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Everything posted by pomak249

  1. Perhaps you shoild try here? tamas@nemethdesigns.com its their support email. The power of google!!
  2. It states you need the fsx acceleration pack to get all the features, do you have that installed?
  3. Hi guys I recently visited FSElite to download the GSX trial version for FSX and am now inundated with endless notifications from them in my windows 10 notification area (they appear on screen when I boot into windows!!) I have registered at FSElite in the hope there would be a link to stop recieving them but no joy - I also messaged them a while back and again today but no joy! Anyone know how to disable them? BTW I have disabled notification in windows10 but they just keep coming!!! Grrrr!! SOLVED I THINK? FOUND FIREFOX WAS ALLOWING NOTIFICATIONS FROM FSELITE DESPITE ME NOT SETTING IT UP? NOW BLOCKED! HOPEFULLY CURED!!
  4. Thats sad im retired and 67 and still happily play my flightsims, amongst other stuff of course. Age shouldnt be a barrier to enjoyment!
  5. This might fair better in the 'file library' area? And the link says they are payware?
  6. Why i said its not for me guys! Having researched there are some addon payware a/c that have there own rain effects windscreen wise. Just a shame there is no ground rain effects as well unless i went to P3D by looks of what you say, sadly cant afford that baby.
  7. Im amazed this post is still generating such interest goes to prove how popular FS2004, FS9 and FSX really are. I shant be touching MSFS its way beyond my PCs capabilities and i have no upgrade planned (GPUs are way to expensive now). Cant deny it looks good but from what ive read it ends there! FSX rules in my book
  8. Thanks for that maybe not for me then i was hoping for something thst would add weather textures to the ground too. Im guessing theres nothing like that out there? FSX limitations?
  9. I tried the trial version but it wasnt for me, all the actions isolsted to one aircraft instead of the airport environment which i was hoping it would populate. Glad i didnt buy first!!! Thanks for taking an interest tho guys. And trying to open exits in FSX!!! What a PITA!!
  10. Sorry you just need to select FSX then scenery which should have 9 pages
  11. Thats good to know - i remain undecided at mo tho still collating info
  12. Theres some good free uk airbases at justflight https://www.justflight.com/category/flight-sim-add-ons/scenery-and-airports Scroll to page 9
  13. FYI i did further research and GSX has an inbuilt aircraft configurator which you use to set up any plane you choose, it creates a gsx.cfg which goes in the aircraft folder in FSX. Still undecided at mo so time to try the demo
  14. Thanks Brian think i will post this on the FSDT forum as you suggest
  15. Hi guys looking at buying GSX & GSX Level2 for my FSX, all the videos and reviews ive seen all show passenger jets but does it work with ANY aircraft? Im thinking Justflight HS748, Aerosoft Twin Otter, Justflight DH Dove etc.....? Any advice welcome Cheers Mick
  16. Hi guys im looking at getting REX5 for my FSX deluxe installation and have a couple of questions you can maybe enlighten me about? Do i have to be online to use it or will it run offline too? Does it improve the rain effects in FSX? Ie on the windscreen? If not is there a package out there that will? Cheers Mick
  17. He is asking about GSX. GEX is entirely different and associated with flight1 UTX Looks like you have had more luck with your post on Avsim.
  18. Are you referring to textures/repaints or the actual whole helicopter? If just the textures have you added the neccessary entries to the aircraft.cfg in numbered sequence http://www.fstipsandaddons.com/install-addon-repaints-textures-fsx/
  19. Would it be because i use a VPN? Any of you guys know of repaints for the Aeroplane Heaven C119? BTW its now a free download at Orbx/freeware
  20. Simply asked for a download link for Aeroplane Heaven C119 repaints!! Shant visit there again!!
  21. Hi guys dont know if any of you visit this site but I registered yesterday and visited the forum and posted afterwards (nothing offensive just a simple question), I went back on today and received a YOU ARE BANNED FROM THIS SITE message?? Anyone else had this?? Cheers Mick
  22. Cheers Hal i have an LG rewriter that does the same thing always tnought it was the drive itself but now likely to be Ashampoo software!? Will try it out Mick
  23. Mr Zippy might have the solution here? https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?277291-FSX-disappears-from-desktop-to-a-small-icon-in-the-deskop-bottom-tray
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