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Everything posted by zswobbie1

  1. Pure speculation, from another sim forum that is known for unfounded speculation & such like. We have probably less than a year to wait, until all is revealed.
  2. Sorry I came in so late, Mark says it all. Having an original backup with the 4gb patch as well as FSUIPC does help.
  3. I prefer having separate installs, I cannot be bothered to rename folders whenever i want to change scenery. So, I have unique installs for Golden Wings, Alaska, Ford Tri-Motor Project, South Africa & a couple of others. Each having their own GUI as well. This way, there is no scenery conflicts at all (I did have when everything was a single install). Obviously, all my installs are in C:\ The disks can install anywhere you tell them to. So, I started off doing an install into C: then I copied that install to a portable drive. So, whenever I do another install, I just rename the copy on the drive, probably adding a 1 to the name, so when I copy it over to C:, there is no overwriting. Then Y rename the exe before running the new sim. This way, a new fs9.cfg is created, & nothing gets written over. I'm also using the GW scenery, with added stuff, for another install. LOL, I also have a Space install, using Carl Reddin's Space scenery & space ships. Yes, Simming is all about Fun, Facts & Fiction.
  4. Those instructions worked for me. Strange that it deleted textures, as a clone of the original install was made. That's the way I've done my 7 different installs, all working well. What also works, is copying & pasting your original install, & then renaming the 2nd install's folder & FS9.exe, then sending that to the desktop. That also works, saving an install off the disks. It does work, in fact I have a copied full FS2004 install on a portable drive, that I just copy & paste to create additional installs, then the Golden Wings files are easy to install. If you get stuck, PM me. BTW, I have all Bill & Lynn's planes in my install. great stuff to carry on with their legacy.
  5. I have, at times done all that, sometimes I have to do a few contact point mods. For interesting FS2004 stuff, have a look at http://www.ford-tri-motor.net/frontpage.htm Garry Smith has a whole bunch of planes & scenery for the Ford Tri-Motor era, some might be FS2002 modifyable. His motto was simming is all about Fun, Facts & Fiction.
  6. Hi Bob, What a great post. Is there also an easy way to go the other way around, from FS2002 to FS2004? I like 'unusual' planes, & there are some from FS2002 that I would like to port over. I know about adding ui_manufacturer & so on, anything else I should be aware of? Thanks, again,
  7. Good luck, Dan. Try the copy & paste method, it works. I have 8 different installs of FS9 on my laptop, all copied & pasted from my original backup which is on my portable drive. All that's needed to do is to rename the main folder & the FS9.exe, & send that to desktop as a shortcut. Cheers, Robin
  8. Welcome Dan, You can just copy & paste from your Program Files to your new folder in C:\ Then RENAME the original FS9 FOLDER in Program Files to FS9-Backup, or anything you prefer. You now have a backup of your FS9, that you can MOVE to a portable drive Also delete the FS9 icon on the desktop Open the new FS9 folder in C:\ Right-click the FS9.exe & Send to Desktop Double click that to run the sim All should be good, key assignments must be redone (as a new fs9.cfg has been created) Then, go to http://www.flight1.com/view.asp?page=library and download the Registry Repair Tool, & run it. This tells the registry where the NEW FS9 is sitting. You might have to reinstall payware, & maybe re-add scenery into the scenery library. A bit lengthly, but it's quicker to do than to explain... Have fun, Robin
  9. How about what plane to choose first? How about weather? How about time?
  10. What a great site. All the best with your VA.. A pity I dont fly choppers.
  11. Tom, you are a gentleman, thanks for all your support over many years..
  12. Because you will get errors, you will not be able to edit cfg files & other issues.
  13. zswobbie1

    Icon A5

    Much thanks, I had found that, & some from simviation that I'm going to play with.
  14. That 2TB data is raw data that the developers have to work with. It's obviously of the whole world, andonce processed, will be smaller. Only what is needed will be downloaded, not the whole lot.
  15. zswobbie1

    Icon A5

    I wish I was capable of aircraft modeling.. After reading about it, an Icon A5 could be such great fun for our sim.... Any takers?
  16. LOL... Is this not getting personal? Obviously NOT an FS'9er. FS9'ers are the most respectful of all simmers here!!! Gotta be a frustrated FSX'er.
  17. Many years of tweaking both FSX & P3D makes me believe that it's required. Easy to believe that, with experience. Mark is quite correct with his statements & experience.
  18. If I may..There are actually many of us that are quite happy with FS2004, & do not feel the need to chase the holy grail. F$2004 works on any PC, no need to keep on chasing expensive hardware. I have more scenery than the other sims have, especially detailed freeware local scenery. I also have aircraft that the others do not have. Remember, we are NOT lessor sims just because we dont fly PMDG & other, that are so-called 'training'planes. FS2004 also allows me to have multiple installs, I have 8!! So I dont have any scenery conflicts, &, as my installs are themed, I have unique GUI's, scenery & planes. I have an Alaska install, Golden Wings, Vintage, Historical, Heritage, Ford Tri-Motor Project (REAllY great) & a couple of others. FS2004 just works, & we can fly more than tweaking. AS the late Garry Smith said, It's all about Facts, Fun & Fiction!! By the way, yes, of course, I do have a variety of VW Beetles, old & newish, including a van, in my sim
  19. Silly me, I found my Virtavia TSR-2 in my very own library!!
  20. Thanks, I do have them, but it's the '' Blackburn Beverley Upgrade to FS9' that I'm looking for.
  21. Thanks for the info. Ive been a member of SOH for many years. It's the '' Blackburn Beverley Upgrade to FS9' that I'm looking for. I think that, with the 3x FS2002 files will do the trick.
  22. Hi Don, yip, I saw that & have the 3 part version for FS2002, but there's a mod out there to take it to FS2004 that I cannot find the flight dynamics mod that they talk about 'BalckburnBeverlyUpgrade for FS9' I've a feeling Rick Piper had something to do with it. I cannot find anything in CBFS Dom, I'll message you shortly.
  23. I'm looking for a Blackburn Beverley for FS2004. I can find it for FS2002. Any ideas please?
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