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Everything posted by pomak249

  1. Its free and its good - and your worried about the ICAO code? Which you found yourself anyway??
  2. Have you searched at all? https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/an-issue-with-water-polygons-islands.433231/
  3. Maybe u cant do it using ADE?? Not sure how much more detail you want?
  4. Well said raycar - the chances of me upgrading my rig for MSFS are remote in the least. So yep guys please dont forget us FSXrs!!!
  5. Theres actually a very good VTSP over at Avsim
  6. Google??? https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/remove-fsx-default-island.22009/
  7. The power of google https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_vista-gaming/microsoft-flight-simulator-x-installation-keeps/fc671a94-5b5d-46e3-a2ac-38820a346bd6 I think u need to be patient by looks!
  8. No worries Fred just thought it unusual from you lol
  9. Some screenshots would of been nice?
  10. I would guess try disabling FSUIPC? That might also cure any micro stutters you may have too
  11. I found this reply on google from PACX support a year ago PACX itself runs outside of the simulator, so this would indicate an issue with FSUIPC. Do you have "PACX" under the Addons menu in-sim? That portion is in-sim, and could be the culprit.
  12. Ive never had a single issue with FSX (boxed deluxe) and win10 however i would recommend indtalling to an SSD if you can.
  13. What makes you think its anything to do with sweetfx?
  14. Cheers loki guessed as much, i cant afford a GPU upgrade the prices and availability have gone nuts (anyway my OC 960 performs admirably and I doubt I would gain much improvement in reality?)
  15. Yep my bad i got the slots mixed up (wishful thinking), it looks like a 2.5 card for me then. Will i notice the difference with FSX on an SSD - pretty sure every post suggests i will. Cheers Mick
  16. Hi guys I want to get a Crucial P5 1TB SSD card that fits in a PCI-E3 slot on my MoBo (as im sure you all know lol) I have an ASRock H97 Performance which has two of the slots but they point up vertically and not perpendicular to the mobo as ive seen on numerous youtube videos erc. I am unsure whether tbe card would be secure in this position? Just wondered if you gurus had any advice? Or should i just stick to a 2.5" SSD instead? Cheers Mick
  17. Sounds like an assignment issue - have you checked what your red button is assigned to do? It may need changing in control settings.
  18. Is this the whole pakage (you mention updated) or do i need another download file first? Looks awesome btw
  19. Maybe Jorgen means that yet again MSFS scenery is in the FSX section?
  20. Hi Ewald great scenery yet again! I do tho have a floating business jet near one of the gates (cant remember which one its near some sailing boats i think). I use UTX Europe could that be causing issues?
  21. Ah! I noticed that on Amazon most GPUs are unavailable/out of stock and those that arent are way overpriced!! Shall be sitting tight for a while to come.
  22. Cheers Steve think i will be hanging fire for a year or two so what transpires - need a rig upgrade too me thinks
  23. Is there a boxed version? Would be cool if you could get one in a years time with all the updates included? The internet here in the TRNC is way to slow to contemplate the download version sadly
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