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Macroburst last won the day on May 14

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  1. 2nd to last shot was my favorite. Busy view especially with the airport & city architecture Enjoyed it Darryl.
  2. Leg 1- Bulldog Departed LFPO @ 07:37am and despite the light haze & sunshine lifted smoothly to ~3000 ft indicated. The duration of the flight was fairly benign sans a few instances of CATs (clear air turbulence). Those really got my attention in such a light open air craft. Landing was smooth. And as a bonus for rotor craft?? PLENTY OF PARKING SPACES!!!! Cheers Macro
  3. As clearly stated; " HeliFest 2024 will follow the route of the historic Simplon Orient Express of the 1930’s, landing at an airport in each city visited by the Orient Express from Paris France to Istanbul Turkey. Participants will fly 1300 miles, visit 11 airports, and traverse 7 countries, all while sharing their adventures along the way. Primary Route 1. Paris France, Orly Airport, LFPO 2. Dijon France LFSD - Dist. 141.6nm 3. Lausanne Switzerland LSGL - Dist. 75.9nm 4. Milano Italy LIMC - Dist. 103.3nm 5. Venezia Italy LIPZ - Dist. 152.6nm 6. Trieste Italy LIPQ - Dist. 50.8nm 7. Vincovci Croatia LDOV - Dist. 224.5 nm or Osijek Croatia LDOS - Dist. 224.9nm 8. Beograd Serbia LYBE - Dist. 70.8 nm 9. Nis Serbia LYNI - Dist. 111.1nm 10. Sofia Bulgaria - Dist. LBSF 78.3nm 11. Istanbul Turkey LTFM or LTBA or LTFJ Note: · Vincovci Croatia, being a major rail hub, was a stop along the Orent Express. However, the closest airport, LDOV, is not available in all sim versions. Therefore, Osijek Croatia is the alternate being the next closest airport. Add-on FSX scenery is available for LVOD through FlightSim. · Istanbul LTFM is not available in FS9. Therefore, Ataturk LTBA is the alternate being the next closest airport. · Istanbul LTFM and LTBA are not available in all sims. LTFJ is an acceptable alternative" Easy!
  4. "I hope that's not Tim Bowlachilli's hat!" Let's just say my poker skills are much much better than my looks! '@@' ^ ~
  5. Well.... At least I got it through! Macro is in Flying non timed with the Bulldog AutoGyro, MSFS 2020. Any certified flight instructor is welcome to accompany for a free trip lodging & meals. My long term instructor is unable to make this flight. Cheers
  6. OK Helicopters are awesome, my skills in aforementioned machines are the antithesis----- Any recommendations for an Autogyro for MSFS '2020'? Much thanks! Cheers Macro 'insurance companies forbid my entry into a 'copter' Burst
  7. Kudos Darryl Especially enjoyed the Alaska livery.
  8. Well Darryl, Sure you brought all your fishing gear- looks like a beautiful day! That livery is sharp IMHO. Macro
  9. Nay, nay taoftedal. I was just awaiting the Pathfinders to run first Recuperating from hospital and now 25% across from Asia to Africa! Direct then to my attempt to Gulkana.
  10. Nice, Taoftedal. I'm still working on the wiring for the all important espresso maker. My tea maker just isn't going to make it for that distance!
  11. 280 knots is pretty good! You're making good progress
  12. defaid, I wonder if I can fill my seat cushions with fuel. Hmmm This calls for better planning. Sounds fun. Macro 146 fixes, 7442 nm. Airways: GUCY SID EDBAL UG854 OG UQ594 NY UG660 GULEN UQ324 KELAK UG660 FL UM863 KITOB M863 JDW T532 KIA H744 KINIB N687 ROTEL T872 DAVRI Y604 SODAK P559 DANOB Y604 BOTOB P559 PUSOT M322 LOVEM M677 KUSEN A791 IMLOT M316 KATUS A791 BIVIN R462 LAKIV N894 TELEM A791 SEBMA Q19 JJS A791 CEA B465 CTG A599 GULOT W146 XSJ W148 LXI A599 GYA STAR ZGGG Might need an updated bathroom on board...
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