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Everything posted by tgibson_new

  1. Hi, Actually, it's easiest with the old AFCAD - no limits that the MS compiler ADE uses imposes. Some of the things you need to know: 1. The runway needs to be a land runway; I usually use concrete. Make it very thin to hide it, but don't make it super thin until the end. 2. You can make the taxiways land or water, but I normally make them concrete. 3. The AI seaplane needs landing gear lines in the aircraft.cfg file. If this seaplane is already set up for AI use then this should be done. 4. The Effects section of the aircraft.cfg file needs to have splash/spray effects replace the normal dirt effects. Again if it is already for AI use this should be done. Hope this helps,
  2. tgibson_new

    realwx 3.0

    My Win 7 installation does not require that. But FS and the weather program are not installed into any Program Files folder.
  3. Hi, Engine type is specified in the aircraft.cfg file: [GeneralEngineData] engine_type=0 From the FS2004 SDK: Integer that identifies what type of engine is on the aircraft. 0 = piston, 1 = Jet, 2 = None, 3 = Helo-turbine, 4 = Rocket. And 5 is Turboprop. Hope this helps,
  4. tgibson_new

    realwx 3.0

    AFAIK, only FSUIPC is required. You must have FS9 running (i.e. flying/sitting at a location) before downloading the weather.
  5. Hi, It's probably in a gauge somewhere, or in the loading apps code.
  6. Glad to help. Note that I did not create the material itself - I copied it from various forum threads over the years. I don't claim any credit for that.
  7. Hi, There is a way to do it, but it is limited in the number and names of the WAV files (hard coded by FS), and does not vary with distance (although you can specify the area where it will be heard using a controller effect). I used one to create the famous "This area is for loading or unloading only, no parking" message at the old LAX satellite terminals. You only hear it parked in front of the building. I have also used them to create AI aircraft sounds - touchdown chirps and reverse engine sound. This is the info I've gleaned over the years from various forums: Andy B Re: AI Engine start-up sounds Ok fella's, thanks to Holger Sandmann btw for re-sending me this info. A bit long I know but worth the read. Originally posted on Avsim.com by various users - credit goes entirely to them for the content that follows below. http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php...ing_type=search 15140, sounds for effects Posted by ibanez737, Thu Jan-01-70 12:00 AM Is it possible to attatch a sound to an effect file in Flight Simulator? Example: hear a blast and rumble during a volcanic eruption. A response to this would be very helpful. -Scott Armstrong ------- 15141, RE: sounds for effects Posted by InBetween, Thu Jan-01-70 12:00 AM Greetings, It is indeed possible, ala the default fireworks display, or the flying chickens in the barnstorm effect in FS2004. Open the file fx_barnstorm.fx (in the FS9\effects folder) with Notepad and see the lines: Sound=5 Sound Param=40 These lines call a sound that is "hard-coded" into the Sim. The Sim looks for a specific wav file connected to the number "40", in this case the wav file "barn.wav" found in the FS9\sound folder. Cfs2 used this a lot in the effects files, here is the list: ---------------------------------------------------- Sound filenames associated with effects file entries ---------------------------------------------------- Sound type "5" Where three filenames are listed, one will play at random at each initiation of the effect... ---------------------------------------------------- FX file entry sound file(s) ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=0 firework.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=3 xvlg_exp.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=4 amb_aexp1a.wav amb_aexp1b.wav amb_aexp1c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=7 amb_aexp2a.wav amb_aexp2b.wav amb_aexp2c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=10 amb_aexp3a.wav amb_aexp3b.wav amb_aexp3c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=13 amb_aexp4a.wav amb_aexp4b.wav amb_aexp4c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=16 amb_wexp1a.wav amb_wexp1b.wav amb_wexp1c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=19 amb_wexp2a.wav amb_wexp2b.wav amb_wexp2c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=22 amb_wexp3a.wav amb_wexp3b.wav amb_wexp3c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=25 amb_wexp4a.wav amb_wexp4b.wav amb_wexp4c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=28 amb_gexp1a.wav amb_gexp1b.wav amb_gexp1c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=31 amb_gexp2a.wav amb_gexp2b.wav amb_gexp2c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=34 amb_gexp3a.wav amb_gexp3b.wav amb_gexp3c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=37 amb_gexp4a.wav amb_gexp4b.wav amb_gexp4c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound type "6" These sounds play at one of four different "speeds" or "tones", chosen randomly each time by the Sim... The filename listed will play at each initiation of the effect, with four possible variations... ---------------------------------------------------- FX file entry sound file(s) ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=1 imp_large_a.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=2 imp_large_b.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=3 imp_large_c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=4 imp_large_d.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=5 imp_large_e.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=6 imp_med_a.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=7 imp_med_b.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=8 imp_med_c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=9 imp_med_d.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=10 imp_med_e.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=11 imp_small_a.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=12 imp_small_b.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=13 imp_small_c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=14 imp_small_d.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=15 imp_small_e.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=16 imp_small_f.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=17 imp_small_g.wav ---------------------------------------------------- In FS2002/4 these still work, just use one of the combos above in naming the new sound.... EDIT: I forgot to mention the limitations: Sounds are "global" (heard everywhere). Sound plays once per effect initation, for the length of the wav file. Regards, JR ------- 15142, RE: sounds for effects Posted by ibanez737, Thu Jan-01-70 12:00 AM Thanks for all the great info, this will help a lot! -Scott Armstrong ------- 15145, RE: sounds for effects Posted by Frank Betts, Thu Jan-01-70 12:00 AM That would be nice if you could trigger a certain spot. Say, when you pull up to a designated area and then you would hear a recorded instruction or what ever. ------- 15206, RE: sounds for effects Posted by ibanez737, Thu Jan-01-70 12:00 AM Yeah, it would be nice if Microsoft would make the sound parameters a little more versatile. I'm trying to get the sound to play 20 seconds into the effect, and i guess the only way to do that is to record 20 seconds of silence before the sound comes in in the wav file. A parameter for volume would be helpful as well. Oh well; maybe in FS2006. :-( ------- 15219, RE: sounds for effects Posted by PaavoP, Thu Jan-01-70 12:00 AM Well, it is possible to play a sound at an certain location (I've tested it and it works just fine). You have to create two files: a controller and a effect file. Here's how I did it: ---The Controller (Cntrl_estscen_summerday.fx)--- Lifetime=5 Version=1.00 Radius=500 Priority=0 lifetime=0.0, 0.0 type=3 distance=500.00, 500.00 //effect will be triggered if user is 500m or less away from the controller delay=10.00, 10.00 x offset=0.00, 0.00 y offset=0.00, 0.00 z offset=0.00, 0.00 effect.0=fx_estscen_summerday, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 ------------------------------------------------- ---The effect itself (fx_estscen_summerday.fx)--- Lifetime=5 Version=2.00 Display Name=Kevadel, suvel ja sügisel kasutatav taustaheli pehme linnulauluga. Radius=0 Priority=0 Sound=5 Sound Param=4 Cockpit=0 VirtualCockpit=0 Spot=0 Tower=0 Map=0 Lifetime=1.00, 1.00 Delay=0.00, 0.50 Bounce=0.00 Rate=1.00, 1.00 X Emitter Velocity=0.00, 0.00 Y Emitter Velocity=0.00, 0.00 Z Emitter Velocity=0.00, 0.00 Drag=0.00, 0.01 X Particle Velocity=0.00, 0.00 Y Particle Velocity=0.00, 0.00 Z Particle Velocity=0.00, 0.00 X Rotation=0.00, 0.00 Y Rotation=0.00, 0.00 Z Rotation=0.00, 0.00 X Offset=0.00, 0.00 Y Offset=0.00, 0.00 Z Offset=0.00, 0.00 Pitch=0.00, 0.00 Bank=0.00, 0.00 Heading=0.00, 0.00 ------------------------------------------------- BTW - Shouldn't we work out some kind of "standard" set of sounds and effects? I mean if one designer uses "Sound=5/Sound Param=4" to play the sound of water and other one uses the same parameters and sound files to play city noise or something then it will cause a conflict and will ruin one of the sceneries. ----- For Explorers Tec Level not recomended for Newcomers requires knowledge of effects and use of bglplacer from special effects sdk and understanding of Special effects sdk docs Iv'e Been Tinkering with sound effects etc I have made some discovery for Fs2002 that may be usefull to scenery designers etc As many of you already know Fssoundscape from Lago is and advanced sound placement tool. Well I have made a discovery and done some intial experimentation with an alternative idea not as all encompassing as Lagos but Free and open to almost everyone and may have some better results after experimenting Firstly I copied CFS2 Sound directory to Fs2002 and merged the two Then I copied all the CFS2 effects directory to Fs2002 and merged it with Fs2002s effects dir I then used BGLPlacer from FS2002 special effects sdk to make a new bgl that simply refered to one of the fx files that contained a sound parameter fx_guns.fx Lifetime=5 Version=1.00 Damage=1 Hitpoints=30.00, 70.00 Magnitude=20000.00, 20000.00 Time=0.30, 0.30 Range=50.00, 100.00 Sound=5 Sound Param=37 etc etc The Guts of all this is that previously one was limmited to one fireworks sound fx for an object whereas now if you understand the extra ai sounds that are called upon through the fx file you now can have heaps more (unsure of how many to be exact) Example lets say you have an explosion fx ie fx_fatal_explosion_l.fx called upon through BGLplacer set at a certain geographical location you can then go to that spot in FS and watch and hear it happen You may then want to modify the fx_fatal_explosion_l.fx or rename and modify it to what you want .Essentialy you could dispose of the visual side of the effect and just have an emmiter emiting the prefered sound and as long as you understand the wav or series of wav files called upon by the fx_fatal_explosion_l,fx you can then modify the wave file to reflect what you want there instead so as an exsample you may make a rotor wash ocur which normally is ocuring with the Bell helecopter to happen at a certain place and have it makeing a whirlwind sound or mini tornado etc Or for a quick exsample without using bglplacer you could modify the fx_tchdrt.fx and make the beginning to look like this Lifetime=5 Version=1.00 Damage=1 Hitpoints=5.00, 8.00 Magnitude=5000.00, 5000.00 Time=0.30, 0.30 Range=10.00, 10.00 Fire=1 Fire Delay=5.00 Sound=5 Sound Param=28 you will then notice a particular sound belonging to that fx when you take of on the bell on farmland for this example and when you land. The trick is working out what wave file is being played and then modify it so it plays the sound you want so in the end the amb_wexp4a.wav file or whatever plays what you want to hear instead of the big explosion the rest is just manipulating the fx file for your own purpose whether you want to see a visual effect or just to have it as a effect that emitts sound. And as you know the effects can be timed or random or distance trigger'd by the {Type Parameter} You could potentialy make a mountain.fx that was triggeged by distance and on aproaching the area you set of a effect that behaves like an avalanche and emmits the rolling thunderous soud of such an event Sounds seem to be dictated by the FX name and the Sound Param= entry I also found that this statement by MS isnt true entirly source (FS2002 Effects.doc) (The version number of the internal effects tool used for Flight Simulator. Do not edit this parameter. Version=2.00 is the only value that is recognized by Flight Simulator.) I have been using version 1 as they are found in CFS2 for what its worth Once you work out the sequence of wave files that belong to a effect you can really have some fun and anyone that has got some knowledge here would be greatly appreciated ie what hapens on Sound Param=28 or Sound Param=34 Very eager for feedback and will upload an example to my website soon at http://nzcoaster.kiwiclub.com in the mean time those that can have a look at this let me know what you think as it opens up some interesting possibilities Kind Regards and Sorry about the length of this post Greg New Zealand First you have a effects controller file. This controls where you must be located to hear the effect. This effect controller file must be placed into the scenery, at the locations you want to hear the sound. I placed one at each terminal at LAX. Second you have the effect file that actually plays the sound. This file is called by the controller file when specified. ADE can place effects into the scenery, if you have used that program to create your Cape Canaveral airport (or you can load your AFCAD bgl file into ADE and use ADE from this point forward). If not, you can use XML and bglcomp to place them manually. This is not too hard. The controller file (Cntl_parking_announce.fx), looks like this: [Library Effect] Lifetime=5 Version=1.00 Radius=61 Priority=0 [controller.0] Lifetime=0.00, 0.00 Type=3 Delay=10.0, 10.0 distance=61,61 X Offset=0.00, 0.00 Y Offset=0.00, 0.00 Z Offset=0.00, 0.00 effect.0=fx_parking_announce, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 So make a copy of my controller (in your FS2004/Effects folder) and paste it back in. Then rename it to something like Cntl_Canaveral_announce.fx. The only line you must change is the last one, to point to your sound effect file, not mine. Just change the file name. You may also want to change the Radius=, distance=, and Delay= lines, if you want the trigger area to be larger/smaller, or the sound to start sooner/later (and the length of silence between announcement repeats). So now we come to the sound effect file itself (fx_parking_announce.fx). The only important part of this file is at the top: [Library Effect] Lifetime=5 Version=2.00 Radius=0 Priority=0 Sound=5 Sound Param=31 [Properties] Cockpit=1 VirtualCockpit=1 Spot=1 Tower=1 Map=1 The Emitter section below does nothing - it just makes it a valid effect file. So make a copy of this file and rename the copy something like fx_Canaveral_announce.fx. The important lines here are the Sound= and the Sound Param= lines. The Sound= line determines how the sound will be played (5 = play once; the controller repeats it). and the Sound Param= line determines which WAV file will be played. These WAV file names are all *hard coded* in FS and cannot be changed. There are a limited number of WAV file names and they cannot be used more than once in FS - you can use only one each in your entire FS9 installation. The sound parameters and associate file names are: ---------------------------------------------------- Sound filenames associated with effects file entries ---------------------------------------------------- Sound type "5" Where three filenames are listed, one will play at random at each initiation of the effect... ---------------------------------------------------- FX file entry sound file(s) ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=0 firework.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=3 xvlg_exp.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=4 amb_aexp1a.wav amb_aexp1b.wav amb_aexp1c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=7 amb_aexp2a.wav amb_aexp2b.wav amb_aexp2c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=10 amb_aexp3a.wav amb_aexp3b.wav amb_aexp3c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=13 amb_aexp4a.wav amb_aexp4b.wav amb_aexp4c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=16 amb_wexp1a.wav amb_wexp1b.wav amb_wexp1c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=19 amb_wexp2a.wav amb_wexp2b.wav amb_wexp2c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=22 amb_wexp3a.wav amb_wexp3b.wav amb_wexp3c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=25 amb_wexp4a.wav amb_wexp4b.wav amb_wexp4c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=28 amb_gexp1a.wav amb_gexp1b.wav amb_gexp1c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=31 amb_gexp2a.wav amb_gexp2b.wav amb_gexp2c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=34 amb_gexp3a.wav amb_gexp3b.wav amb_gexp3c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=5 Sound Param=37 amb_gexp4a.wav amb_gexp4b.wav amb_gexp4c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound type "6" These sounds play at one of four different "speeds" or "tones", chosen randomly each time by the Sim... The filename listed will play at each initiation of the effect, with four possible variations... ---------------------------------------------------- FX file entry sound file(s) ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=1 imp_large_a.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=2 imp_large_b.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=3 imp_large_c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=4 imp_large_d.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=5 imp_large_e.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=6 imp_med_a.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=7 imp_med_b.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=8 imp_med_c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=9 imp_med_d.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=10 imp_med_e.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=11 imp_small_a.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=12 imp_small_b.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=13 imp_small_c.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=14 imp_small_d.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=15 imp_small_e.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=16 imp_small_f.wav ---------------------------------------------------- Sound=6 Sound Param=17 imp_small_g.wav ---------------------------------------------------- The Sound=5 sounds are for scenery, while I use the Sound=6 sounds for my AI sounds . So you'll need to use Sound=5. I've already used Sound Param=31, so you will need to use another one. BTW, you can have up to 3 different announcements - they will play randomly. I instead have 3 identical WAV files so the same announcement plays all the time. Look in your main FS2004 Sound folder and you will see amb_gexp2a.wav, amb_gexp2b.wav, and amb_gexp2c.wav. These are my parking announcements. Your wav files will go here too. Other scenery creators have also used some sounds in their sceneries but I don't use non-CalClassic scenery, so that's not a problem for me. You can look in your Sound folder for any other WAV files starting with amb_ - avoid using those. They often used the lower Sound Param numbers, so that's why I used a large one (31). I would do the same and use a number like 34, if available on your machine. Hope this helps,
  8. Hi, Have you tried pressing F1 first to make sure you are firmly on the ground before exiting Slew?
  9. What did you use to edit the AP file? If ADE or AFCAD, you probably removed several other default airports from the sim. If jabbgl, you should be fine.
  10. Hi, Quit FS first. Open your fs9.cfg file (typically found in the Users/[your user name]/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/FS9 folder) and look for the line that starts with: SITUATION=C:\Users\Jetline\Documents\Classic FS Files\Previous flight (your path after the equals sign will be different). Edit this to: SITUATION= And save the file. Restart FS and it should load the default Cessna at SeaTac. Hope this helps,
  11. Jabbbgl modifies the default airport files, which is not useful if you release the airport to others. But it is an option for personal use.
  12. 1. Get a flash drive or external hard drive (or blank CD or DVD, or cloud space). 2. Make logical folders on your backup media for your files. I use AI Source, AI Traffic, and AI Aircraft. 3. Copy all the folders that contain your source .TXT files for the traffic BGL files (if present, wherever you keep them) and paste onto your backup media (into the AI Source folder). 4. Copy/paste all the files (or folders) that contain the traffic BGL files. These are usually BGL files found in the FS/Scenery/World/scenery folder or folders in the FS/Addon Scenery folder (into the AI Traffic folder). 5. Copy/paste all the AI aircraft folders in the FS/Aircraft folder (into the AI Aircraft folder). I make sure that every AI aircraft I use (except default aircraft) have a folder name that starts with AI, that way this step is easy. That's it - typically you should have everything backed up.
  13. Try putting a copy of the ADE/AFCAD/AFX BGL file (whichever it has) into the Scenery/World/scenery folder.
  14. If you are referring to the view out the window Luis has some good advice there. :) If you are instead referring to the view mode (i.e. 2D cockpit vs 3D VC), I don't know of a way to specify that for all cases using the Select Aircraft menu. FSX has a setting for that, but not FS2004. But if you are in the VC of your current aircraft, choosing another aircraft will put you directly into the VC.
  15. Hi, That's the same code that ADE uses to place a beacon anywhere you like. For those airports where we are still using AFCAD, we also use the code you posted above.
  16. I have not found a way to make AI taildraggers taxi better than they do, although the default Piper Cub is useless - I use a replacement flyable flight dynamics package (available most places) for that. Even so, it is not perfect.
  17. I believe that both of those gauges use the Water Rudder to extend/retract the lights, so if that is true for the Cessna the default key combo would be Shift-W. Worth a try.
  18. Hi, You have an interesting aircraft there - the aircraft.cfg file is based on the FS2002 DC-7. :) I don't see a problem, those fuel gauges read up to 10000 pounds of fuel, and none of those tanks hold over 9200. What does the tooltip of the left main fuel gauge say when you have 50% fuel in it?
  19. You can check which FS fuel tanks are being used in the FUEL section of the plane's aircraft.cfg file. It will look something like this: LeftMain =0,-10,0,1000,10 RightMain=0, 10,0,1000,10 LeftAux =0,-20,0, 800,10 RightAux =0, 20,0, 800,10 That tells me that the Main and Aux tanks are being used. The fuel gauges used must be reading from those tanks. On my DC-4 that is what is being read from the VC gauges. Hope this helps,
  20. Wow, that's amazing news!
  21. Scroll to the bottom of the page: http://www.fsuipc.com/
  22. Hi, Use Airport Design Editor to create your new airport (runways, taxiways, etc). There is a section in the ADE manual on creating a new airport. You can also place objects (buildings, etc.) using ADE - there are many addon library files that will expand the variety of objects you can add. Read about the ADE Library Object Manager and placing objects. You will also need to create an airport polygon, this can be done by a program called SBuilder. This will help you get rid of the default autogen (buildings, trees) on your airport's grounds. Using the Exclude feature in ADE can finish that process, if needed for any other unwanted objects not removed by the airport polygon or an SBuilder exclude area (if needed).
  23. Available on my Scenery Page: http://www.calclassic.com/scenery.htm Hope this helps,
  24. This is probably your problem: https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/tip-compiler-error-c1003-failed-to-create-msxml-object.429868/
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