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Everything posted by Elvensmith

  1. Also switch off rudder assist, I was having all sorts of issues steering on the ground until I killed that one in the Assist list.
  2. Steam update was totally painless. Most of the files were for the Steam element, the actual MS/Asobo element was around 87kb (yes that's kilobytes) and took all of about 90 seconds to install. Obviously sorry to hear people are having problems, but it's a bit like condemning a car manufacturer because you happened to get the one that developed a particular defect, when the other 20k models didn't.
  3. Thanks for that Steve. As noted previously the sim can be erratic when it comes to remembering your custom callsign and registration when loading a saved game.
  4. Well the good news is the first patch didn't break anything and it might just be placebo but loading time getting in flight seemed a bit quicker. However while it is useable for GA if you avoid the autopilot and great fun for sightseeing, still not quite primetime for serious "tube" flying where you need everything working just so.
  5. Do a serach for autopilot and you will find this is a known (but tedious) issue. It seems the AP in NAV/GPS mode is trying to backtrack towards the first WP in your flightplan. Also tries to fly into the ground as noted, which I've also had if I try and enable heading and follow the onscreen WP display. We will need to see if anything regarding this is addressed in the forthcoming update, though not holding my breath.
  6. Also if you have a joystick and Xbox controller connected I find these conflict, especially if you were playing something with the pad beforehand. Always start FS2020 from a cold boot and don't even look at your XB pad if you intend to use the joystick.
  7. Sounds like you need to set up the sensitivity and dead zone in the relevant menu. You also need to ensure you move/twist the joystick through its range of motions for the config to take, before pressing F11 to save. Aside from that. some of the GA planes are a bit temperamental...
  8. Apparently the disc version needs #1 DVD in the drive as copy protection when you play. Eventually it will wear out - happened to me with GTA San Andreas and I had to buy the game again, luckily by that time at discount price. Better to buy form Steam or the MS Store direct.
  9. I think you will find it is a known bug which has been acknowledged by Asobo/MS
  10. To anyone thinking of refunding, as someone who did and then recanted (bought it again!), think very carefully. Even if you only do a couple of GA flights a week you will still be getting great value out of the title - there is no other sim or game out there with the scope this offers. Yes I will maintain until I'm blue in the face that MS/Asobo went too soon with this and effectively gave us an early access/open beta version, but I am prepared to extend a little faith and hope they address some of the more glaring issues in the coming weeks. In the meantime, fire up the Icon or Cessna 152 and go do some sightseeing.
  11. The Icon and the Cessna 152 are great little aircraft to start with. They handle quite well and no worries about dealing with the autopilot (they don't have one!).
  12. Well the refund went through without any quibble but I since relented and repurchased!
  13. Thanks! Just done a quick test flight from Sywell down towards London City and ground steering, the issue I was getting angry at, seems back to normal. The only thing I did was switch off the assist for rudder on takeoff, though as that was on when the game was previously behaving... go figure. Using the Cessna 152 so I can ignore the AP idiosyncrasies, until MS fix it. I apologise for my lack of faith and good to be back!
  14. No not an extreme manoeuvre but rage refunded then changed their mind and repurchased? Well I've just did! Having refunded a couple of days ago I gave in and have put it back on. I would rather have what it does offer and be able to offer constructive feedback, than be on the outside looking in. Not only that the £60 would have been burning a hole in my Steam wallet, I'd have ended up spending it on other games I probably wouldn't have enjoyed. Then in 2 or 3 months time explain to my missus why I wanted another £60 to buy FS again! Luckily I didn't delete the core game files so looks like reinstall is a doddle.
  15. Also FSX will not cook your hardware. According to Windows Gamebar, the new game was pushing my GTX1650 to 99%. FSX running at around 30% in a populated area.
  16. After deciding the new sim isn't (yet) for me and refunding, I vote thread title change to FSX - A New Beginning!
  17. Not going to go into the whys and wherefores of my decision, other than to say if circumstances change, I may rebuy in the future. This query refers to the Steam removal process for the sim, does it clean all the files or, as the main install was from the MS server, does this need to be purged separately? If so, where are the files located? Thanks.
  18. Nothing in the notes about fixing autopilot or joystick issues.
  19. I am really starting to think MS need to pull this game as unfit for purpose and hand it back to the developers to actually finish!
  20. I have 24Gb of RAM running at medium settings (I7 4770, GTX1650 4Gb). During a typical flight, Windows Game Bar tells me the CPU is running ~40%, the GPU at 99% and 60% of RAM is being used. So it might make a slight difference but it appears the bottleneck of this program at present, is the GPU.
  21. Was going to try that Tim but now having more issues - cannot control the plane on the ground. Tried Logitech stick and Xbox pad but just pulls sharply off runway to the right. Tried configuration on both, same thing. Tested joystick in XP11 and FSX, working perfectly okay.
  22. Just had the same thing happen resuming a flight from Sywell to Donegal. I think what's happening is that the CDI/GPS/AP is defaulting back towards the first waypoint in the plan. I can't see a way to change the active leg on the CDI. So I set the heading to point me in the general (correct) direction and eventually, for reason unknown, the correct leg then appeared! Unfortunately in the meantime, nearly stalling trying to climb out of some very exaggerated turbulence, my co-pilot took it upon himself to radio the closest airport that we were coming in to land! This has removed the GPS waypoint marker from the view ahead...
  23. Problem is, FSX has so many issues running on modern systems, even with the Dovetail tweaks that once (if!) Asobo and MS sort out the initial bugs the only thing we will miss is - as mentioned above - the plethora of add-n content.
  24. Nice one. Though the 3.6Gb download for a single airport is kind of indicative how much HD space this sim could potentially gobble up!
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