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Everything posted by JSkorna

  1. Well in the newest sims you wouldn't be able to do many of the things you enjoy. And you need a modern OS and computer, no legacy stuff.
  2. Just go ahead and stick with your FS2004.
  3. If you had the full version you can fly worldwide.
  4. http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/AWOS/
  5. Great shots! Soooooo realistic right out of the box!!
  6. Some starting points: Find NOAA archived data. Download an hourly file. Run AS in offline mode. Point AS to the hourly file you downloaded. All this is from memory. The AS User Guides might explain it step by step. I know in some versions we did.
  7. Technology advancements. As technology advances, programs are written to take advantage of those advancements. They cannot be added as patches so code needs to be rewritten and this takes money.
  8. Or don't make a choice and refresh the whole ATC system at once.
  9. After changing/setting the weather, are you refreshing the ATC system by moving the sim time forward or backward by 1 minute? Or I do believe there was a FSUIPC setting that did this automatically for you.
  10. Let's be perfectly clear here that I have not reported a single post in regards to this topic. Please know what you are talking about before posting, RJ.
  11. No, it's for PC also. All MS games are now under the X Box label.
  12. Not in the middle of June, lol! Nice shots of my home airport.
  13. 1. File has been deleted. 2. We need the crash report from Windows.
  14. No, the details are out of my range of knowledge. But in general it would mean finding the .bgl file for those mountains and then editing the file. Yes, you changed to winter, but what date? There is a 5th season that is set by the date called hard winter. Also note that you are going to get snow textures everywhere, not just at those mountains.
  15. You cannot add snow just to the mountains by using the weather menu. You would need to start to edit scenery files that are related to those mountains.
  16. Ummmmmmm............ no. At one time commercial developers could not post about their products or upcoming releases in the general Sim forums. Provide support? Yes. Advertise? Nope.
  17. What is your FS9 install path? Why did you post this in the Screenshots forum? lol
  18. Is DX10 Preview turned On in your FSX? Many older planes will not display with this option turned on.
  19. A simulation is a representation of something, not the real thing. A simulation is something that represents something else — it isn't the real thing. At times you might perform a simulation as practice for real life, such as a flight simulation that’s used to train pilots.
  20. He didn't need to reinstall, he made the choice to re-install. Now he is up and running again. How many times have you un-installed and re-installed a flight sim? Your attacks against MS are getting old.
  21. Your sim install is corrupt and you need to do a Repair install. This is nothing new since FS9. And don't think that it is Microsoft's fault like some want you to believe.
  22. 89 friends and not a single file to be found. Pretty easy to run something like that.
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