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Posts posted by loki

  1. Yes, they are backwards compatible, however, and adapter is needed. Thunderbolt 2 typically uses a port that is physically identical to Mini DisplayPort (which usually did carry both video and data). Thunderbolt 3 uses the same port as USB-C. Here's a good overview.




    The add-in card would give you the actual ports. Not sure what the connector would be for. Possibly power or USB-C connections.

  2. Well how be. Kinda like an ASIC.


    Thunderbolt ports are essentially an external PCIe interface. You can get external PCIe enclosures for expansion cards in general too.

  3. What exactly is an external GPU? Are you referring to a dedicated GPU over your GPU that's in the CPU? Also called integrated graphics? If so, then a dedicated GPU should help I guess. Not sure since I don't run P3D. I know in FSX or FS2004, a GPU is largely null and void when it comes to performance since both of those Sims are CPU orientated. But in P3D I guess a GPU can be more utilized due to their upgraded code.


    He's talking about external GPUs that connect over Thunderbolt 3. They're external to the iMac itself. Provided they are compatible with Windows running in Boot Camp, they should provide better performance than the internal GPUs.

  4. First off thank you all for responding, but I think I didn't ask properly what the information was that I am looking for. I do NOT want to reprogram the simulator, just understand how to use or understand some of the info and perameters, like what are all the entries that can be put in the aircraft config file like when you add the text to activate a new livery in an aircraft, when you get it from people that have made them already there seems to be discrepancies or some have more perameters in the the list than others, so I want a book or information to understand how it all works, not to really reprogram it. Over the last ten years I have learned to install new aircraft, scenery, AI aircraft and make flightplans already, so can anyone tell me where in the programs this info can be found or which books might help with this. Also and this is probably off topic, but how do you find where there are Flight Sim Conventions if any to go to, I live in Toronto Canada, or Flight Sim Clubs in my area perhaps.


    Thank you all again




    As previous posters were saying, the information and details you are looking for are in the FS9 and FSX SDKs (software development kits). The included documentation has the details.

  5. Would installing a Nvidia or AMD video card have to be done by a computer technician, or is that something that can be downloaded/installed off the internet?


    Installing a GPU involves installing a physical video card into your PC. It isn't difficult to do, but if you aren't comfortable, then taking your PC to a local shop to install it would be best.

  6. A chipset has nothing to do with graphics. It is just a chip on your mainboard.

    It does indicate you have a Intel processor. some Intel processors have a graphics chip built in, of too low quality for games.

    But, that's not unique to Intel, AMD processors usually have video chips built in as well.


    No, with this particular chipset, and others of that era, the graphics are actually in the chipset, not the processor.

  7. I'm not real tech savvy; do you mean the graphics? Graphics are: Intel G33/G31 Express Chipset Family (Microsoft Corp-WDDM 1.0).


    The issue is that video card doesn't support the version of OpenGL that X-Plane needs. Installing an Nvidia or AMD video card would fix this, along with providing far better performance.

  8. If it WAS going to be a 64 bit (and/or 'improved') FSX then they would have named it 'FS XI' and not 'FS2020'.


    At the moment it's actually just called Microsoft Flight Simulator, no year or version. And as has been pointed out, we really don't know any specific details, including whether it will be subscription only, or available for purchase as well as being included in the Xbox Game Pass subscription (all games currently included in the subscription can be bought separately). Sorry, just the facts.

  9. I absolutely would not believe that to be anywhere near an accurate representation.

    We can only wait and see. Will it be a MSFS built from the ground up with all the features packed into one sim that no other developer including MS has ever been able to achieve in one game or will it be a rebadged, reworked FSW? I wish there was some betting available on all these things going on! lol


    Why not? What are you basing your assumption on? Did you read the link I provided? Those numbers came from Microsoft. There are other surveys that show the average age of people playing games is in the 30s too.

  10. Xbox is capable of running a lot. The new Xbox will be very capable for sure. The point is, the demographic using Xbox's is young kids who have no real interest in hardcore sims. Serious gamers or simmers still tend to be the desktop PC crowd. A hardcore flight sim on XBox will attract how many of those 63 million current users? Answer is hardly any.


    What is a concern is looking at the market. Our generation is no longer what developer's are aiming at. The young generation come from phone games, tablet games, start the game up and learn as you play. They are not like us who miss our 100+ page printed game manuals and want every detail explained for the game we are playing. They want it simple, fast, get into it and start moving through the game at a rapid pace. A hardcore flight sim is anything but this.


    MS have carefully chosen their words which really confirm nothing. Will this be a continuation of MSFS as we know it? Stating the focus is "simulation" means nothing. Most of the flight games on phones are apparently flight simulators as well along with the Goat Simulator! lol


    The way they described content is very suspicious. They are clearly leaving details out. What modern game doesn't have DLC's to strip your bank account? I'm sure there will be content but exactly what type of content created by who and how I have no idea.


    I'm not being negative, I'm being rational. Heck, I would love to see a new flight sim too but the market and times are not what they were 15 years ago. Every game being developed today demonstrates this. A fully fledged flight sim today is just so out of place let alone one that will function across two platforms.


    Apparently you aren't very familiar with the Xbox demographics. The largest age group is in the 25-34 year old bracket, followed by the 35-44 year old group. And more than 50% have an annual income over $50,000.




    Browsing through game forums, there is interest in a more realistic sim, however, many get turned off by the complexity of the current sims themselves as well as the outdated graphics. And by complexity, I'm not talking about flying an aircraft, but the actual sims themselves (too much messing with config files, install locations, issues installing add-ons etc.). Not to mention how poorly they can run on modern hardware (and yes, plenty of people under 30 have PCs just as powerful as anyone on this site does).


    When it comes to attention spans, many people in the gaming world have no trouble putting plenty of time into them. Open world and RPGs are quite popular and often allow users to come up with their own objectives in the games. Check out Eve Online and the complexity of the universe that has been created for one example.


    Here are some examples of things users have put together in Minecraft. Not exactly something that a person with a 5 minute attention span would do.






    Of course Microsoft is choosing their words carefully, one always does when marketing software. Give too much info up front and you get in trouble later for breaking "promises" when something changes.


    They don't need to make a sim that attracts everyone in the gaming community, just one that gets the attention of those interested in flying, which is something that spans generations. Plenty of younger people are still interested in flying and becoming pilots. A good sim can only encourage that.

  11. I know nothing about XBox, so I've no idea how 3rd party add-ons created for the PC version could be installed into the XBox version, or vice-versa, except as DLC. Is it possible, is there an existing XBox game where this is happening already?


    The Minecraft Marketplace and the Steam Workshop are two examples of how user created content can be distributed. Provided they keep it open to free content, I can it being better than the current situation of manually copying files into the right places. How many forum posts are there with people needing installing freeware aircraft, scenery etc.? And just because many here have got quite comfortable with the current situation doesn't mean there isn't a better way.





  12. Microsoft has updated the website for their new flight simulator. Some key points:


    While this is not the moment to answer every question being asked, we do want to take the opportunity to answer a few important ones:


    1. We are making Microsoft Flight Simulator. Emphasis on the word SIMULATOR.
    2. Designed for PC, optimized for multiplatform support (e.g. Xbox).
    3. Yes. We are supporting 3rd Party Content Development and Community Content creation. We are aware of the concerns in the current eco-system and are working to address them.
    4. Yes. We genuinely want to work closely with the community in the development of this title.
    5. Accessibility is important to us. Whatever your abilities are, if you want to fly, we are going to do whatever we can to make that happen. Yoke and pedals, mouse and keyboard, controller, etc. No pilot should be left behind.



  13. As far as this new version is concerned, it is of some concern to me that it is being designed for X-box, even more so if it is both X-box and Win10 compatible (speculation at the moment?). If you look at forums discussing another simulator going through the same transition (Train Simulator/Trainsim World) you will see that a lot of eye candy (moving cars on roads etc) has been taken away because the X-box technology can't handle it. Therefore the Desktop PC version is forced to lack features present in the older version, giving it a cold, lifeless look. I can see this happening with the new Flight Simulator.





    Microsoft has said the new sim will be coming to Windows 10 first, and then the next generation Xbox. They have also indicated the new Xbox will be around 4 times faster than the current generation too. Also, many games do offer a better experience in the Windows version, such as higher scenery detail and textures. They don't all cut back the Windows side just to match the Xbox or PS version. Much of this is up to the developer and the resources they have available.

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