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PhrogPhlyer last won the day on June 6

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    New Jersey (N87)
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    Retired. Military officer/pilot/safety.


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  1. Good reading. https://theaviationgeekclub.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-applying-to-fly-the-sr-71-blackbird/
  2. A brief perusal of the flight manual will highlight the lack of sophistication in systems and the heavy pilot required system knowledge and workload. Barely an automated system in sight. Study, study and more study... them lets talk about your first flight. T.O. 1SR-71A-1 - Flight Manual - SR-71A (31-07-1989).pdf
  3. Repost. Original thread started on February 9, 2023. Please keep comments to the topic of this post. The fighters, bombers, attack and helos can overshadow some real cargo/transport workhorses and heroes. Fifty years ago, from February to April of 1973, C-141's flew almost 600 POWs from Hanoi. A humble salute to the POWs and those who brought them home.
  4. Nicely done. A humble salute to all who participated in Operation Overlord, and prayers for those who landed on those shores and never returned.
  5. Frank, At least for me you have outdone yourself with this video. The F4U has a place near and dear to any US Marine, exemplified by the well known exploits of VMF-214 "Black Sheep" with Maj. Boyington at the helm. I just finished reading two-years of war-time daily combat reports for the Black Sheep. Over and over again, the F4U proved itself worthy for the fight. Your video has so much of areas I've actually overflown in real aviation. I especially appreciated you adding Arlington National Cemetery and the Pentagon. Appropriate respect to those lost in WW-II. Again, Well Done. Bravo Zulu!
  6. As an FSX Gold user, I am unfamiliar with FSX Steam. Would someone give a simple explanation of Gold vs Steam version differences? Thanks.
  7. Give this a try. https://skyvector.com/
  8. Gauges? We don't need no stinking gauges!!!
  9. Maybe Piasecki's new facility in Coatesville PA? Hmmm...
  10. Thanks Zippy and Sirrus. All good now. Your help is much appreciated.
  11. I installed the HUP "per readme" and still get this message: And then the screen looks like this (no aircraft moving 360 view), until it crashes and reloads FSX. I get the same regardless of the specific model selected.
  12. Hey Charlie, Ohhh, missed that "little" note in the readme. No, the H-21 isn't installed atm, but I'll see if that fixes things. I'll post if it works or not. Thanks.
  13. Has anyone had success in using the Piasecki HUP for FSX? https://simviation.com/1/search?submit=1&keywords=piasecki&categoryId=56 (Sorry but the HUP is not available for FSX on our site here.) When I attempt to select the aircraft I get a "Can not display model" message and then FSX locks up and restarts. If you know how to correct this issue, or know of another location for this aircraft, that actually works, please let me know. Thank you.
  14. There is no system method to display time, however there are many addon versions of clocks that can be used.
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