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Scenery From Aloft

Viewing scenery in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is a unique adventure due to satellite realism. But pilots are so busy during takeoff and landing maneuvers that viewing scenery details up close is not practical. Looking out the side windows risks drifting off course, falling below minimum descent altitudes (MDA), crashing into high terrain, and maybe getting in the way of other aircraft in these congested airspaces. I rarely look at scenery during such maneuvers and regret it afterwar


billstack in Scenery

I Better not Jinx Myself.

Over a year has passed since my last blog post about MSFS 2020. Numerous updates and additional content has been released for the sim from MS and Asobo. Thing seem to finally settling down in the sim with consistent crashes, borked downloads, things resetting on their own. Just really has become an all round very nice game to have. I love it, from the random crashes, the constant (supposed) loss of internet connection (cue random finger painted abstract art,) and the auto reset of graphics back

compleat reinstall of computer and flight sim, because of adding more ram....

It seemed so simple! upgrade from 32 gig of ram to 64.... So off to Scan UK for two 16 gig sticks.. SSame as the the ones I have, so I thought, turned off computer slotted in the new sticks.... The fired up the computer, no reading the C drive!!!!! in the end (hours later) I had no choice but to reformat the C drive and do a complete reinstall.... I got as far as installing windows then crashed again..... C drive unreadable again.... long story short The ram stick I bought was infact a miss ma



Keeping Your Skin in Tip-Top Condition While on the Road

Anyone who travels often knows that being on the road can do a number on your skin. For instance, airplane travel can seriously dehydrate skin and cause water retention. This can lead to skin irritations, flakiness, and puffiness, especially if you already have sensitive skin. Having a great skincare routine while traveling will help to ensure that your skin is always looking and feeling its best, even when you are far from home. Maintain Your Usual Skincare Routine Rather than getting on the



4 Tips for Getting Through Flight School

Becoming a pilot takes dedication, determination and vision. There are many great schools available that can help you fulfill your dream of getting your pilot's license, but getting through flight school can be challenging, overwhelming and intimidating. Here are some tips that can help you get through flight school and build the confidence you need for success.   1. Do the Prep Work   The adventure of becoming a pilot doesn't begin when you climb in the cockpit, but when you decide to apply f



The Best Diet for Pilots

As pilots, there are a variety of things they must focus on to ensure that they get all passengers safely from point A to point B. Their job is incredibly crucial, and the last thing someone wants is for a pilot who is sleep deprived or cannot seem to stay alert. This is why what a pilot eats is important to ensure everyone on their plane has a safe flight.   Specific Chemicals to Focus On   With any diet, there are specific nutrients that a person needs for the mind and body to continue perfo



The 10 Best Things To Do In Miami

Travelers from all over the world dream of sunny Florida vacations. You may be planning your next trip to the oceanic shores of vibrant Miami. Make sure to account for the pleasures of famous attractions and lesser-known local amusements. The beach-side city is known for its active nightlife scene and more family-friendly daytime adventures. Consider the following options as you outline your Miami vacation itinerary.   1. Sunbathe on Miami Beach The beach is popular for a reason. Sunbathe, s



What Does it Take to Run a Flight School

There are many different options to earn a living in the aviation industry. The two most common are operating an airline, as detailed in the article, and teaching at a flight school. In this blog post, I will clarify what it takes to run a flight school and offer advice for aspiring flight student operations.   Licensing and Certification   The first thing you will need to offer is pilot's licensing and private pilot certificates, which can be earned in a few months. Your students must go thr



Things to Think About When You're Wanting to Continue Your Education

Programs Offered and Rankings   Not all colleges offer the same fields of study. There might be a college near to you that you want to attend, but that college might not offer the program that you want. You’ll need to make sure the college has an offering available for the career you intend to pursue. Also, make sure to research the quality of the program. You’ll want to find out if the professors are knowledgeable, what other students have to say about the program and what the rate of empl



Quick Tips for Vehicle Owners

Owning and operating a vehicle is a privilege that comes with certain responsibilities. There are financial and legal obligations you must meet to help keep your vehicle safe and to lower your risk of getting involved in an accident. Learn some quick tips to help you understand what is required of you.   Keep Your Insurance Active Car insurance is a must-have for all drivers. Most states have a legal minimum insurance coverage level you have to meet to avoid costly fines and other repercussion



The Advantages of Owning a Private Jet

Flying on a private jet is one of the most luxurious travel experiences you can have as an individual or business traveler. It’s like flying first class, but in the sky and in your very own personal plane. Private jets aren’t just for celebrities and billionaires; they have lots of benefits for any traveler.   You May Find Affordable Options You don’t have to be extremely rich to buy your own private air travel experience. You just need to do enough research, know what you’re looking f



The 10 Best Things To Do In Miami

Travelers from all over the world dream of sunny Florida vacations. You may be planning your next trip to the oceanic shores of vibrant Miami. Make sure to account for the pleasures of famous attractions and lesser-known local amusements. The beach-side city is known for its active nightlife scene and more family-friendly daytime adventures. Consider the following options as you outline your Miami vacation itinerary.   1. Sunbathe on Miami Beach The beach is popular for a reason. Sunbathe, s



6 Ways to Take Care of Yourself with a Busy Schedule

Keeping busy can be a balancing force for your emotional state when it provides a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Running from place to place can be fulfilling as long as you can create a routine that does not overtax your system or rob you of some essential components of wellness. On the other hand, when you start to neglect your body and forget to press pause on occasion, you may do more harm than good. Like many different aspects of life, moderation can be key. Check yourself to see if y



7 Benefits of Owning a Car

The layouts of many American metropolitan areas make owning a car a necessity. A vehicle is particularly essential for those who live in suburban and rural communities and are not within walking distance of any store. It is thus no surprise that more than 90 percent of American households own at least one vehicle.   Thanks to the internet, purchasing a car is easier than ever. You can use an online car buying service to shop for your ideal vehicle. Some websites even let you research trade-in a



7 Benefits of Owning a Car

The layouts of many American metropolitan areas make owning a car a necessity. A vehicle is particularly essential for those who live in suburban and rural communities and are not within walking distance of any store. It is thus no surprise that more than 90 percent of American households own at least one vehicle. Thanks to the internet, purchasing a car is easier than ever. You can use an online car buying service to shop for your ideal vehicle. Some websites even let you research trade-in and



Planning for Retirement? Why Flying Should Be In Your Future

When it comes to retirement planning, there are a lot of different options to choose from. Some people opt for traditional retirement plans like 401ks or IRAs. Others might choose to invest in real estate or start their own business.   One of the most important reasons to start planning for retirement early is to ensure you have enough money saved up. Retirement can be expensive, and if you don't have a plan, you could find yourself struggling to make ends meet. By starting to save early, you c



How To Get Started Investing ASAP

Like many others, you may feel that you should invest for your future, but you don't know where to start. Or perhaps you've invested a little, but you want to learn more. Investing is an amazing tool that everyone with disposable income should take advantage of. Here are the initial steps to take to begin your investment journey. Open An Investment Account When getting started, it's vital to understand that an investment account differs from actual investments. So, if you're putting money into



Understanding How to Become a Pilot

One of the most exciting careers someone can pursue is becoming a pilot. Both men and women who find the idea of flying a plane exciting and if they have a high degree of courage, confidence, and competence, should seek out pilot school so they can make flying planes their profession. This career path is not for everyone. Someone who wants to be a pilot needs to react quickly and calmly to emergency situations that may arise while piloting a plane. If this idea does not scare a person away, they



How To Learn More About Internet Security

Internet security is a crucial component of life in the digital age. If you are slacking on your security when using the internet then you are leaving yourself open to a wide range of threats including hacks, identity theft, and the loss of personal, confidential information. In this article, you will discover how you can learn more about internet security so you can stay safe when using the internet. Start With The Basics The basics of internet security are the most important aspects of this



How To Help Your Kids Sleep Better at Night

Getting your little ones to relax and rest is not the easiest of undertakings. Whether they are overly tired, going through developmental changes or still amped up from the day, you may find yourself negotiating and struggling through bedtimes. While many parents are accustomed to these types of frustrating challenges, some strategies can help you ease your children through bedtime. If you want your kids to fall asleep more easily and sleep more soundly, here are a few must-try strategies.   Ke



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