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Everything posted by pomak249

  1. Happens frequently on my FSX deluxe also ground vehicles too - they all settle down eventually tho
  2. Thanks for this napamule2 i had the same problem!
  3. Just installed in fsx deluxe and its a tail sitter? Anyone know a cure?
  4. I cant find this as freeware at Justflight? Any idea how to get a copy?
  5. Thanks Mr Zippy i never knew that till now!! Only been flying since FS2000!! D'oh lol
  6. My bad I skipped the texture folder somehow - Thanks dnpaul
  7. Rigs sounds fab Cas141 - you say you fly the Trident in FSX - I just installed and cant get the VC to show properly it has black/blank textures apart from the main/overhead panels. I overwrote the panel.cfg with the FSX one provided but no joy. Do you know a fix?
  8. http://www.dmflightsim.co.uk/flying_the_comet_1.htm The wonders of the internet!! Googles your friend mate!
  9. Blimey lovely cockpit!! BTW the Royal Navy taught them how to land them on carriers
  10. Hurrah someones actually posted back after resolving an error!! Wonders will never cease!!
  11. What version of UIAutomation.dll are you using? You looked here? https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/microsoft-flight-simulator-x-crash-to-desktop-with/a85dda2f-8de3-4d86-ac21-327c985a6881
  12. Try google theres plenty about this on there - found 6 links myself. Also have you searched on here?
  13. Have you tried deleting your fsx.cfg and then reopening the sim?
  14. https://www.dummies.com/computers/operating-systems/windows-10/how-to-use-event-viewer-in-windows-10/ Did u get to the event viewer? If so was there an entry relating to FSX? If so open the entry. Its not a faulty mobile its a faulty module that will be highlighted - that will be causing your CTD (Crash To Desktop). It will likely be some form of .dll module if you can identify that then post here we maybe able to help. No need for an uninstall of FSX just yet!!
  15. Hi guys I have downloaded/installed a few of these packs already - is this an overwrite of the existing versions? Or should they be deleted first?
  16. You need to look in your 'event viewer' - just google how to do it
  17. Any idea where i can download the original ISDT 72-500? Website looks defunct?
  18. Doubt you will get it had the same issue with TrafficX recently couldnt remember where i had bought it Aerosoft tried to help but couldnt. These activation codes are a bummer dont know why they cant just use email/password as with Justflight?
  19. Are you saying that you cant save the changes made to your aircraft.cfg when you have added a new texture? Where have you installed FSX?
  20. Never had an issue with WOAI and certainly no CTDs whichever texture quality used. You sure something else isnt responsible??
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