some MDL files may also be created. 2. Change the name of the XML file so it won't overwrite the original. 3. Edit the XML file to change the lat and lon values to the location you want. Save it. 4. Drag the XML file over the top of the BglComp.exe file and a new BGL file should be created, if you have not made any formatting mistakes.
  19. One hour of that could have been DST/non-DST, and the other hour who knows? If you were using local time for these tests try it again with GMT, which is what AI traffic is actually programmed with (and is listed in the flightplan.txt file).
  20. The Up/Down option is there for other types of scenery layers like airport BGL files, where it does matter.
  21. Hi, Library BGL files can be placed anywhere in the Scenery Library; it doesn't really matter. :)
  22. Sorry, you don't "got" to do anything - each to his own.
  23. Hi, Just do a web search for section chart legend Look in the part for Airports. Magenta - no tower, blue - tower. Open circle - no hard runway(s), filled circle - hard runway(s). Runway layout instead of circle - multiple runways or a runway longer than 8066 ft. Hope this helps,
  24. Just changing the wind will not change the runway used in FS2004 (it can in FSX though). You would ALSO need to reset ATC before the change would take effect. I reset ATC by: 1. Go to World/Map 2. Change your heading by 1 degree 3. OK. Hope this helps,
  25. Not sure about it being VATSIM; NOAA is now working again for me as well. :)
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