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Everything posted by dogdish

  1. Since your on the subject of on-line/off-line. I switched off the Bing Data World Graphics/Photogrammetry (Or whatever it is called) setting and even dis-connected my modem cable. I was able to fly OFF-LINE, once. The next time I loaded up the sim, it was asking me to insert disc? This is a download version. So how does one switch on/off line WHILE OFF-LINE?
  2. Was that a Can or Can't afford a larger SSD right now? I would get larger drive and clone existing files to it.
  3. Tiger, have you tried placing a .ogg file in the community folder and use a .json file pointing to it? I was hoping doing something like this (like adding aircraft textures) might work.
  4. There are a couple of requests for this function at the flightsimulator forums, go vote for for one! https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/msfs-needs-a-verify-integrity-of-files-function/277534 In the meantime, if somebody wants to take the time to post name of packages and file size would do.
  5. Obtuse = "Shawshank Redemption" :) Wonder if there is a start line parameter like -fastlaunch to open a saved flight?
  6. Report it to... https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new ...so it gets fixed. In the meantime use one of the tundra tire equipped aircraft... Cub Crafter X Cub Zlin Savage Cub Zlin Shock Ultra ...and stay out of the holes :)
  7. Greetings Charles and welcome to FlightSim! LOL Your post was not there when I came to the same conclusion a day later :) I guess new members posts must get delayed for approval. If you want to experiment with the file, BE SURE TO MAKE A BACKUP FIRST. I was hoping there was a way to add music to the Community folder so we wouldn't have to monkey with the original file. Just found this on Google...
  8. Here I was happy with the Top Gun theme, Danger Zone and the music from the 2015 Boeing 787 Paris Airshow video on YouTube Think the menu music is tucked away inside here... Now need somebody to figure out how to crack it open :confused:
  9. I installed it all off of drive C: Prepar3D has you put add-ons in the Documents folder, which can become quite large. Windows allows you to move it, so I put it on D: (This is also where MSFS saves files to) Prior to installing MSFS, Windows allows the installation of WindowsApps where you want, so I also put it on D: This also created a Program Files (Which is empty) and WpSystem folder. When I installed MSFS, the pre-install app went into the WindowApps folder. Then when it starts you can choose where to install the main folder. Forgive my anal retentive MSFS folder name, I can't help it :) Once installed, MSFS allows you to specify where to put the cache, which I put on my WD HDD G:
  10. First, your going to need a dumpster. You would have to upgrade too many items and the proprietary architecture of that system is too limited.
  11. FSX was easy. Just drop in a .wav file and select it in the sound settings. With all these packaged elements of MSFS, not sure how to go about it and I'm all ready tired of the current three choices.
  12. Some motherboards have a "Direct to BIOS" button (Mine does). That's why I suggested you check your motherboard manual. But since you want to be a smartass, your on your own.
  13. Yeah my 4 year old Titan X (980 Maxwell) with 12Gb memory also runs fine 1080P @ 30FPS on Ultra. I'm going to pass on the RTX3000 series and wait for RTX4000 (Or whatever they choose to call it). Want to be able to do 4K @ 60FPS. RTX3090 will probably do it, but don't want to spend $1500.00!
  14. Looks like it works well when you jump to 4K, otherwise RTX 2080 TI only about a frame slower at lower resolution.
  15. Well? Waiting for feedback from you brave souls. Might wait a few days before I update it :)
  16. Probably need to enable USB Legacy mode or something like that in BIOS. Check your manual.
  17. WD-40 is not a lubricant, more of a solvent. Good for cleaning prior to lubricant. I have the CH Yoke and used Graphite, which will not attract dust and make things worse like grease. Teflon is also good. Since your yoke is out of warranty, you can take it apart to give it a thorough cleaning/lube.
  18. Does it bind itself into book form also? I thought not. Well do have a three hole punch and a ring binder.
  19. You could save different profiles for each aircraft, however AFAIK, sim does not automatically select each by loaded aircraft. FSUIPC payware DOES support this feature (It does for Prepar3D/FSX/FS9 anyways), but version 7 for MSFS still in beta.
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