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Quick Tips for Vehicle Owners



Owning and operating a vehicle is a privilege that comes with certain responsibilities. There are financial and legal obligations you must meet to help keep your vehicle safe and to lower your risk of getting involved in an accident. Learn some quick tips to help you understand what is required of you.


Keep Your Insurance Active

Car insurance is a must-have for all drivers. Most states have a legal minimum insurance coverage level you have to meet to avoid costly fines and other repercussions. The best way to get a great deal on car insurance is to shop around and get quotes from several carriers. Compare your rates and choose the best coverage level you can afford. Some drivers choose liability insurance only, while others prefer a comprehensive policy. This is more expensive but provides additional benefits if you have an accident or experience damage.

Know what to expect from your insurance policy before you need to contact your carrier with a claim. Read the terms carefully to discover key policy details, such as one-time accident forgiveness that prevents your rates from rising after a single accident, regardless of fault.


Get Regular Inspections

Every vehicle must pass a yearly inspection to be considered roadworthy. The inspection is done by a qualified professional trained to spot problems. Their job is to ensure that all major systems are in good working order and that your vehicle is safe to drive.

States also have emissions tests a car must pass to make sure it isn't causing too much pollution by releasing toxic gasses. The frequency and strictness of these tests vary widely by state.


Perform Maintenance and Upkeep

Your vehicle requires ongoing maintenance to keep it safe and in great condition. This goes beyond the mandatory yearly inspections. You should always have any new sounds and unusual activity investigated to discover if there is a problem.

Smaller measures like routine car washes, tire pressure tracking, and fluid level checks are great practices that you should perform frequently. These only take a few minutes, but can help you find concerns early and avoid costly maintenance that can come from neglecting your car.


Familiarize Yourself with the Owner's Manual

It takes time to get used to driving a car. There are many buttons, levers, and lights that all have distinct purposes and meanings. You don't want to be stuck trying to decipher what a particular warning light means when you are out on the road.

Read through the vehicle's owner's manual to learn about your car and the common concerns and solutions you may come across. While it's nearly impossible to memorize the entire manual, skimming through it gives you a good idea of where to look if a problem occurs. Keep the manual close by in the vehicle so it's easily accessible when you need to use it as a reference.


Have a Good Mechanic

No one wants to think about getting into a car accident or experiencing a malfunction that requires repairs. However, the aftermath of the incident will go much more smoothly if you are prepared by having a reputable mechanic in mind to work on your vehicle.

You can find a good mechanic by asking your friends and family for recommendations, doing some research online, and reading reviews and testimonials. Learning about the experience other customers have had is one of the best ways to determine if your chosen mechanic is honest and trustworthy.


Keep an Emergency Kit Inside

Another great practice for drivers to follow is to compile an emergency kit and keep it in your vehicle at all times. Include things like oil, windshield wiper fluid, and other car essentials to resolve minor issues. It's also a good idea to pack up a basic first aid kit and some survival gear like warm clothing, blankets, water, and a flashlight. You may want to adjust the contents depending on the season.

There are many easy habits and routines you can develop that make caring for your vehicle simple. They take little time, but offer a huge return in terms of vehicle safety and helping to prevent expensive repair work.


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