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Everything posted by pomak249

  1. So do I have this right? You buy 10 DVDs for the boxed version of MSFS2020 yet you still have to fly online to get the scenery like in the screenshots???
  2. This is the email from his Alfs UK Airfields readme - no idea if it is still working tho alf.denham@care4free.net
  3. Cheers guys finally sussed it and saved - not easy to navigate to tbh Looking to up to a 6GB 1060 and another 8GB RAM soon
  4. Hi Larry tried that but nothing even remotely like a signature setting on my 'about me' profile? Just occupation/interests/biography and location?
  5. Great to know guys my fear was that MSFS is such a radical change and visually stunning that all the others would get left behind! Personally i love FSX and its gonna be a long while before my rig gets upgraded!
  6. Any others in the pipeline? BC KingAir maybe? Cessna Caravan?
  7. Hi Guys I would like to add my Rig details at the base of my posts as some of you do - but I cannot find a way to do this in my 'edit profile' area? Any advice available?
  8. Just wonder how long this forum and downloads for FSX will continue after the launch of MSFS? I know when i can afford to upgrade my rig i probably will depart too, seems a real shame but i guess thats progress! Mind you FS2004 still hangs in there.
  9. Hi guys Anyone tried the sim str8 out of the box? Ie no scenery download? If so any good as is? Cheers
  10. I had to move the AI il-18v folder from 'scenery/global/texture' to 'addon scenery/EDDP..../texture' and the problem is now resolved.
  11. Hi Dan great scenery but the IL-18 keeps throwing up scenerey errors for me? I've tried alternative installs for dlf_lib_EDDP (BGL and Text Doc) and tried moving the .bmp to no avail? Anyway of deleting it?
  12. Thanks guys will stick with my faithful old FSX, just dont have anywhere near enough BW here in the TRNC
  13. Apologies if this has been asked before but i am still confused about the scenery for MSFS? Will it ship with the boxed dvd as with all previous versions of the sim or is it purely an online application?
  14. Looking at the associated posts below yours and having googled it this looks to be an issue thats been around for some time. So good luck it doesnt appear to have been solved!
  15. Great scenery but how come P3D stuff is coming up 'fsx all files' search?? Admin?
  16. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/fsx-acceleration-error-code-1-80004005/9ba207fb-08d5-4dd8-8252-6367c77ec720 This is the MS advice but i am guessing you have been here too? If none of this works I can feel the dreaded uninstall/reinstall coming!!! It all points to FSX Acceleration by looks?? Good luck Mick Could try this maybe? https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/win-10-upper-lower-filters-missing-from-registry/8398c206-7545-4d88-a181-c4d294ad2544
  17. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?253089-quot-Product-Activation-Error-1-80004005-quot-What I take it this didnt help jorgen? Are you on Win10?
  18. I believe you still need to add the line under [GAME] in the fsx.cfg tho? My SP2 didnt add it as an entry
  19. Just curious that you have 'filtering' as bilinear? Think most people use anisotropic now ? And no anti-aliasing? Are you letting the GPU set that? I have always used Nvidia so no idea about Radeon settings. Also do you have the highmemfix in your cfg?
  20. Would be helpful if you had named this post differently - File library Hot files will help nobody in the future who may encounter the same issue! USA scenery would have been better!
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