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Everything posted by pomak249

  1. Hi Guys I suspect I know the answer! I want to trim down my rather large addon scenery collection, is it safe to delete scenery from the addon scenery folder then the entries in the scenery.cfg or is it safer to laboriously delete each one via the FSX ingame world scenery interface? Cheers Mick
  2. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?288516-Steam-and-blurred-textures/page2&highlight=blurry+ground+textures+fsx Looks like an old Steam problem - trilinear/anisotropic maybe?
  3. Have you looked here? https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?318450-Botched-Uninstall-Unable-to-Reinstall Did you remove any addons first? That seems to be a problem if not done first? The posts on this link have a link to a registry reset for FSX which may help?
  4. Theres tons of threads about your issue just look below and click away!!
  5. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?295931-FSX-SE-How-to-install-Traffic-Toolbox
  6. Try this you can change multiple entries in one go with this https://download.cnet.com/TextCrawler/3000-2352_4-10805637.html
  7. So did you multiple instances of FSUIPC in FSX? You should only have one as i understand it? Is it listed as 'trusted' in your FSX cfg.?
  8. Why not just uninstall (or disable) your FSX_Airliners and the associated weather.dll?
  9. Maybe Freemeshx could help - not got it myself but screenshots look good in rocky areas. Big download tho
  10. Cheers wim worked a treat - who would of guessed something so simple would work. Bit of a screw up by JF!!
  11. Hi guys just treated myself to the JF HS748 got a good deal too! I have downloaded a few repaints but all have the black fuselage 'bug' - any owners of this gem know of any revised repaints available out there? Cheers Mick
  12. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?327511-Running-out-of-Ram-in-FSX
  13. CRJ certainly has a downer on Win10 Jorgen - you took the words right out of my mouth. Considering he still uses Win7??
  14. Never had an issue with win10 and FSX try this post https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?316235-fsx-partial-install Slightly different problem but may help
  15. Uninstalled using CCleaner? Why? I bet you have leftovers? Have you done a full search of your PC and registry to ensure its all gone?
  16. Wonder if its worth contacting this guy? Very old post tho https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?286704-San-Diego-Sea-World-and-Sports-Arena Or maybe Orbx do it - or UTX USA?
  17. Disregard I have sorted it - the vagaries of Revo uninstaller and myriad of registry entries left behind!! PS WHY CANT WE DELETE POSTS???
  18. Hi peeps I installed this some months ago but then deleted it (from Rikoooo) but on checking my C drive recently I discovered it is still listed as installed and has a size of 12.28GB? I also noticed some other aircraft/scenery from Rikoooo as still being insitu despite uninstalling? Any idea how to resolve this? Is it still actually on my C drive? If I try to uninstall it now it says the uninstaller is missing and im scared to try it thru revo incase it has other files attached being as it is incorrectly stating over 12GB? Cheers Mick
  19. They have in X-Plane!! 😊
  20. You had a bad day?? This has to rank as the strangest post i have seen here. Are you having a swipe at payware or freeware? You are not very coherent on that point. If you are denegrating freeware aircraft/scenery then shame on you.
  21. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-gaming/fsx-scenery-lags-around-ord-no-where-else/19b51d08-f8f6-4d9d-b75f-93d04660d954 https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/407125-fsx-crashes-no-clues-in-event-viewer/ http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php?topic=14440.0 https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?258437-Any-fixes-available-for-FSX-KORD https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/421265-fsx-not-responding-if-i-try-to-load-kord-chicago/ KORD looks to be a pesky little b-gger????
  22. I dont mske scenery so havent a clue - but it looks to me as if default islands cant be removed but can be 'overlayed' perhaps? I see no one else has replied to this thread so maybe it cant be done?
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