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Head In The Clouds

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Everything posted by Head In The Clouds

  1. Thanks guys! Glad you all liked it! Yeah, Area 51 does look great in the new sim, and I'll check it out Adam! Good man, Mr. Peerhoven - the MIBs will not be coming to see you tonight. :)
  2. Yes, please do! Just a word of caution; it is a completely different beast using the in sim Developer's Kit.
  3. This has been discussed many times, if you're looking for your content you bought from the store, it is in your CONTENT MANAGER.
  4. You saw nothing! LOL. Thanks Larry. Glad you like it man. :) :)
  5. F117 "Wobblin Goblin" testbed over Groom Lake, KXTA, Area 51 Nevada. MSFS. Best Area 51 ever for a Flight Sim.
  6. Great shots Darryl, is the traffic with the aerosoft Simple Traffic?
  7. Gotta give time for Forums to work. Only an hour you've posted it, gotta be a bit patient! :)
  8. I've noticed that too. I hope it is something they can fix, but it doesn't take much to go into settings and drag back the time slider to what it was before you hit the escape key. Good temp fix.
  9. Where did you find that Adam??? That is a MUST HAVE for me! LOL
  10. Well, thank you for the kind ending of the discussion, and I see your points. I just wish you stated that in the beginning instead of your comment of buy a faster computer they said post.... That would have saved a LOT of problems. But again, Good day to you, and Happy New Year as well, may it be better for EVERYONE, than the last two years.
  11. I'd like to remain hopeful that he would, but I have a feeling that he won't and just wanted to stir up trouble with that comment. Sometimes I may think of going back to P3D myself, but I just remember they don't have the real world in it, so that's what makes me stick with MSFS personally. Its awesome to now be able to actually fly over your own house in it,and see cities the way they are with the buildings that are actually there and not just generic box models for buildings.
  12. Well, that's what you call it I guess....looks different from other's point of views - just sayin.
  13. Also beta fix? Not going to install anything until its a real fix. Don't need other things broken on top of that.
  14. Nice set Michael, for one of Jan's birds, it looks remarkably in good shape!
  15. Well then I guess we can expect not to be able to use any other payware aicraft until they get their act together getting updates out in timely manners. I'm also waiting for some to come up for sale and I'm sure that's also delaying the works. It is getting irritating with the updates and updates needing updates.
  16. Doesn't seem to be anything anywhere there. Not even the in development main page section. Oh well, lets hope soon. :)
  17. Cool. Thanks man. I am so anxious on that one. One aircraft I have actual real world flight time in, and holds a special place to me.
  18. Anyone have any info on when the new Tomahawk is coming to MSFS? Last news was around September, and still nothing.
  19. Deleted for frustration is not with it with above commenter.
  20. Yeah, its amazing how many little things can cause a CTD. Somewhere we should start a CTD Thread for the MSFS forums, and state all the findings that cure them so others can maybe have success if they get the dreaded CTD.
  21. The thing that I hate Dominic is people that feel because they are hiding behind a computer and half way around the world can state what they want about others, and that's not true. I live by treat others the way they treat you, and hope to realize they understand that. Because once one can walk all over you on public display in the forums if you don't respond to put them back down a notch, others will think they can too...
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