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  1. Which parts of south america are your favorite?
  2. I only wonder if a custom camera in front of the VC would work with a 2D cockpit? Disclaimer, I do not own 2020. I assume for props the camera might want to be slightly lowered as well.
  3. I apologize, I only see a blank quote above. Unsure what you are referencing. Edit: whoops! I did not even realize it did that, weird. I took the quote that you were quoting and it thought it cited it as you. Simple mistake
  4. As long as my aircraft is trimmed properly its no big deal. In the T38 i feel like i am juggling while riding a unicycle. But i'd hardly call it "fancy" button mapping. It is a simple as pushing one button, you could even make it the number pad keys to make it really simple. surprised no one has made a 2d mod for 2020
  5. I have enjoyed this thread quite a bit, but I am a super latecomer. I have learned so much and took it very serious in sim with respect to instruments and procedure. I went to school to study biological sciences, and flirted with the idea of aviation when I was 20. At 27 I got diagnosed with a rare form of glaucoma, and technically I am better than 20-40 vision, which I believe is airline standard, I have blind spots with one eye closed. I am sure I could still get a private pilot license, but I doubt any airline would sign a waiver to allow me to fly. I recently became obsessed with aviation, it actually makes me quite emotional (with joy) listening to people's stories. So for now, flying in sim is likely the closest I will get to flying for an airliner. FSX was simply the choice for nostalgia and not being able to afford a PC at this time. But sharing my story, I grew up and lived near the 149th fighter wing, aka the Lonestar Gunfighters. I sometimes tear up when flying the F16 in sim, because I think about their bravery and sacrifice that they made to protect this country. The fact that aviation brings all together, I find very special, and I cherish it. -Sincerely, Daniel
  6. I thought the New Zealand post is great, lets share where everyone flies. I typically fly Houston (Hobby, Elington for military flights, and Bush intercontinental), so I can do VOR loops around the gulf coast. Occasionally fly to Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin. Occasionally I will fly Albuquerque, New Mexico for it's beautiful mountains. Looking forward to trying suggestions, the prettier the better!
  7. While I agree it can be frustrating when the mouse sticks and wont turn, you can at least map keys to camera views and snap very quickly between instruments. No doubt though, there are people still live by 2D cockpit, not me though, I love highly detailed and complex cockpits.
  8. Maybe a tad out of the box with this one. DCS on the other hand, with actual weapons you can drop and shoot, that could make for an interesting scenario
  9. I appreciate the help, i ended up just throwing the foxindiatecho F14 cockpit in it.
  10. Reading through the other forums, I did see it is possible in 2020. I agree so much, but on occasion ATC will smoke a doobie and forget I exist. Usually airport dependent and the work around is to create a custom IFR. Usually happens if the vector change is immediately after handoff.... i think.
  11. Ty, good responses. I actually got recommended a video from pilot debrief where a pilot was expecting an ILS approach but the runway was closed and they diverted him to another runway gps. Sadly being pilot debrief it didn't end well as the pilot wasn't prepared for an alternate approach. In my own experience i was being vectored GPS which was a first for me, caught me off guard. The video was identical to my situation, except i was in a 30,000 pound jet
  12. Yeah, we were having a discussion about how to land IFR if you don't have a glideslope available. I was in pitch black dark, used to landing runway 35, expecting IFR vectors, but instead ATC gave me vectors for GPS to runway 4 with no glideslope, and with an IFR ribbon only pointing runway 22. They were just giving me advice that it is still possible and that pilots must learn how to deal with that scenario too. Plus I think OP is busy setting up their new rig!
  13. Check those beauties out, turns out the F16 does have a glideslope, and what a difference it makes. The glideslope and localizer in HUD is bada$$, but it is handflown. I did some investigation, during IFR of severe weather and almost no visibility, ATC had me fly GPS to runway 4 due to the crosswind, which I thought was odd. IF you look in this photo I am landing runway 35 heading 354, runway 4 is the perpendicular runway. Well upon further examination, runway 22 has an ILS, but runway 4 does not, so you can only pick up the localizer super close to the runway. My guess is that the in game ATC didn't register or doesnt think that logically, I wouldve rather landed in a cross wind knowing where I am going vs. landing GPS which I thought was strange in the first place. BTW this is an actual operating field for the Texas Air National guard and their fleet of block 50 F16. They practice this almost exclusively in IFR conditions. Every time there is a rainstorm, you can guarantee the F16s or the T38s are flying. PS: How about that 7XSO intercept! Beautiful!
  14. So if I understand correctly, by the time I reach 150 kts I should be roughly 750 feet at an attack of three degrees, assuming I began my descent at 1800 feet? I was listening to professional F16 pilot say they quite often land by watching angle of attack in case the above scenario of glideslope loss occurs. I think for most airports the localizer is about ten miles out? In your case, I see turn heading 127 at 2400 feet, is procedure to just trust the DME and go around if you don't see threshold markings by your decision altitude to go around? I imagine this could be nerve racking in real life. (it was nerve racking in the sim, I got saturated and crashed)
  15. I'm with you on that big time, I tested so many planes recently. The one thing that drives me nuts, is when big studios take the time to make killer jets that look, fly well, have fully functioning cockpits, but DOESNT HAVE A GLIDE SLOPE!!!! So frustrating. I downloaded the F15 mission pack with Afghanistan airbases that are pitch black dark.
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