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Everything posted by Downwind66

  1. Very nice Aharon! I like that older livery, on bare metal too! Thanks for sharing! Rick
  2. Day started out well, but definitely took a dump at the end of the day! Oh well, get a strong one at the O Club! Rick
  3. Bill, these pics are magnificent! Kudos to your photo abilities! Thanks for sharing! Rick
  4. I bet it is a handful as small as it is! Hey, if I can't handle it, I will hang it on my car mirror! Rick
  5. Thanks Bill, I have more than this one, but, they all fly "Oh so well!" Thanks for commenting! Rick
  6. East of the date? As you are facing north/south??? Never heard that one before!
  7. The GB Racer, always had the urge to download one of these, but DIDN'T!! Now that you have so nicely displayed this magnificent Yellow/Black one, "Got to have one!" Great find Phrog!! Rick
  8. LOL, went to correct my signature and the 3 dots (upper right) did not allow me to edit my last post! Correction: Rick (Downwind66) minor change, but, proud of the "66," the year I received my PPL!
  9. I don't think anybody on here who has made comments to the negative are "lurkers" or people who just want to complain..................... The new developers have asked for comments/suggestions and that's what is being thrown their way! We are end users, we have been spoiled over the years with the "old system" and to tell the truth, that we were, SPOILED, otherwise we would be partaking another site to get what we are used to! When I get the itch for something new and exciting, I want to reach out and to have a system help me find that "new and exciting!" I don't want frustrations or the whim to go elsewhere to find it! Developers and Nels, we are patient and most have an open mind for the new system! If it's comments or suggestions you want, you will get them and don't think it's out of fits of anger or resistance! I like what I see for the most part, and I look forward to seeing the final product! We know what we like to remain here, and we will ask for what we see missing! To incorporate our wants, it might be "easier said than done," but that's us being "creatures of habit!" We just don't want to hear, "You don't like it? What don't you like about it? You should have said something during the change, we might have been able to give you what you want or what you see is missing! I applaud all that have made comments! Like our parents have taught us for so many years, "its not what you say, but, how you say it!" and that might be what's happening between the users and developers? Good job developers, please don't be thin skinned! You asked for comments and/or suggestions and you will get them! Rick (Downwind) //still content flying MY existing library, but, that can change at a "moments' notice!
  10. Look at all the happy faces and rightfully so! Returning home to their loved ones! Thanks to the C-141 crews who got them home again! Rick
  11. Thanks Jorgen for your input as so accurately put! I do miss the old search system! Thanks - Rick
  12. So far, I feel somewhat pleased with the way the new site's software has turned out! HOWEVER, I really think the download section (replacing the library??) has turned out to be "the PITS!" When I used to look for a new aircraft to download, the entries required were quite simple..... FS2004? FSX? Complete aircraft, textures, panels, utilities Civilian, military? Props, jets include such words for search exclude any of the following words and the list goes on to give me a narrowed search area of what I am looking for! Now, I see a search starting out with A's such as Airbus and it continues on................................................................. no key word choice, no exclusionary words, just begin your search here Maybe I just missed something along the way?? The site has been down long enough, that I had to search for aircraft elsewhere. The site I used was not as simple and straightforward as our old library's search window, BUT, a whole lot better than the new systems aircraft offering listings!! JMHO Rick
  13. Now You're talking Phrog! Very nice and I do like the cammo! Rick
  14. Thanks Phrog, and this plane is special, see the doggy standing on the floor, thinks he the copilot! Rick
  15. And I come back down from the sky with the military AC, let's fall back to a "Classic" (even it's daydreaming)!!!!
  16. Downwind66

    TDS Boeings

    Two good posts Mike and Patty & Peter. I think I will print these to have when I get an aircraft that acts up with the first flight after downloading! Thanks Mike and Peter
  17. If you have it, I would give it a try! If it's for FS2004, you will probably need to throw an FSX panel and sound folder to it to make it work! I am sure you have a default MS FSX 747 that you could borrow a panel and sound folder from that! Good luck! If it works, it will save you about $35 plus the shipping cost! You won't know until you try it! Rick
  18. Shhhh!!! Yeah, and the pilot is not licensed to fly this Bad Boy! "Catch me if you can!" Rick
  19. I'm not one for making Airline passengers nervous when they look out their window and see some crazy old man and his side kick copilot flying an F-16, soooooo, I tend to take the military aircraft out late at night. This was last night around 11:15, hope we weren't seen? A nice flight, Charleston, SC to Baltimore-Washington Intl. What a "Hoot" to fly, one of my favorites! No dust on this one Capt Bill! Rick
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