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Everything posted by loki

  1. Are you trying to install the latest version from the FSUIPC website?
  2. They have a Discovery Series video covering cockpits.
  3. Being cautious is always good practice. There is nothing stopping you from creating an account with a fake name that you could use for this. I know one person who signs up as Mark Twain or other historical people when they don't want to give anything away. You also don't need to provide much personal info either. And there are options for two factor authentication to help keep others out as well. Most severe ID theft involves far more than just getting access to someone's Microsoft account. Far too often the hacked accounts you hear about in the news were ones where the same password was used on multiple accounts, or the password was something simple.
  4. If you want to get access to the Insider site you will need to join the Xbox Insider program. This is similar to the Windows and Office Insider programs, among others, that Microsoft runs for pre-release access to software. Also, Microsoft has moved all of their gaming related products and services, which includes sims, for both Xbox consoles and PC, under the Xbox brand. Thus the need for the Xbox Insider program. There is no need to sign up for any subscription for this either. And as has been stated there, is no specific release date beyond sometime this year. Given that the sim is still in the alpha stage (yes, people outside MS do have access to the alpha build and are testing it), summer would be the earliest it should be expected, and more likely fall. Microsoft has also said it will be available for standalone purchase, like FSX was, as well as through their Xbox Gamepass for PC (think Netflix for PC games).
  5. You should hide or obscure the product key in the first image. Otherwise someone can just copy it and use it.
  6. Do a search for larches. [emoji4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larch?wprov=sfti1 Although I suspect they could easily handle these ones too with Azure AI and procedural generation.
  7. P3D has always been a commercial product aimed at commercial and professional markets, not home entertainment. A far better indicator would be the current prices of PC games, which would be in the $60-$80 range (depending on country) for the standalone purchase option. Or you can go the Xbox Gamepass route and get the sim along with plenty of other games for $5/month (current intro price, could go up $10/month like the console side).
  8. The flight sim community has essentially been using the DLC model since we'll before the term was coined. An SDK has already been confirmed and Asobo is working with many of the current flight sim add-ons developers.
  9. I'm not ruling it out and do expect add-ons for airports, cities etc. that aren't covered by photogrammetry to exist. It's the larger scenery texture, mesh and land class ones that I don't think we will see as much of. Again, most people are still expecting pay for add-ons.
  10. That is a bit of an exaggeration. I think most people are fully expecting that add-ons will have a cost. When it comes to scenery, however, the included scenery may well be enough for many people. There will likely be little need for Orbx's regions and global products, and similar ones from other developers, for example.
  11. Microsoft has said it will be available for standalone purchase as well as through their Xbox Game Pass subscription (basically Netflix for games). Beyond that they haven't released any more details, though they have hinted at no subscription being required.
  12. First question is where are they getting the data? The system requirements haven't been released yet. Much like online shops putting in a place holder for the new sim, I suspect this is just trying to drive traffic to their site.
  13. Did you try leaving that tweak out entirely? Many jump straight into adding it, and recommending it, thinking that it's required.
  14. FSX SP1 and later have limited multi threading support, so can use more than one core. FS9 is a single thread program and only uses one core at a time. In general setting the affinity manually is really only needed for FSX if there are conflicts with the sim and other applications being run on the same core. It will use all cores on its own without any outside intervention.
  15. It's far too early for system requirements. The best option would be to wait until it has been released to see what it actually needs to run well. I do suspect it will run much better on mid range hardware than FSX did upon its release.
  16. There is no limit to the number of times it can be installed. However, you may need to contact the product activation support line if you have regularly moved it between computers or upgraded hardware. Microsoft's product activation is about making sure the software is only installed the number of computers it is licensed for at any given moment, not limiting the total number of times it can be installed.
  17. loki

    Scenery mesh

    Check out Toposim as well. They have a daily freebie you can download and try. https://www.toposim.net
  18. Asobo has already said they are working on supporting VR in the sim. However, they have also said it isn't just going to be slapped on and they want to make sure it actually works for a flight sim. The sim did originally grow out of a MS Hololens project they had worked on with MS, so they are familiar with VR. Personally, I agree with the points about prioritizing the fundamental features of a flight sim first over VR. VR still feels too much like a stopgap on the road to something better, perhaps some sort of AR/MR.
  19. Nope, it's much too early to know specifics. Your best bet is to wait until it has been released and there are some reviews out.
  20. Again, Microsoft themselves have explicitly stated that it is launching in 2020 on the PC first. Sure, exact pricing hasn't been given yet, but it will be available as a standalone purchase as well as through Xbox Game Pass, just like all games in XGP currently are. From an interview with Microsoft Flight Simulator head Jorg Neumann: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/09/the-new-ms-flight-simulator-taught-me-how-to-fly-an-actual-plane/
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