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Everything posted by dogdish

  1. 1. Will most likely be needed for any serious aircraft add-ons. 2. Detects what aircraft is loaded and AUTOMATICALLY loads your custom controller setup (example Yoke for Boeing, Joystick for Airbus)
  2. https://liveriesmegapack.com/LiveriesMegaPackVersion11.3.zip Was pointing directly to the livery pack download. Now points you to Discord. If you snooze you lose. Will have to get it from Discord or maybe it can be found at other flight sim websites. Clink123 use to freely distribute it. Now getting all commercial about it $$$. Oh well, plenty of updated liveries in the FlightSim library.
  3. Excellent! I think my Defender has been on the entire time. But will keep it in mind if I start having crashes.
  4. I concur (Always wanted to say that from the movie Catch Me If You Can). Noticed it last night.
  5. Hi mac6737, I didn't want to do a direct link because I thought it could change, so look for this... Hiya Rick, My alias actually was a old password, don't really care what anybody calls me. Just don't say "Hi Jack" if you ever see me onboard a airliner :)
  6. Feel for you. I gave up that back in Windows 98 days, I NEVER assume the O/S and software "needs to be refreshed" and go through all that unnecessary work. Have you tried removing individual memory sticks and see if it will load?
  7. I unzipped the LiveriesMegaPackVersion11.3.zip (Takes awhile) in the download folder, and cut and paste my favorite Aircraft/liveries to the "Community" folder. You just use what you want.
  8. The LiveryMegaPack v11.3 was updated to work with MSFS v1.10.7.0 and later. If you don't want to register at Discord, found at... https://msfsaddons.com/
  9. See... https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?327036-Issues-with-Community-liveries-with-v1-10-8-0
  10. Here's a older thread with more install information... https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?325585-is-fs2020-installable-on-different-drives-then-c-so-d-e-and-f-for-example
  11. You should edit that. Should be "As I said..." :) EDIT: Or in this case, "As I wrote..." ;)
  12. If I may add to your Nitpick list.... Everytime I see "Gib" in the menus, reminds me of "Giblets" as in exploding characters in First Person Shooters :) However checking Google, it is correct...
  13. 1. The LiveryMegaPack liveries can be selected, but only show as the default MSFS livery in the Hanger. 2. Sometimes the aircraft is BLURRY while in the Hanger. 3. Selected livery in flight is wrong (example Air New Zealand in ATC as a Ethihad) Did I miss something or are there newer versions?
  14. I stopped using GeForce Experience when they required registering. However I made a few Windows and Geforce driver settings recommended by JayzTwoCents here... Maybe this also was reason for settings changing in MSFS?
  15. Says release window about Q2 2021. They work regular jobs and work on QualityWings projects part time. Hope they can meet their deadline!
  16. If MSFS can't load scenery on-line, will change your settings to off-line. Mine turned off right after updating (A dialog box popped-up) for some reason (Glitch?), so I turned the settings back on. Now back to normal. Check your settings.
  17. Don't thank me, thank Google translate. Only French I know is "Oui" and "French Fries" :)
  18. Since you overclock your CPU and have a power hungry GPU, I would get a 1000 watt
  19. Too bad Carenado does not sell their planes direct for MSFS like all the other sims. That way they could be held accountable.
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