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Posts posted by loki

  1. It should be clear that Asobo are PC developers only and apparently know nothing about games consoles - and that they'll have signed an NDA to give nothing away about MS/Xbox Game Studio's future plans, so whatever they DO know, they won't be telling.


    Seems to me that Asobo know quite a bit about consoles seeing as they have been developing games for consoles and PC for well over a decade now.


    As for the rest, that is pure speculation as everything that has been announced, including comments from Phil Spencer, says quite explicitly PC first.

  2. The Flight dynamics must be as close to real in all phases of flight, as possible. I expect to get in and perform a L-8, Chandelle, Steep turn, Slow flight, Taxi / ground, Ground effect, and Xwind TOs and Landings to give you the overall visual feel of the real in flight sensation. Some example, for the C172, if you are in a bank of

    The Numbers, in particular in the Slow regime / Pattern, must be as accurate as possible, if I get in a real vs sim C172 I should be able to set / get a specific performance for the same settings as I do in a real acft.




    It is my hope that they select someone, either in the active team, or tester, that actually knows how the basic acft performs and listen to them.


    Have a look at episode 3 of their Discovery Series to see what they're doing with the aerodynamics, and who they're involving in the development.

  3. I hope the SDK gets put out for "All" developers--"All" as oon as possible. I keep remembering the promises the "Flight" Team made. I am, Yes!!, very skeptic...."very".


    I think there are some good indicators this isn't going to be another Flight. For example, the project lead for Flight thought 20,000 airports was too confusing for users and cut the sim down to Hawaii at launch. Asobo, on the other hand have frequently talked about having more than 40,000 airports. I have a feeling the big issues with the new sim will be along the lines of performance of all the new features, and people not getting the features they personally want at launch (even though MS has said they are committed to building this for the next 10 years).

  4. Doesn't sound like you will need to wait much longer for the SDK.




    The team is making good progress on the SDK development. While still in the early stages, the plan is to provide an initial version of the SDK to the 3rd party developer community before the end of the year. Our goal has been to involve 3rd parties early in the development process, and to give them the ability to influence our priorities and how we author the SDK. After the first wave of initial 3rd party developer visits onsite with the team, we’ve been incredibly excited by the optimism and feedback we’ve received thus far. These same tools will be provided to the community in effort to ensure the tools we use to create content, tools that undergo constant testing in our production environment, are shared with all our creators. Initially, the SDK will offer the ability to author planes, sceneries and custom missions. For those with a preference for using FSX tools, SimConnect will be supported. We will also support additional modern standards like HTML for UI and glTF for 3D models

  5. Well, that's that. The problem I see is that Not making available to all developers, well known and professional ones who make addons for pay, is not a good policy IF you really want for All to participate with their products. Anyway, we'll see what happens in the near or long future with their policy. Getting to know the ins and outs of software one works on top of i or with it is not an easy nor fast way. The Past of MS with other developers has no 5 star ending so to have Skepticism is not being elitist as Robin says from South Africa. Many developers live from their sales Robin. Good day.


    Perhaps they simply aren't at a point that they can provide developers something useful? Seeing as we very likely have plenty of time before the final release, I don't see any reason to get so worked up just yet.


    Have a read of the Flightsim.com interview on the front page. It touches on the SDK and what they are doing.

  6. I still have my W7 disk but I can't use it anymore as I've used it too many times on other machines so I couldn't register it again and couldn't afford to buy it again, so my only option was the free upgrade.




    Did you try calling the product activation number to activate? If it was a retail version, as opposed to an OEM one, they should be able to reset the product activation counter for you. Some people have also had luck resetting the OEM editions too, though these are meant to be tied to the first motherboard they are installed on.

  7. It appears that many people got excited and skipped over the "Beta" part of the title. This is not a final release and bugs should be expected. To install it, Steam users have to go into the Steam Client and explicitly opt into the beta version.


    Don't see any reason to lock this thread.

  8. I suppose I should come clean and explain my hurry and my motives.

    I'm currently sitting in front of my old HP Envy, with a 5th generation i7, contemplating the chances of being selected for the alpha or beta testing, and realizing that my current rig just won't impress the judges.


    I wouldn't be worried about impressing them with the latest and greatest. They will presumably want to test the sim on as many different PC setups as possible during the alpha and beta process, including high, mid and low end models.


    As for third party developers, Asobo does seem very intent on including them.

  9. Your right probably not here on Flight Sim. I should probably take my question to AVSIM or just keep my eyes open on YouTube because I doubt my question would be a NDA criminal offense to Microsoft who is sharing information all the time on the new sim.


    If Microsoft didn't care, they wouldn't have asked alpha testers to agree to the NDA. A big part of why they, and other developers, use NDAs is so they can control what is shared while the sum is under development. With it still being in the alpha stage, a lot could change before release. Don't think Avsim will be any more help either.

  10. I'm in the throes of deciding exactly what sort of setup that I will need for this new experience, and am confronted by a baffling conundrum.


    The easy answer right now is that you should wait as we don't know anything about the Xbox version other than it is coming some time after the PC one. A big question is whether it will even run on the current Xbox One or will it only run on the new Xbox to be released next year.

  11. Everyone is thinking PC, PC, PC and forgetting Xbox, Xbox, Xbox when it comes to everything to do with MSFS.

    In the past add-on developers were unrestricted. They could develop at the cost of performance. Default FSX can run on a fairly moderate system. Throw in some high end add-ons and suddenly you need much better hardware. Developers won't be able to do that in the future because Xbox hardware has nowhere to go. It is what it is so add-ons for MSFS will have to be restricted as to what can be achieved.


    To answer your question, I don't think it will be 2030 because add-ons will be hardware restricted.


    There's nothing, that we know of, stopping a developer from creating a more detailed add-ons for the PC with a lower quality version for the Xbox. A number of games currently offer PC users better scenery and graphics than the Xbox version, and I expect something similar will happen with the new sim. The Xbox will appeal to those looking for a cheaper option that they can just plug in and fly, while the PC will be for those looking for the best possible performance, graphics and flexibility.

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