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Everything posted by tgibson_new

  1. I agree, his Lodestar is great.
  2. I have found that as long as you use a few flyable planes at any given airport they are fine. But if you are using dozens at a large airport like KLAX or KJFK I do see a frame rate hit. That said, others have told me they see no frame rate hit, so I assume it must be computer dependent.
  3. If the airport is not level you cannot use AI aircraft there - they will taxi only at the airport altitude and thus will be underground in some areas of the airport and in the air in others.
  4. If you mean the FS2004 real weather, it no longer works. Search the forum here for multiple threads on potential replacements.
  5. As long as you keep the folder name of the desired copy the same as the one originally installed, you should be OK.
  6. As far as I know, I don't think they are easily usable. But most of those planes are available in FS9 format.
  7. Hi, You can use a flyable plane for AI, just don't use too many of them. You might have to change out the flight dynamics, but that's not too hard in most cases.
  8. When you copied the fs9.exe file from the Default to the Fresh you might have overwritten the no-CD patch? I know you said you didn't, but try reinstalling the no-CD patch into the Fresh folder. The other problem may be the copying of the fs9.cfg file over to the new machine. Due to video card settings in that old cfg file it may not work with the new one. Try renaming it to fs9.cfg.win7 and restart FS. It will create a new one and that might work better.
  9. Actually, we showed that NOT changing the zoom messed up the distance perspective. The only way we found to keep the same perspective as we had when using a 4:3 monitor was to change the zoom value.
  10. BTW, if your plane's panel.cfg file does not include a Views section you can always add one. The default views are: [VIEWS] VIEW_FORWARD_ZOOM=1.0 VIEW_FORWARD_DIR=1.000, 0.000, 0.000 These values apply if there is no Views section present, as well. The first line sets the zoom used when the 2D panel is in view. The second line sets the view angle (up/down), to allow one to get a view of the horizon at eye level (when the plane is level), which is almost always the correct angle. Many panels (including the horrid default panels) use a partial outside view - i.e. the view outside does not stretch from the top all the way to the bottom of the screen. But this is the only way to get a proper view proportion out the window. An example of a default panel's section at the bottom of the panel.cfg file - this is from the Cessna 172 panel: [Default View] X=0 Y=0 SIZE_X=8192 SIZE_Y=2500 This says that the X scale is full screen (8192), while the Y scale is only part of it (2500). The ONLY advantage of this system (that I know of) is that you do not need to set a VIEW_FORWARD_DIR value other than the default 1.0. But this leads to a distorted view out the window, IMO. To test that press the W key twice, which removes the panel and gives you a full screen outside view. See how things change between the two? Press the W key again to get the panel back. To improve that, let's set SIZE_Y=6144, which gives us a full screen height for the outside view. Save the file and reload the plane. What? Where's the ground? It's behind the 2D panel. How to fix this? We change the VIEW_FORWARD_DIR value until the horizon is at our eye line. Since this panel does not contain a Views section, I will add one. At the same time, I'll set the zoom to 0.750 for my 16:9 widescreen monitor: [VIEWS] VIEW_FORWARD_ZOOM=0.750 VIEW_FORWARD_DIR=11.000, 0.000, 0.000 traditionally, this section goes between the Window Titles and Window00 sections. Now save it and reload the plane. Ah, we're back in business. Press W twice. No change of view results. Hope this helps,
  11. Hi, Back in the day there was a long conversation about this. The reason you are getting incorrect views with your widescreen monitor is that you haven't changed the ZOOM. When the screen gets wider, the zoom must get lower - that way the same amount of scenery top to bottom is viewable, and you get the benefit of more scenery viewable on the sides. What's more, that's the only way to keep the proper view proportions out the window. FSX took care of this with a widescreen switch in the fsx.cfg file, but when using FS2004 you must do this with the zoom control manually. But how much do you need to reduce the zoom? FS2004 was designed to use 4:3 monitors, and to use a zoom value of 1 for the "correct" view. I know many people use a lower zoom value to see more, but that will distort your view. A large widescreen monitor will help with this and let you use a normal zoom value instead. As the screen proportion widens from 4:3 you will need to lower your zoom value to compensate. Before I get into the math, the typical values are: 16:9 proportion: zoom = 0.75 16:10 proportion: zoom = 0.83 (I use 0.85) Here's how to calculate how much: 1. Divide your display height by the width. For example, if you use a 1600 x 1000 display ratio, then 1000 / 1600 is 0.625. 2. Now divide this number by 0.75, the display ratio of a standard "square" screen (4:3). In our example, 0.625 / 0.75 = 0.83. 3. Adjust this number to the nearest 0.5 value. This is your new desired Zoom value. In our example, 0.83 becomes 0.85. 4. For the 2D panel, edit the Views section of the panel.cfg file found in the plane's panel folder to change the zoom values to your new zoom value (0.850 in our example). 5. After loading the plane, in VC View change the zoom to your new value and save a Flight. Hope this helps,
  12. Hi, I just added it to my 707-120v7 with no problems. First, copy the folder texture.boeing_airplane_company_707-121_n708pa_1958 from the zip file and paste it into your HJG Boeing 707-120 v7 folder (or whatever you named this plane's folder). Do you have any other liveries for this plane already or is this your first one? Do a search for fltsim within this cfg file to confirm that this is the first livery. If the first one: Copy and paste the following into the aircraft.cfg file, just below the line: // Copyright Historic Jetliners Group. No uploading of HJG materials to any website without prior approval. Here is what to copy and paste: [fltsim.0] // Change "xx" to next number in sequence starting from 0 title=HJG B707-120 Boeing Demonstrator N708PA 1958 sim=B707-120 model=04 panel= sound= texture=boeing_airplane_company_707-121_n708pa_1958 kb_checklists=boeing707-120_check kb_reference=boeing707-120_ref visual_damage=1 description=HJG Boeing 707-120. Repaint By Ben Hartmann Of HJG. Copyright HJG 2008. ui_manufacturer=Boeing ui_type=707-120 ui_variation=Boeing (1958) atc_id=N708PA atc_airline=BOEING atc_flight_number=707 atc_heavy=0 atc_parking_codes=AAL atc_parking_types=GATE,CARGO,RAMP If this is not the first livery for this plane, paste the above section into the aircraft.cfg file directly below the last fltsim section present. Then number it one higher than the one above it. THEY MUST BE IN EXACT NUMERICAL ORDER, TOP TO BOTTOM. Now look in FS2004 under Select Aircraft/Boeing/707-120/Boeing (1958). Hopefully it will be there. If not, confirm that these files/folders are inside the 707-120's folder: model.04 folder B707-120.air file Hope this helps,
  13. Hi, Yep, mine is the same. Pretty cheesy.
  14. Is this the VC or the 2D cockpit. If the VC, you use the eyepoint= line in the Views section of the aircraft.cfg file to move your position. If the 2D panel you would have to draw a new bitmap with the center point where you drew your red line, and move all the gauges over.
  15. mrzippy, the gauge that sends that error was written by a German and thus the German error message. Your Windows language makes no difference.
  16. PS. I think the error message is Sound Ungultig, not ungluing. It means there is a missing sound file for the panel gauges.
  17. Where did you get the CV-440 and CV-340? Get them from here: http://www.calclassic.com/convair.htm Install the CV-340 Base Pack to get the panel and sounds. Then install the CV-440 Base Pack to get the 440 plane. Then install your Jet One Express livery into the CV-440 folder in your Aircraft folder. Hope this helps,
  18. If your monitor offers presets you could set one for FS2004 Full Screen, which would get you closer?
  19. Another choice would be Windows 7 - runs FS2004 great and all the up to date utilities still run on it.
  20. As I warned you it's not a simple click and go procedure in ADE, as it is in Approach Maker. I would load a default ILS approach and duplicate much of that to get your approach working in ADE. To get to Approach Mode click the black Approach Mode button in the upper right of the ADE screen.
  21. Hi, While FS has an ILS frequency for the runway, apparently no one has created an ILS *approach* for that runway. Thus ATC gives a visual approach, and does not prioritize that end. ADE can create such an approach, although it's not a "single click" kind of thing for existing ILSs. If this ILS is not from stock it could be deleted and then re-added, at which point ADE will offer an Add ILS Approach checkbox to the Add ILS dialog box.
  22. Hi, They appear to be painted on the fuselage texture? A quick color change on the Lockheed_Vega_T.bmp texture should do it? I use DXTBmp to access these textures.
  23. Is this always true for a certain model (i.e. MDL file), or just different liveries on the same model?
  24. The problem with that location is when you try to use a utility program for FS some of them will fail when they can't write the file there.
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