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Everything posted by PhrogPhlyer

  1. Thanks Nels for the update. Slow and steady wins the race (and in this case the best flight sim site and community on the web).
  2. For those who have "been there, done that" this brings back some dark tense memories. Looks like a cross wind also... phew! Well done.
  3. Well stated Inuss. We have an amazing group with experience real and sim that can be shared with all. I learn something everyday here. And yes, welcome to Windy and all the new users. Also, hello to all the sage long term members I've not yet interacted with.
  4. All these years flying and never knew this simple relationship. Thanks!
  5. I just asked same question in original tread concerning new site. One answer either here or there will work. This is coming together nicely, really liking the new format. Thx.
  6. I may not be seeing where/how, but can the aircraft download files be searched buy complete aircraft vs repaints? Thanks.
  7. Excellent re-creation and explanation. This incident has been the shining example of the principle of know where The Other Plane is. If now absolutely sure,,,, stop, ask, ask, and ask again.
  8. Love the design of their hangars. The whole environment of this field is so well done.
  9. Bill, Got your "100 missions over the s--t river bridge" patch? Cubi Point and Olongapo, San Magoo's and balut. Damm, I so miss the P.I. Fighter bar from the Cubi O'club was removed and rebuilt at the Naval Air Museum in P'Cola.
  10. Close air support. Never forget that we exist for one reason, to support the Marine on the ground. F4U supporting Marines landing on an Iwo Jima beach, Note this is later in the campaign as you can see the 2nd & famous large flag flying on Mt. Suribachi. This is A.F.Scrub's F4U (corsair_f4u1a.zip) with the FSX Scenery--Iwo Jima Scenery 1945 Update by Tom Stovall (iwojima1945sceneryupdt).
  11. I am really liking the single click on the Activity (bullhorn) icon on the top right. I review the list of all activities across the forums. Allowing me to appreciate the breath and scope of the full MSFS world. This site gets better and better the more you try all the features.
  12. I'm looking for a "fix" for FSX Accel I've used in the past. It was a modified config file that eliminated the disk 2 message. If/when I find it I will post here.
  13. When she gets back to Magu, they have the best chocolate milkshakes in California at the flight line gedunk.
  14. Jankees, Looks like a perfect day to take her up!
  15. Gunner, I too am liking the new format. And I must say, for us silver haired eagles, there are an awful lot of people who fall into the younger generation category!
  16. Learning curve for all of us. Thanks, great shots.
  17. Having flown the JetRanger in real life, the details in this model are amazing.
  18. Not sure why, but link did not work for me.
  19. At 7 minutes into the video, look at how much rudder input the RyanAir pilot is using. Keep flying the aircraft, even when on the ground. Great video!
  20. Good morning Vietnam... "Last one there buys a round!" OV-10 Bronco FAC outbound from Bien Hua to mark target for a F-100 Super Saber. Two fine examples from North American Aviation/Rockwell.
  21. Working on a T-28 repaint for Cuba, only one photo I can find, but coming soon. Not an airliner, but a part of Cuban aviation history,
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