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Everything posted by mallcott

  1. I'd prefer a flying bike: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Flying+Motorbike&&view=detail&mid=3EABAED9211B92145C803EABAED9211B92145C80&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3DFlying%2BMotorbike%26FORM%3DVDMHRS
  2. Note that these sceneries have been designed to work best with the FTX AU ground textures - TEXT included with them. Why have you not got FTX AU ground ? https://orbxdirect.com/product/auv2
  3. Guenter will help if necessary. But you need to tell us the sim and the version, and the hardware you're running it on...
  4. `Go down` or `slow down` is par for the course for most turboprops. One can always try controlling the props - it doesn't work on most Carenado product because their ignorance is matched by their ego. In this case Go for ``slow down` first, then deploy flaps and gear at appropriate speeds. Try asking Carenado how their `real` pilots do it - Don't wait for their reply though.
  5. I can't recommend your thinking. P3d is not - NOT - XP11. Try https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/category/169-custom-sounds/
  6. Disagree: FSX was much improved... incremental development may have achieved P3D but MSFS is DEFINITELY two steps back, and only 0.1 forward...
  7. The v/s only works when the ALT button is NOT in use. DO NOT set the a/p vertical function until you are AT the chosen altitude. Many real-world autopilots are like that!
  8. mallcott

    Mr Anwar Joossab

    While their, learn what controls you can choose for the Cessna, and what you cannot. You CAN control speed with pitch, but only by increasing or decreasing pitch angle... there are NO speed controls on the Cessna 172! The rest? The Learning Center is your source.
  9. I endorse that. I always renew my drivers after clearing history and cache.
  10. Actually, I would recommend rice. Cheap and extremely effective. Never dry any electrical device in any kind of fan. You cannot control how thoroughly it dries throughout...
  11. Nor mine. And I just changed video card drivers AND reinstalled Edge with latest version.
  12. Put it in the dishwasher. Yes, really. As log as it dries properly it will work again...
  13. Wind? Land into wind whenever possible. Crosswind can ruin your entire day!
  14. The USA want to know when they will be getting their F35 back? https://www.military.com/equipment/f-35b-lightning-ii
  15. Unless you have wiiiide experience, the whole world over, I would have to ask you how you know WHAT the ground should look like, from the air? I have hundreds of hours, VFR, in the UK and I declare no such experience in my view. Let me know how much air time you have in the real world in Europe, Africa, Asia, the USA and the ROTW... I will then be in a better position to assess your opinons.
  16. BeEch Bonanza G36 surely? You might want to read the instructions/Follow the rules! Usually no need to use flaps for take off, unless it's a short field. Press the lever for flap control.
  17. You can take months just getting Freeware for FSX. Why pay?
  18. Then you should be good to go. Just don't think P3D will ever fly on that rig. But with options down low enough, it should work. Just ensure good power supply. I recommend at least 900 watts with such a setup
  19. Just a quick message: YOU don't own the product. Asobo does. The license is for USE, not digital ownership.
  20. In simple terms FSUIPC allows external applications to access many of the Microsoft Flight Simulator internal variables from simple data like pitch, roll, altitude and heading right through to weather and acceleration values. Choose the version for your sim.
  21. Have you tried FreeMesh? You need additional files, not reinstalled... This has been explained and addons suggested.
  22. Why would you hold that rig back with a 1080Ti? Surely that rig calls for a 3080, at least?
  23. Yes, they either reckoned, or ended up dead... It's map reading for the GPS generation. Drive up the down road and the crash will either kill you, or make you stronger!
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