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Everything posted by PhrogPhlyer

  1. Dawn T/O from Andersen AFB Guam. Gorgeous morning for a hop over to Cubi Point NAS Philippines. Enroute weather turns to rain all the way to the destination. No sight seeing today, drinks at the O'club instead.
  2. This phrase is also used for selecting cruise altitudes: East = Odd thousands ( 3, 5, 27, 31, etc), West = Even thousands ( 4, 6, 28, 32, etc). IFR = X thousand feet (3,000, 15,000, 32,000, etc, VFR = X thousand plus 500 (3,5000, 12,5000, 17,500-max for VFR).
  3. Do it Rick. This model is a real handful to fly with auto-rudder off and gyro effect (p-factor) turned on. Fun awaits! Search FSX Early Aircraft "FSX Gee Bee" here on FlightSim.
  4. OK, that definitely made me laugh!
  5. Finally scrolled through the many pages of paints you've done. Wow is an understatement. I have much to learn and aspire to as I work on my paints. Thanks.
  6. Sorry Nels, I made an incorrect deduction that the thecorporatepilotdad vids were your work. Thanks for clearing that up. I need a scorecard to sort out some of the players here.
  7. My Private Pilot FAA check ride was on Jun 1st 1973. And still remains the one check ride I will never forget, like your first solo, you can only do that once! It does help me (and maybe its just me) to know that an actual aviator is explaining things. Gives real world sight and sounds to what you are explaining for sim flying. Love the detail and clarity of your tutorials. You put a lot of work into your productions, and it shows!
  8. Another aircraft that deserved your attention and excellent rendition. Where is this flying? Great coastline.
  9. Thanks for the update. I have not used before, and was very impressed with the long list of aircraft that may be selected.
  10. Excellent set of tutorials. I like that you've set up a section for these. They also highlight the strength of legacy versions with skills that can be used in any FS version. I think it might be helpful to enhance the professional credibility for the tutorial and FlightSim, if Bill, Nels, and other tutorial writers would add their FAA certificates to their profiles (ATP, CFI, MEI, CFII, GI, etc.), and maybe ttl flight time and types of flying (Corporate, Military, Air Carrier, etc). Good tutorials, along with the availability of a wide range of downloads help to enhance the strength of FlightSim as THE go to site for sim pilots.
  11. Glad to see site is back to flightsim nor forums/flightsim. That and being an https seems best in the long run. Slowly it all comes together.
  12. A bikini at an Arkansas grass strip. No wonder he had passed out!
  13. Proof that legacy versions still have it. Fantastic shot of a fantastic aircraft.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This is the 12th in a serious of repaints for countries that flew the North American T-28 in their military. In 1978 the Brazilian Navy received 6 T-28s. You will need the FSX North American T-28C Update, t-28cupx.zip. Original model by Tim Conway Updated by Bob Chicilo Repaint by PhrogPhlyer Other aircraft in this series are: FSX North American T-28C VT-6 ( T28C VT6.zip ) FSX North American T-28D Cuban Air Force ( T-28 Cuba AF.zip ) FSX North American T-28D Congolese Air Force ( T28C Congo AF.zip ) FSX North American T-28D Taiwan ROC Air Force ( T28 ROC Taiwan AF v1aF.zip ) FSX North American T-28 South Korea ROK Air Force ( T28 ROKAF.zip ) FSX North American T-28 Royal Moroccan Air Force ( T28 RMAF.zip ) FSX North American T-28 Uruguay Naval Air Force (T28 UNAF.zip) FSX North American T-28 Philippines Air Force (T28 Philippines Air Force.zip) FSX North American T-28 Royal Thai Air Force (T28 Royal Thai Air Force.zip) FSX North American T-28 France Fennec 119 (T28 France Fennec 119.zip) FSX North American T28 Equadorian Air Force (T28 Equadorian Air Force.zip) More to come.
  15. Fantastic Nels. Exactly what I needed! I see that I can edit the names for the current files. Thanks!
  16. Not sure why this happens, several rotors AND propellers that were 2004 aircraft show as solid disks in FSX versions. I've replaced them with bmp images that I know work on other aircraft with some success.
  17. Is there a possible format for naming uploads that might help in searches? Such as "FS Version - Name - Complete/Repaint/Textures/Paint Kit/Etc" Want to make it easy for people to find our works. Thx
  18. Do you mean "input" the approach speed? Not sure of exactly what you are asking. Thx.
  19. Such as? Just wondering what issues you've seen. Thx,
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