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Everything posted by zswobbie1

  1. 'Shrug', It's helped me more thane once. Worth a try, if nor tried already.
  2. Virtual Pilot is actually a paid old package of the Freeware FlightGear from http://www.flightgear.org. Anybody actually buying something that is actually freeware is nuts. Any comments from them MUST be takenb with a pinch of salt!! Here goes.. NO pricing has been released yet for Microsoft Flight Simulator known as MSFS. NOT 2020, or any other names. No release date either. The sim is still in Alpha testing. Then comes beta resting, then release. So plenty time. It is rather silly to say that it should be cheaper than FSX, as it may have fewer planes.. Technology within the new sim, from what we have seen, is actually quite stunning, with realtime weather & AI aircraft. Have a look at the videos that have been released so far, it cannot be compared to FSX. Look at https://www.flightsimulator.com/ It will be available for PC first, later for Xbox, it is said, with 3 modes, NOT versions of usage.. Flying on line, with live streaming scenery, Cacheíng the scenery, & flying with default scenery. The aircraft, compared to FSX will be far more accurate with their interaction with air, wind & rain. Google Virtual Pilot 3D scam for more info..
  3. Milto & team made quite a range of D18's, wheel, ski, amphibian & floats, I have them all, as well as the CR1 Beech 18. Luv 'em all!
  4. I'm running Window 10, fully updated, Windows Defender as an anti-virus (I had used Avast for many years) & Malwarebytes, NEVER an issue. What you can try, is re-create the FS9.cft. Just delete the current one (backup first) & restart the sim. A new cfg will be created & you will have to reassign the keys. To find the fs9.cfg easily, download a search engine called everything from http://www.voidtools.com It is the fastest desktop search engine that searches as you start typing. UAC is a waste of time, keep it off. All it does is nag!
  5. Have a look at the first post in the FS2004 forum, right here, on how to get FS2004 working in Windows 10.
  6. Current is FSX:SE from https://store.steampowered.com/app/314160/Microsoft_Flight_Simulator_X_Steam_Edition/ OR P3D from https://www.prepar3d.com/ OR wait for the forthcoming Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) hopefully out before the year end. For something free & VERY good, try FlightGear https://www.flightgear.org/ The current state of your PC will dictate which sim will work well.
  7. Mine would be a classic.. The tri-motor DC-3 turbo prop!! Real flying!
  8. And there may be more than a single beta, before going to a release candidate.
  9. I also have a collection of suitable boats & cars, so I create my own adventures as well. Have a look for Bugatti Adventures at http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links_search.php This is Lionheart's former payware package with 10 aircraft, 3 scenery installations, AI traffic, and 26 missions that bring you into the life of a air racer pilot back in the 1940's. It is centered around the wild and fantastic Bugatti air racer, a wild bullet shaped, 'rocket' like plane with twin dual opposed propellors and fitted with two 'Formula One' Grand Prix racing engines, each specially case in Magnesium for extremely light weight. They were dual overhead cam, straight eight engines, each fitted with a Super Charger, sporting phenominal torque that was fed into a large gear box in the nose of the plane which then poured the power into the dual opposed props at the nose cone. Very worthy indeed to add into Golden Wings.
  10. IMHO, no rush at all to buy anything now. We still have quite a few months to go, as well as a few more iterations of Alpha, then Beta, then finally release candidate, so, throwing money at PC hardware now, is a bit too early. Rather be patient & wait, new hardware is always being released, & worth waiting for.
  11. Hi Bernard, what I did as well, was to combine GW with Garry Smith's Ford Tri-Motor Project scenery. Garry did say that simming is all about Fun, Facts & Fiction. & his scenery goes great with the era. Maybe it's not 'true' scenery, but for me, still a great deal of fun.
  12. Me.. Hi Bernard, I'm a Golden Winger, with period aircraft, vehicles & zeppelins. I also hae a Vintage install, using Golden Wings scenery, but only with vintage aircraft. Looking forward to your thoughts. BTW, you know about the Russian Golden Wings site? http://rusaviagold.narod.ru/ Regards,
  13. I have quite a few sceneries that do have sound. You can hear birds, dogs & other ambient sounds. If I recall, Misty Fjords was one of the sceneries, there are quite a few others. LAGO added ambient sounds as well.
  14. It's not free, This product is available for 13.90 Euros.
  15. Laptop.. Asus i5 8gb ram, 1tb drive, additional screen, running 8 unique FS9 installs. Perfect for me, I can take it anywhere, CHProducts yoke & pedals & also a joystick. LOL, I remember a couple of years ago, we used to load up our cars to take our kit to our virtual club meetings.. box, 2x monitors, keyboard, headphones, mouse portable drives & so on. Often forgetting to pack something. Then connecting everything up, finding power points & switching on. Then switching off, as maybe a card or ram came loose in the car. Opening the box, and pressing the ram & any other cards to make sure all is seated firmly. Then switching on, & maybe repeating. That's about 15-30 minutes of flying time. Then packing it all up, going home, connecting all up, switching on, switching off...... repeat as needed. The good old days..
  16. zswobbie1

    FS2004 Backup?

    Well, for me, Teracopy is just a matter of copy & paste.. Simple, no need to go to a command prompt. One the copy to the separate drive is done, then a simple fs9.exe & folder rename, & a copy back to the PC, there's an additional install. Different strokes, I suppose!
  17. zswobbie1

    FS2004 Backup?

    Pleasure, Andrew, plenty of blood, sweat, tears, & where the h_ll is that add-on! & if only I can remember how I did that! All the best, from Cape Town.
  18. zswobbie1

    FS2004 Backup?

    I created a folder called 'Flight Sims' & pasted the files into that folder. You can give that folder any name you like. It just keeps everything in one place. Setting up multiple installs is very easy.. See here... https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/content.php?19087-How-to-Create-Multiple-Installs-of-FS2004 PM me if you get stuck!
  19. zswobbie1

    FS2004 Backup?

    It's easy to make a backup of FS2004.. Nothing fancy needed! 1. Get a portable hard drive 2. Copy the whole Flight Simulator 9 folder (from C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games to the portable drive 3. Copy Flight Simulator Files from My Documents to the portable drive 4. Copy the fs9.cfg to the portable drive The easiest way to find this, is to download Everything from https://www.voidtools.com/ It's the fastest desktop search engine, & it will find what you are looking for as you type. 5. Download the Registry Repair tool from https://www.flight1.com/view.asp?page=library & paste it on the portable drive.. (after copying & pasting the backup sim, run this, & it will tell the registry where the sim is situated. I use Teracopy from https://www.codesector.com/teracopy This is the fastest copy utility I've found. I have a backup on my portable drive that I've used many times to install multiple instances of FS2004 (I have 8 different versions currently) So, no drama at all to backup FS2004. NOTE: You will probably have to re-install PAYWARE add-ons.
  20. Being a bit different, there is a bit of a learning curve, but the planes are great. They even have a Space Shuttle that is quite awesome & detailed. It comes with a basic set of planes & scenery & you can install planes from the Aircraft menu, as well as scenery., which, as you can see from the shots, are very impressive. Worth a try, totally configuarable (spelling!) good fun. I have an i5 8gb laptop, running FS2004 as my main sim (8 different installs) but thats another story.
  21. Did you try install it in C:/ or anywhere else apart from it's default Program Files? Did you try run in XP Compatibility Mode & as Administrator?
  22. Have a look at FlighGear.. Some really detailed planes, & the scenery is excelent.. It's not spoken about because it's if free, but very worthy of looking at. https://www.flightgear.org/ Have a look here for images.. https://www.google.com/search?q=flightgear&sxsrf=ALeKk03YG9f9_L4T-eDVtWP1dYAD5J71ag:1591025753009&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj8ntjm-ODpAhVCtXEKHb52DnAQ_AUoAXoECBUQAw&biw=1682&bih=762
  23. Bearcat has Windows 10, so it is a different procedure to Windows 7. The sims work perfectly with Windows 10. Mine is updated regularly, never an issue! Just follow the 'How to' steps in the top of the FS2004 forum.
  24. Having a look at the top of the FS2004 forum, right here, could help as well.
  25. And Pete has made FSUIPC free for FS2004!! Thanks Pete!
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