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Everything posted by loki

  1. Microsoft has released the minimum, recommended and ideal system and internet specs for the sim. https://www.flightsimulator.com/save-the-date-04-21-20/
  2. Have you checked your ping times? Also tried lowering the settings in the game?
  3. Note that the Asobo developers have indicated that a 4 Mb/s connection is enough for a good level of detail, and 10 Mb/s or so is enough for the full experience. If you have a 15 Mb/s or faster connection already, you should be good to go (though more may be required depending on how many others you're sharing the connection with).
  4. The latest alpha release is out, and the patch notes are available below. https://www.flightsimulator.com/alpha-build-1-2-10-is-now-available/
  5. The latest alpha build is out for those in the alpha testing program. For those that aren't in it, the release notes may still be of interest to see what is going on. https://www.flightsimulator.com/alpha-build-1-2-5-0-is-now-available/
  6. Looks like something changed with the Youtube link. Here's the new direct link to the video. And if you have trouble understanding the accent, which isn't as strong in this one, enable the Youtube captions.
  7. Looks like it isn't just regular folk panic buying. Some doctors appear to be trying to stockpile some of the supposed cure drugs for themselves and family. https://www.propublica.org/article/doctors-are-hoarding-unproven-coronavirus-medicine-by-writing-prescriptions-for-themselves-and-their-families
  8. You could try checking out some reviews on TFT Central. Their reviews generally touch on how suitable monitors are for gaming as well as things like colour accuracy. For the most part flight simming doesn't need the same level of response times that faster paced games do, so most monitors these days are probably good enough for simming. https://www.tftcentral.co.uk
  9. Let's be careful with the stereotyping an entire generation because of a few. There have been more than a few stories and posts online about those dastardly Millennials trying trying to get their parents and grandparents to stay home too. Millennials don't have a monopoly on selfishness. Everyone needs to do their part to help through this.
  10. It should be noted that Microsoft has said there will be no Xbox Series X first party exclusives for a year or two. Basically any new Xbox game from Microsoft will also run on current Xbox One consoles. https://www.theverge.com/2020/1/10/21060771/microsoft-xbox-series-x-exclusive-games-launch-backwards-compatibility
  11. Yes, you can have both installed at the same time. The one caveat is that the boxed edition must be installed first. And as you note, they can't be installed in the same directory.
  12. No, it’s not available yet. It doesn’t even have a release date yet. Whatever you are seeing on eBay, it isn’t the new sim.
  13. Nope, they haven’t provided the details of where or how it will be sold yet.
  14. We don’t know if/when it will be available through Steam, though I think it will be. Maybe not right away though. As for performance, I wouldn’t expect there to be any difference but, again, we don’t know enough to say one way or the other. Both the Microsoft Store and Steam should handle all updates to the sim and any add-ons bought through the store, as they do now with other games.Add-ons purchased elsewhere will likely be up to you.
  15. No, Lockheed didn’t infect your PC with a virus. Something else is causing your problems.
  16. There was nothing quasi 64 bit about it, it was a proper 64 bit OS. However, it was basically Windows Server 2003 with the desktop enabled and was never really pushed by Microsoft. It was essentially a proof of concept. This lead to it having limited support for consumer level hardware and applications (many would think you were trying to install on Windows Server and refuse to install, for example). My point about Windows 10 is that each version of Windows improved how the OS managed CPU cores and memory. Vista was better than XP, 7 was a little better than Vista, and 10 is better than any of the previous ones in this regard.
  17. Windows XP x64 supported up to 128GB of RAM and 64 CPU cores. So as noted above, you don’t need Windows 10 to use multiple cores or large amounts of RAM. Although Windows 10 does manage both better than XP did.
  18. To see the streamed scenery, yes, you will need a good internet connection. One Asobo developer indicated they were getting performance with 4 or 5 Mbps connection. For the best results they have indicated a 10 Mbps connection or better would be preferred. Yes, it will be coming to the Xbox, though there aren’t any specific details at the moment beyond this. It may come to the current Xbox One, or it may require the upcoming Xbox Series X. Microsoft has said all first party titles will be coming to both for a little while yet, though, again, there really aren’t any details about the console version yet.
  19. Note that this isn't new footage, but some of the first clips released months ago simply uploaded to YouTube.
  20. Will they run the sim? Most likely. Will the GeForce be faster than the Intel GPU? Yes. However, again, it is far too early to really know how well the final version will run on any hardware. As it is still in the alpha stage, there will be plenty of bugs, features not yet implemented, other features that may not make the final cut and optimizations and improvements to be made. If you want to get the best system you can for the new sim, you should wait until it has been released and reviewed. On the other hand, if you need a new machine now for other reasons, get the fastest one you can and hope for the best for the sim.
  21. You can often buy the FSX Steam Edition for $5-10 on a Steam sale. It is basically the same as the boxed Gold version with some minor bug fixes, but is missing the complete SDK.
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