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Everything posted by mallcott

  1. It was only ANNOUNCED at NBAA last year. Do ya expect it to be available? You might want to wait until it's prototyped, at least. I've only just seen a HA 420 for the first time...
  2. A stupid question: Will the `qualified pilot` have to prove they have a full car licence? I know several car drivers who have a pilots licence, but shouldn't be allowed in charge of a shopping trolley, much less some `million quid` car/plane hybrid!
  3. I think it's down to the Will of Man. First, decide to do something about it, then actually DO something rather than debate. Otherwise we might as well de-planet. I hear Alpha Centauri is nice, this time of year....
  4. XPL12 will NOT demand constant online updates, and should make better use of resources.... I'm looking at switching from P3dv5.
  5. In a new, state of the art clinic. Obviously
  6. Or P3D... but FSX is the first choice.
  7. It is no longer the primary flight simulation forum. Hasn't been for some time. Wait until X-Plane 12. Then much will change. Exactly the same with other fora. They have no recent updates either...
  8. Varies according to airport, country and location No single answer fits all, not even here in the UK. Generally, here it's 6,000 ft ASL, but it varies from 5,000 ft in Manchester and Doncaster down to as little as FL245 in some cases. And will also vary according to aviation activity. FWIW I generally avoid the Flight Levels as that is beneficial for VFR in many cases. There is no `single .csv` or anything... I've never been made aware of one for any other country, for that matter. And believe me, I've looked... You might need to first look up `Level Bust` as definition. Sometimes the real world impinges on your simulation activity!
  9. mallcott

    fuel gauges

    Full or partial reinstall? Missing fonts? simconnect active? Electrics on? Which 737?
  10. It can't be diamond. or else it would be an appreciating asset. Trouble is graphics cards or not, EVER, appreciating. I only ever buy second-hand these days and mostly avoid VAT or any other duties. I'm not made of money. FACT: NO graphic card is worth that much, not ever. I will never run MSFS if that outlay was expected... If THEY want me to fund an upgrade, find a way to do it at my budget! ALL GC's are overpriced IMHO.
  11. No way ANYTHING is worth that, much less a bloody Graphics Card...
  12. FSUIPC is a separate, stand-alone program. It does NOT require Accelerator Pack. Simply install into FSX. Then decide whether it needs to benefit from being paid-for. Get info from Pete Dowson: https://forum.simflight.com/forum/30-fsuipc-support-pete-dowson-modules/
  13. FSUIPC used to have a fix. Don't know whether it still does? Needed the payware versh, though...
  14. Antonov AN-24RV. Back in the day it was my go-to aircraft. Dmitri Samborski was (is) a great designer. https://www.avsimrus.com/files.phtml?sort=down_m_12&minrating=&groupid=39315&sopt_title=1&sopt_desc=1&sopt_author=1&sopt_fname=1&sopt_comms=1
  15. There's too much building going on in the UK to justify Photoreal in any plausible extent. I have moved house and have a new-build street just round the corner and it's not even on Google maps yet, much less having my car in my drive.... and FSX is really dead, just in it's death throes. What are you looking for? A reasonable stab can be made from ORBX with TrueEarth or England.
  16. I'm working on the principle when it's time to stop riding, it will be high-time to stop flying. I think I have a couple of years in me yet, although I no longer ride sports bikes, even with all the gadgets and gizmos, just more power than I can handle!
  17. When I started this hobby I was not even middle-aged. Now I'm a pilot in real life in my dotage, and can only agree with you! I see no reason to stop simming, in fact I will need to stop REAL flying first! Sims may come and go, but simmers go on forever!
  18. ...And needs a completely separate purchase and installation (and download). FSUIPC is version 7 for MSFS, version 4 for FSX (and version 6 for P3d) https://forum.simflight.com/topic/80977-updated-modules/ They NOT cross-compatible.
  19. I am in my 50's and still play - just not FSX any more. Keeps me sharp for real flying.
  20. Wrong sim. You will need P3dv5.0+ to have `ground effect`... As CRJ says, you need to read about what REX does in various sims. I can't recall ANY ground effects, short of snow, dependiing on season and actual weather...:pilot::pilot:
  21. Why would you expect them, whoever they may be, to celebrate birthdays? Might be more a case of they day they came out the pipette, for all we know! Even in this world there are millions who don't celebrate that day because humans don't know they day of their birth, unless it is told to them by people who've known them since birth....
  22. Just save FSX.cfg to somewhere else on the drive, then transfer it back to the OE location, overwriting as you go over the original..
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