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Everything posted by CRJ_simpilot

  1. So I was on the patio and heard a prop fly over head. Could have been your standard issue Cessna. Not sure as I didn't look. But I heard it sputter for a moment and then the engine rev back up. So my question is: Why did it do that? Did the pilot (perhaps a student) not use the right mixture or is there something else here? It's not often I hear that, but on occasion I do. Thanks.
  2. Well here's the announcement for God sakes. https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/content.php?19423-Microsoft-Flight-Simulator-Returns-For-Xbox I figured it be Win 10 only.
  3. I hope it's like a real Sim and not just some game. If it is a real Sim then,
  4. It's probably because the intersections in FSX vs. the ones in the FMC by way of Navagraph data aren't there and are non existent. I think there's a way to update FSX's intersections. It might be a product from Navagraph. When I flew the PMDG 737 I used FSbuild or an online flight plan and used those intersections. FSX's intersections are quite old and unreliable.
  5. I think this can be solved by those who've really flown a real life 737, and there's a guy on YouTube called Flightdeck2Sim that does and uses the Zibo mod now. He used to fly in the PMDG, but I guess he likes the Zibo better so perhaps the reason as to why he switched was maybe due to its realism? I don't feel like it now, but anyone can go to his channel and ask and I'm sure he'll tell you why he went Zibo.
  6. I live in Loveland, CO, but not the ski resort. Flying into Aspen has always been a challenge.
  7. I get the same thing, but with a different gauge. I think you can first turn off the gauge before you hit replay and that should solve it.
  8. Between Newegg and Pcpartpicker, it looks like a good motherboard. I've always bought Gigabyte and never had any issues. Albeit, that doesn't necessarily mean you can't get a dud. It happens. https://pcpartpicker.com/product/7jPfrH/gigabyte-motherboard-gaz97xsli
  9. I don't think I get any stuttering using Active Sky 2016. I think if I do get any stuttering it's due to terrain, etc. But it's very minimal and I hardly notice it. I have an i5 6600k with a GTX 1050TI. I plan on upgrading the CPU.
  10. Ah, forgot AIFP had that. I hand edit my own plans so I don't use the features at all except for compiling. For me, the times I use I don't care about. So long as I have random traffic I can see take off, cruise and land.
  11. Great shots, man. Never flown on one at all, and yet they retired the damn thing. I read it can fly on one engine. Anyone know if that's true?
  12. You can always go online and look at what the UTC time is and the + or - hour offset to your local time. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/timezone/utc So your answers here so far indicate that your flight plans are either not formatted correctly, or you have not used the correct time settings.
  13. https://www.schiratti.com/mdcwarranty.html :cool:
  14. Yeah, I remember that in the paid-for version when I had FS2004. But I can do the same thing in FSX without a third-party module. And I can probably do it in FS2004 without FSUIPC as well. Also, you can always go into FS's button assignments and change the gear up and down buttons to the yoke buttons as well. You really don't need FSUIPC for that even though it's one of its features. Why I'm not sure. Believe me. I have the CH Products pedals and yoke and I just have the free version of FSUIPC to help mitigate certain issues that FSUIPC fixes among other things, and I was able to go into the button assignments and assign my buttons in the Sim its self. As to the mouse wheel for trim, etc. Perhaps FSUIPC does have a better fine grained ability. But I never really saw a problem using trim, heading, altitude, etc with the mouse wheel in FSX with just the free version of FSUIPC.
  15. I also use Active Sky 2016 with Active Sky Cloud Art. I can say from using it now for a year it's a great product. Cloud Art is used inconjunction with AS and injects the clouds as you fly for realism. You will need to read its manual in entirely and go though all the options in the weather engine.
  16. Now I feel like getting this Sm and add-on.
  17. Pretty amazing where flight simulation has gone. I started off in FS2004 circa 2008, but I messed with another version of FS back in circa '97 on my friend's computer. When I was fully dedicated with FS2004 on my own computer I learned about PMDG and I got the 737. Boy was that thing AWESOME! I flew from here in Colorado all over and every day. I even went from Colorado all the way to New Zealand doing hops in between in the 737-700. I learned everything myself and through the help of watching YouTube videos. In fact, the first time I took off in FS2004 was with the Lear 45 in Seattle and throgh the course of months I leaned how to fully utilize the instruments they give you in the default aircraft and how to properly use an ILS. Having old pictures like that is a good thing for reminiscence. I still have some old videos I uploaded to YouTube from when I was flying in FS2004. And I do have a few screen shoots.
  18. 1) What program did you use? 2) Were the flight plans created by you? 3) What is the name of the traffic file? If you don't see it in that scenery folder like it should be, I can tell you how to find it. Please anwser every single question I ask. I already asked you in my first response what program you used.
  19. What did you use to compile the flight plans. Just note that you can't mix FSX and FS2004 flight plans in FSX otherwise only FS2004 flight plans will show up. What directory are the flight plans in?
  20. I don't recall having the paid version of FSUIPC to trim with the mouse wheel at all.
  21. Wow! HAHA Pretty cool isn't it? I use the mouse wheel all the time. It's like cheating.
  22. There's really no off topic subforum, so I guest this is as good a place to post to. I've been having pain in my top part of the stomach and today I just got back from the ER. They did an ultrasound and found out I have gallstones. So in the near future here I'll be having surgery to have my gallbladder removed. Posting here in case I actually die on the operating table. Pretty unlikely but you never know and if that should ever happen you'll know why I'm not posting here anymore. :(
  23. I've been there on my way to Perth in the F-22. Nice scenery you have there.
  24. Why Microsoft didn't allow FS9 BGL code to be interpreted in FSX as well I'll never know.
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