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Everything posted by Skywatcher12

  1. Steve, seriously, I don't need too just like I don't need to watch the movie. There is more than ample information on MSFS to understand why I will have no interest in it. Sitting down for 30 seconds to watch the movie would be a waste of 30 seconds of my life so it would be with MSFS. I can see everything I need to see and need to know from the information already out there. Trying MSFS would change nothing. Someone will now ask the ridiculous question of why am I here then? I am here because I follow flight sims good and bad. I follow flight sims I play and do not play. Unlike the other silly examples people have stated, it's no different to having an interest in cars. You don't just read information on the car you own or think is best.
  2. Nope. Psychiatrist you are not. lol In the past, I would've said it's another user who has stated he is not into realism and likes the pretty graphics. I would've said that this is what MSFS is, a game with pretty graphics and not a flight simulator. I would've also said he hasn't had it long enough to experience all the bugs and graphical problems. However!!! This thread and it's incredibly wise users have taught me to see things differently. I've always been a Star Wars fan. Silly me might've bypassed movies that may be even greater than Star Wars based solely on trailers and reviews without ever watching the full movie. I now feel so silly about this. A sincere thank you to you all. I have learned my lesson. I am going to sit down and start by watching "Zaat." I formed an opinion on it just like MSFS without ever watching the full movie. It could potentially be the best way to ever spend 1 hour 40 minutes of my life and may leave Star Wars in it's dust! What great advice you guys provide. I must go. Gotta watch Zaat and I'm so excited about all the things in life I now realize I may have missed! Thank you all once again!
  3. I spent 2 hours flying a Cessna 172 without ever being in a cockpit before. Everything came from FS9. If I used MSFS, I probably wouldn't be here to tell you about it. lol
  4. I know! My main account my posts are under moderator approval. It’s sat idle since then. I just use another account for anything controversial. I see they tried to put in some safeguards against multiple accounts but it doesn’t work for anyone who knows what they are doing. Kinda silly on their part. If they just left my main account alone they would know who I am. Now they’ll have to go looking for me. I sometimes swear some of the AVSIM mods chase me around here! lol
  5. It’s more than a few bugs. Appears old games and new hardware are not mixing well. Started under Win 10 and looks like Win 11 is taking it a step further. We’ll see what problems pop up on the forum over coming months. The unresolved gauges thread here might already be an interesting example. Waiting on a reply from OP to see if the issue falls in line with what I found elsewhere.
  6. Try this: Put all your FS9 settings to minimum. Uncheck everything that enhances game graphics. Everything! You can even change FS9 resolution to the lowest setting possible. Test to see if the gauges work.
  7. I’m starting to feel the Win 10/11 bubble for playing old games may be starting to burst. Watch this space…
  8. You want to be absolutely positive Norton was not running during install of FS9 and until after first launch to see if the gauges are working. I'd uninstall and reinstall FS9 if you cannot be absolutely positive of this. I've seen this problem only once before and it related back to onboard graphics. I would try and update drivers. If you can find no other solution, a dedicated card may be the best option. The problem could potentially also be something else but as you have found, this problem is rare and what are the chances of multiple causes of this particular problem? I'd personally focus on graphics. Win 10 sucks as certain new hardware can cause issues with old games. I'm surprised you can run onboard graphics with no compatibility settings to be honest. You're the first person I have read of who can do this using Win 10. If there is anyone else, I would be most interested.
  9. Does it launch with NO settings applied? Compatibility and admin unchecked?
  10. Does FS9 launch if you don't apply any compatibility modes and without run as admin or do one or both of these need to be checked?
  11. Check this: https://calclassic.proboards.com/thread/7470/fs2004-start-read
  12. Still no fix? I assume you are running FS9.exe in a compatibility mode and as admin right?
  13. If the installations are identical they will both either work or not work. The problem with Win 10 becomes add-ons and hardware. After this come legacy components that no longer function flawlessly depending on the software and hardware the user is running. I know this because I get many old games running on Win 10 that stopped working for people. These issues in Win 10 are far greater than with any other OS. Transferring a FS9 installation to Win 10 from another OS is open to causing all kinds of issues. If you run payware then there are additional issues you may come across that you wouldn’t with most freeware. Changing compatibility modes/admin settings is literal suicide for some add-ons and some FS9 installations. I’ve been trying to get the point across since this thread was started.
  14. Fact is, Win 10/Win 11 will slowly kill off more and more FS9 users. The problem is, you can't argue against topics like this and users who say there is nothing wrong with Win 10. It's the blind leading the blind. In the background, people have Win 10 issues they can't resolve and will and do just disappear from FS9. The frozen gauges topic is probably the most recent example that comes to mind. Transferring installs from old PC's running other OS's to Win 10 is always liable to cause major issues.
  15. The PMDG looks excellent! Too bad some of these old files aren't available anywhere to download as they are really hard to find.
  16. I'll take FS2002 over MSFS any day!
  17. It really is kinda incredible how someone always needs to moan. lol I posted as general interest. VR is a big thing for MSFS. I know most of the threads I've read are either totally for or totally against VR. This topic is a users experience of VR who is neither for or against it. While not specifically using MSFS, it is VR and I think something can still be taken from the thread. Appears to me you are simply pro VR and cr*ppy I didn't like it and don't like to read of anyone saying so. It's the exact reason I posted the thread, some may like a more neutral opinion even if it's not specifically using MSFS.
  18. Hi Steve, It was an Oculus, not sure of any more specifics. For me, it's a little like a cross between watching 3D TV and playing a Nintendo Wii. VR/3D has/had it's fans. The 3D TV fans also thought it was the greatest thing but now it is gone. After using a VR headset, I can see why it's been around for decades but never really taken off and I don't think it's just the cost. I can see if it's done well for MSFS, MSFS should be a really good game for it. Each to their own and I may one day buy VR but it would need to be quite cheap because my use of it I feel would be very limited.
  19. I think anyone who has read any forums know the VR crowd are very loud. Today I got to try VR for the very first time but not using MSFS. My general opinion of it? It's as I expected before I tried it. It's a bit of a novelty, a bit of fun, something different but geez, I won't be rushing out to buy it for myself. Would MSFS in VR somehow be so much different to what I saw today? No, same thing, different game. Anyhow, just mentioning it as with all the pro VR threads that are floating around, it does make you wonder if you are missing something for gaming. I found today I really feel I am not. I can also see how motion sickness can quickly become a big deal for some people. It's good for a little novelty time but for everyday use, I'll stick with the plain old computer monitor. Just giving a neutral opinion on my experience. I'm not pro or anti VR. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
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