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Everything posted by beroun

  1. Hi Hans, it is getting even more interesting now, since some aircraft I can now save as defaults and some not. So it looks like the problem is pointing to an aircraft. In the past I could save as a default all my aircraft. I can fly OK, but this is morless a curiosity now to crack what is causing this. It will probably get to the point when I will say "Oh gee, why did not I think of that":) Cheers
  2. Hi again Hans I did that and the flight opened OK. BUT when shutting down FS it did NOT. Instead it restarted to the originally saved default? Weird
  3. Same here Hans: SITUATION=C:\Users\kpben\Documents\Flight Simulator Files"Way I named the saved flight"
  4. Hi Jim, This is EXACTLY what I do and was alays doing when I wanted to save a new flifgt as a default. BUT! now, when I save a new flight as a default, I cannot shut down the FS. When shutting it down (X) FS closes BUT immediately restarts. Only way to shut it is by Windows Task Manager or shut down the PC. Next time I start FS it shows the default flight I saved previously NOT the new one I saved.
  5. Thanks John, Mark Mark, on Flight1 and UT downloads. Have no issues with these actually quite impressive sceneries, Europe in particular. Initially my FS was shutting down when approaching YVR but after reserching the issue in Google, deactivating enhanced railroads in UT Canada fixed it. I did not get any aircraft from Flight1, so cannot make a judgement. Now got a sudden unexpainable glitch with my FS, since I cannot shut it down only with Windows Task Manager. It keeps restarting it self whenever I shut it down (x) normally. Viz my other post. Cheers
  6. Thanks Doug, Mark The three main purchased add-ons I would not want to loose are: FSUIPC UT Alaska and Canada UT Europe I got all these for my 64bit W10 PC, so believe should be OK. Have saved the codes. so will see how it goes. Rest of the add-ons (aircraft, scenery) were free downloads and I can copy these from my back-up disc. Cheers,
  7. Hi, Am encountering a weird issue. When shutting down FS9 it starts restarting itself to the initially saved default flight. Therefore I can not save a new default flight. This started happening out of nowhere, I did not add any new aircraft or sceneries. Also it allowes me to select another aircraft but the select window looks different with black frame on the right side. Otherwise, I can save, select and fly any of my aircraft normally (including IFR) but when shutting down FS it restarts. Any clue on what could be causing this would be much appreciated.
  8. beroun

    TDS Boeings

    Hi Mike, all good points. On the flap pitch up/down changes, I am changing this in almost all the aircraft I got by adjusting the Flaps pitch_scalar and lift_scalar in aircraft cfgs. Reducing figures pitches aircraft up, increasing down. Also Flight Tuning cruise_lift_scalar has a similar effect. So just keep landing and adjusting these to the most realistic levels. Obviously loads have a lot to do with this also. So bit of a sciance but one eventually gets it right. As we know the old props almost nose dive to the runway as opposed to the newer jets landing pitched up.
  9. Hi, Sorry to flood forum with this but most likely will do the full FS9 reinstall on my PC. Question: Have purchased some items in the past, FSUIPC, UT Canada and Europe and have all copied on complete FS folder back up on external disc. After deleting the FS folder from the PC (before the new install), Will it be sufficient to copy all the relevant files (modules, scenery) containing the purchases from the external disc to the newly installed FS folder in my PC to retain the purchased items? Thanks for any advise.
  10. beroun

    TDS Boeings

    Thanks Gents, I can get by, by setting the trim to offset CG, also loading the back, so that the take-offs are reasonable. Descent and landing is a different story and usually have to adjust the pitch scalar in flaps settings to offset this, but all is just not realistic. As opposed to many of my other aircraft perfectly in balance. Therefore I am trying to avoid TDS and raised this post just as a curiosity to see what others think.
  11. beroun

    TDS Boeings

    Hi, curious why most of the TDS Boeings have CG way forward (see picture). This seems to cause unnatural down pitch after take off during climb. I did some tweeks in aircraft GFGs to alter this but only marginally. Actualy when I moved back static pitch in contact points too much, the aircraft fell on its tail. But somehow I believe that TDS have a reson for this since most of their Boeings look like this? Just curious if any clues.
  12. Yes, As Chris mentioned you need to add Exclusion Rectangle. After you alter the airport click the yellow square in ADE (when you hower over it, it sais "Add Exclusion Rectangle). You can streach the square over the whole airport and the default objects will not show. Also after compiling make sure there are no other same airports in the folders.
  13. Thanks Hans also Mark Got Intel® HD Graphic 520 Card, with NVIDIA GeForce940MX video card. Older HP with W10. Believe it should suffice for 18 years old FS9? Also on aircraft texture issue I mentoned maybe it is because of the amount of aircraft I have total 1,182 folders with at least 10 textures each, which makes it over 11k! But as mentioned can live with it.
  14. Yes, got blurries often, but mostly it is just temporary. Also looking at my aircraft from outside sometimes shows it blank, with colors slowly appearing. Also the skipps are quite common. Have used the advice from User Manual from the Full Environment 9 (fe9_v1_3) on how to optimize FS9 and tweek the figures in FS9.cfg. But little help noted. So going with the flow. Fs9 is great anyway as is!
  15. Great paint job. Many Thanks Phil. In case anyone interested the model is here: tds_boeing_787-10_trent_house.zip Also a possible fix I will try: tds_boeing_787-10_fde.zip
  16. Hi Phil, have downloaded your SAS zip but get error when loading the model. Never came across anything like that before. Got 100s of aircraft all OK? Message: "FS was unable to load some aircraft or software, pointing to the model"
  17. Hi Dennis, Do you have W11 in your new Dell? Assuming, if you do, FS runs OK on it?
  18. beroun

    Aircraft Paints

    Aan, Chuck, Many Thanks for your thoughts. Valid points. Just noted that Stefan Bree included model in his latest A320 repaint. Much appreciated Stefan.
  19. Very nice looking and smooth flying aircraft Camil. Many Thanks
  20. Actually found model in AVSIM: tds_boeing_787-9_etihad_airways_a6-bla.zip
  21. beroun

    Aircraft Paints

    Thanks Doug, Yeas currently looking for flyable models. There are new repaints available for downloads (LH B787 by Stefan Bree and BA A321 by Phillip Hughes) and I have no luck downloading the models. I am sure they are there someplace but there is a limit to how much time can one spend searching. PS Your AI models link is very helpful. Thanks again.
  22. I am geting blurries on and off but primarily forcus on flyng, so no big issue (except when I completely lost runways at JFK!) But would not it be great if there was a tool showing which sceneries, textures, AIs are loaded at any given time. Giving us indicaton what could be the blurr problem?
  23. beroun

    Aircraft Paints

    Glad to see so many repaints available for downloads and Many Thanks to all who spent hours working on these. What would definitely enhance their efforts is to supply the link to the aircraft models they have painted. Link can be easily added within the download text. I usually spend hours searching for these and sometimes to noavail.
  24. Any chance to let me have link to TDS B787-9 GE model. Tried to find it to noavail. Many Thanks
  25. Excited to see my airline paint. Took me long time to find a model though. Finally fund one, which is showing the tail paint but has sharklets, which we know BA did not have. If possible can Phillip advise, which model to use? Have searched at least a dozen. Many Thanks
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