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Everything posted by Skywatcher12

  1. Completely wrong. If software works for some it is no "reality" the problem must then be the user. You can base this assumption on software that is working well for the majority. When software is causing problems for the masses, it tells you the software is unstable.
  2. Ok, thanks. FS9 has the same issue. I'm working with a friend to try and resolve it permanently. We are about halfway there.
  3. I positively CRINGE when someone references a game as a simulator. Each to their own. ;) OP, probably best served with FS2002 or FS9.
  4. If you end up doing a reinstall, try what I suggested. You should have a completely smooth vanilla FSX with all settings turned down and no add-ons installed whatsoever. As soon as you add just the iFly, even with all settings still down, I expect your stutters will return. If you can ever confirm this would be a great help.
  5. May be how it functions on Win 10. Good luck finding a solution.
  6. When it was smooth were you running your iFly?
  7. He can run a 1024x768 monitor and if it makes a difference I'll give you a lollipop.
  8. Stutters as shown in the video below during taxi. You can skip straight to the 18 second mark.
  9. I came here and welcomed someone back to FS9. That was it. Then go look what happened!!! Those who take their gaming ridiculously seriously came in with a barrage of replies. I'm not the one who starts this stuff! lol I have fun with the threads. I don't cry when people bash FS9, yeah, ok, fine. I just shake my head at how over the top people are. Life can be fun. You are only playing a game, nothing more. I can assure you nothing eats at me nor gets me angry! haha I also don't call for threads to be locked. What for????? There is nothing wrong with this thread!!!
  10. At least on other forums those who are happily using it admit the sim has loads of bugs and problems. Here you always have the same half dozen members telling you there is not a problem in the world with MSFS! I don't need to own the game. I just need to ignore the comments from half a dozen members and listen to the other couple of million. :pilot:
  11. Yes! I would TOTALLY agree if looking at only a default FS9. And here is the exact reason those who bash FS9 have no idea. These are people who do not see what is possible with modern add-ons. If Kevin screenshots me his MSFS, I'll screenshot my FS9 and we can compare which sim has the better AI.
  12. A screenshot that shows me how well this sim is working? Talk is cheap. Text on a forum is even cheaper! Go to an airport, screenshot it. I want to see AI traffic. Is this a difficult request?
  13. Why? Because the discussion doesn't favor your point of view?
  14. Kiddie is when a grown man gets really upset because you are saying his computer game is no good. The rest of us are just having fun and enjoying life! :pilot:
  15. Quick random quotes from others. You don't need to be a genius or own the game. lol I’m seriously starting to lose patience with this simu…, each update has its own set of bugs, it’s been 3 days that I’ve been struggling to make just one flight! since a week I cannot fly the a320. Initial download was accidentally disrupted before completion. Restarting the game and it is now persistently stuck at checking for update screen. This simulator is unplayable post recent updates, (probably last 3). FPS is less then 15 , tried everything . In a group flight with a large number of planes (20-30) this evening and the sim is freezing once every second and affects everyone regardless of their computer system. After updating to the 1.15.8, recent update, I can not select live weather, It is disabled Hello flying friends, please help !!! I have been trying to download the update again for several days but humanly it is impossible,
  16. Currently 17 of the latest 25 posts on the official forums are complaints. MSFS must have attracted the worlds most incompetent computer users because it's been like this since day one and the majority of people are having problems???
  17. You are addicted to referencing me every post. lol Please post a screenshot of your busy international airport and enlighten me.
  18. I'm not going to go looking again for the 100 million things wrong with this sim and I haven't memorized them all ready to place in a reply like this. First things that come to mind, how accurately does your real world weather work? How well does your AI traffic work? Do you have lots of AI in your skies? When you do, how is your performance? How is your ATC? I could literally go on forever. If you have not had CTD's or not had to do a million re-installs, it doesn't mean the sim works or that other users don't know what they are doing or other users have poor PC's or internet. It's broken for you like it is for everyone else. The only difference is you haven't had anything that's stopped you enjoying the sim....YET!
  19. It's very difficult to get people to accept any new findings in these sims. The stutter issue applies to EVERY user on EVERY system. The degree of stutters will depend on the add-on being used and this is the reason some "think" they don't have this problem. It's not possible to legally fix it and rectify it for all users. I am trying to get people to simply listen and acknowledge the issue. Only then will it be possible to globally rectify the problem or this will be a problem that will remain forever with flight simming. If you do my vanilla test, I guarantee you there will be no stutters as you would not have yet triggered the problem and the problem is also not your system.
  20. Yes, that is exactly the issue with FS9 and FSX I speak of. It's nothing to do with your system, it's to do with the sim. You will get that with any PC. Do the same test but do it as I outlined. Complete vanilla installation, every setting to minimum. You should have NO stutters at this point. Then install the iFly, turn up your settings to a reasonable level and try again. You will have a "very high probability" of witnessing the same stutters again.
  21. No. Hope you aren't going to tell me I can't comment without owning it. It's very clear to me MSFS is a total mess and also why. You can go back to pre announcement of MSFS and search what I said. You can go back to post announcement and pre release and search what I said. You can go to release and search what I said. There will be no one who has nailed every prediction as I have. To do a mass summary of ALL the points I ever made above, a flight sim of FS9/FSX complexity is just no longer possible in modern times. You are witnessing what happens when someone tries to create one with MSFS.
  22. Well that'll be a novelty. I'm only here half the time replying to your posts. You can't be flying that much as there are still hardly any jets and we are months in. I'm heading back to my iFly 737 in my ancient FS9. Say hi to the wife and kids for me! :pilot:
  23. My point is you and every other MSFS user have flown the same plane as your selection isn't exactly great and the A320 is not exactly all that complex. You can trash FS9 but it's far more a flight simulator than MSFS. I struggle to even see PMDG releasing for MSFS PC. I've said in the past, the only place you may see a PMDG aircraft will be on the Xbox version of MSFS.
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