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Everything posted by Skywatcher12

  1. Steve, Atm they would need to put money in my account. Think I'll wait a little longer.
  2. I'm waiting for a good time to buy. This doesn't look like it. lol
  3. Hi Dirk, It can be a lot of data. I know because I long ago downloaded my fair share! haha
  4. I wasn't going to tell too many people because they'll flood ASE servers and HiFi will shut the servers down! lol There are still even better options but you'll want the same weather files so you are not wasting your time. ;)
  5. I have no idea how it works. If anything changes with the way it sends data, it will likely break ASE live weather.
  6. Don't panic, ASE users will be fine as well. :pilot: ASE will die if the weather updates connection needs updating for ASE to continue working. Developer has stated they will no longer be fixing such a failure. Could be a long time before that happens. Anything requiring anything online will always stop working at some point. That's what I really hate about modern games and software, it's not really your decision when you will stop using something.
  7. Keep it. It’ll be the future weather program for many people. FS9 will eventually run out of other weather options.
  8. Thanks to everyone. Appears there are quite a few who still have it. Hold on to it if you intend to use FS9 into the future. I don't wish to say anything else at this stage. Waiting till Active Sky Evolution dies first.
  9. You can't get internet weather updates. Everything else works.
  10. Yes, agree, AS Graphics was a great compliment to the weather program. I've always continued to have AS Graphics installed with my FS9.
  11. Don't get nuisance/marketing calls any longer but in the old days I'd answer with, "Oh, ok, sure, can you hang on just for a second?" I'd put the phone down and hang it up at some point later on without ever speaking to them again. (10-30 minutes) If they waste my time, I waste theirs waiting for me to come back. I also once had a woman tell me FU and hung up. She was trying to tell me I had computer issues. Call went for maybe 10 minutes and it was the most fun I've had on a single call ever I think. lol
  12. Working on a couple of things and need to get an idea if there are still enough people with AS 6.5 Would like to see say 10 replies in this thread.
  13. I know it doesn't work but who still has it and could install it tomorrow if they wanted too?
  14. It doesn't even have a product key. Are you meaning FSX?
  15. From my experience here, most users barely know how to turn their PC on let alone understand their hardware or where to find all the technical information regarding their PC. It is difficult for people who have little PC knowledge. PC's can be very overwhelming and when finding they have an issue, very distressing as they have no idea how to go about rectifying the problem. Give the benefit of the doubt or just stay out of that particular thread. It's the mods job to determine trolls is it not?
  16. This thread was all fine before I stepped in. The reason it was fine was all of you were attacking one individual and everyone was totally happy with this. The second someone else steps in to stop the bashing suddenly the thread needs to be shut down. lol I have read his other posts. They tell you nothing about him. They certainly don't tell you he is a troll and then this gives you every right to attack him. If you don't want to help him because you have suspicions, don't. You have no rights beyond this.
  17. You guys were doing a great job on your own creating mayhem. I just don’t like seeing the fanboys attacking someone who might be having a very frustrating time on his end. Toxic is an understatement for this community. Yes, thread will be locked, my post taken away, it’s how it always works unfortunately. One day I will open my own FS forum...lol
  18. guardsman89, you will need to check that your CPU, RAM and GPU meet minimum system specs. To the responders...oh dear...same people throwing around the troll word so quickly and with venom who don’t like hearing the fanboy word. lol Smashing and abusing someone without knowing a thing about them is kinda not cool. He may have a disability for all anyone here knows. Anyhow, let me have it, I don’t have any conditions and I won’t sook about it. You’re all just text on my screen and that’s not anything to get angry about. haha
  19. Here's the thing, I would bet a great deal you are no retiree. Regarding other comments made here, no one is unfairly bashing MSFS but common, when you switch your engines off you are booted back to the main menu I have read. Well that's...GAME OVER! What else can you say? lol A flight sim with literally no realistic jets? Sheesh, c'mon. The best you can call MSFS is American Prop Simulator. I don't fly props and I don't like to fly in the US only. You MSFS guys telling me if I want to fly a jet around Australia MSFS is the big leap forward???
  20. Well...that tells me all I need to know. No, you would never have met anyone who plays golf games. I could've probably told you that after reading the rest of your post even if you didn't mention it. Your post demonstrates a great list of "modern" and "arcade" style games. I couldn't imagine you NOT preferring MSFS to any of the other flight sims. I can see I'm wasting my time arguing with you. It's pretty clear the type of gamer you are.
  21. Yes it is. I've even given an example with golf games. I've been giving examples in my last couple of posts. I guess I will just have to take your word that you have great wisdom...again. lol
  22. I'm the exact type of person as I pointed out who judges on everything except graphics. Since the 80's people have been drawn to games because of their graphics. People move on to the poorest games because of graphics and no other reason. They will of course swear otherwise. Take golf games for example. Major fundamental elements that were there 2 decades ago have been removed from new golf games but it's the new golf games the masses play. They play the games because of their graphics. Graphics are one of the reasons so many games get away with having all the flaws and bugs MSFS has but will still sell in bucket loads. I play many old games because graphics alone won't sell me and I call poop...poop.
  23. I'm currently playing Star Wars X-Wing, a space flight shoot'em up from 1993. Blows my mind how much better the flying feels compared to anything MS have ever offered with FS. I haven't tried MSFS but from masses of reports I've read, the controls in MSFS are even worse than all the past FS versions. I'm one who plays games from the 70's through to present day. I always play what has good game play regardless of graphics as I really don't care about modern graphics. It's very clear that many MSFS users are sold and only care about graphics. In all reality they ignore everything else about the sim. An example of this is a thread that ran in the MSFS forum asking for the 3 things people would like to see implemented most in the sim. In a sim that lacks so much of the "simulation" aspect compared to past sims, you'd think the thread would be filled with simulation requests like, "give me a decent study level aircraft" or "I want a better flight planner" etc etc etc. Nope, all the posts were graphics related wishes with people wanting to see things like cute little splashies on the side of their plane when they land in the water etc. lol There are now two sets of FS users: Those who live for graphics. Those who live for flight simming. Depending which you are, will depend if MSFS or one of the older sims is for you.
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