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Everything posted by dogdish

  1. OK, took me awhile (WTH!) to figure out what was going on too!
  2. Frits, If you click on the Prerequisites button at the bottom, you will find that they need version 1.9.4 The latest version of MSFS as of this post is 1.9.3 So just think of those packages as a preview. When Asobo releases version 1.9.4 (Or whatever it is), those packages will all download/update. They may even show future prerequisites.
  3. Hi Robert, This is the forum for Microsofts failed attempt at a simulator comeback. You probably want either the FSX or P3D forum for your PMDG. I would contact a mod and have him move your post.
  4. Greetings Tim, That shouldn't be too much of a problem. Trying to keep the sim as virgin as possible :). Just have a few liveries and Orbx cross platform airports that were discounted.
  5. Looks like the Content page is beginning to fill with items "Ready" to download, but won't download. I checked the Prerequisites for each and they say you need version 1.9.4 So guess Coming Soon to a MSFS near you!
  6. Unless your getting a annoying frame rate slow down in 1080p, I would use that because that's the default resolution (Native) of your display. If it's too large on the display, you can make a smaller, custom size in the Nvidia control panel.
  7. I'm using a wired Xbox 360 controller. Have not had ANY issues at all with it. When you say you "press the RT and LT buttons slowly, the rudder wobbles.", I hope you mean pressing one or the other and not both at the same time. Do you by chance have the auto rudder left on? If so uncheck it. I also created my own custom setup specifically with the left and right index finger buttons (Not the rudder axis which I left as is) for left and right differential braking which helps steer the plane around on the runways.
  8. I've seen with my own eyes about the livery problem, but why is the default livery correct on BOTH sides?
  9. What happened to VR Dude? He would be all over this like white on rice
  10. JEEZE, I hope they have a EXTRA LARGE team working on it or it could be a while!
  11. You could do like I did with payware TSS sound files. Made a folder SimObjects\Airplanes\Turbine Sound Studios Then made subfolders inside that for each engine or aircraft type. Then just alias to them from any aircrafts Sound folder with the sound.cfg
  12. THANKS, probably a Asobo patch logistical error. I guess I'll leave it alone then.
  13. There IS a checkable box next to it, didn't try downloading it yet, away from my MSFS computer at the moment.
  14. I have... Asobo-Flights-Commercial-Flight by Asobo 2.29Mb Anybody else with same or different? Also, nice to see the oceans have finally come to life.
  15. The patch v1.9.3 is suppose to now include a CH Eclipse Yoke preset. I have the standard CH Yoke so don't know how well it works.
  16. Does the Logitech driver support the discontinued Saitek BIP in MSFS 2020?
  17. Seems according to JayzTwoCents vendor cards have varying capacitor quality that can cause crashing/artifacting. Glad I waited and did not sleep outside a computer store for two nights to get one!
  18. Sim runs great so don't want to fix what ain't broke! :) Maybe future patch might fix this
  19. I must be missing something because without cable connected, the sim asks for disc Did this... Did this... As soon as I connect cable, can proceed BTW Caution: Turn off your computer when plugging/unplugging RJ45 cable - not a hot swap connection.
  20. I saw one of your posts before I got MSFS with those instructions and designated for off-line. Maybe I needed to do that AFTER install? Are you sure you can COMPLETLY disconnect the cable and load the sim?
  21. I created a 9 Terabyte manual cache file and it took OVER 36 HOURS!
  22. I have the download version. When I installed it, MSFS asked if I will be using the streaming or use off-line data. I chose streaming. As a experiment, I turned off the Bing Data World Graphics/Photogrammetry and was able to use it that way. However dis-connecting the internet cable entirely MSFS asks for a disc. So it must do a validation check even when in off-line mode. So looks like if you have a laptop and go on a trip without internet, you better get the disc version.
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