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Everything posted by Skywatcher12

  1. And that is why I still use Win 7 and will run FS9 on Win 7 till the end of my time! Look at it this way, don't go too hard on Win 10, Win 11 is coming and things can only get worse!
  2. I play a bunch of old abandoned games. The masses always will go to the latest. I only go to the latest if it’s also the greatest and MSFS is not. For a flight game which MSFS is, X-Wing from 1993 leaves it for dead imo! As for flight sims, heck, I will always happily use FS9. Could not care less everyone is gone.
  3. I could see that. You shouldn't have to explain yourself. You're a good guy.
  4. I've had issues getting my payware Boeing 757 transferred from an online PC to an offline PC. Flight1 procedure to do this is ridiculously complicated. Good to read there is no BS with these sceneries.
  5. You are obsessed with me. Not sure if I should be flattered or concerned. lol Let me announce this for you: I'm leaving the thread. I'm leaving the MSFS forum. Now what will you do??? If you ask nicely I may visit again.
  6. I'm not the OP to start with. I'd respond to everything but it'll just be a waste of time and likely get deleted. Some games have what you can only call fanboys. Sorry, there is no other term appropriate. I've been called a troll by these fanboys more than once so let's not pretend some of us are a little higher than others. lol Ok, the game has no bugs or problems. Enjoy!
  7. Read forums, any of them. I’m simply tired of reading posts with people who have genuine issues with MSFS and the fanboys telling them because they themselves are not having the same problem it doesn’t exist. Don’t bash other people if you have no idea how hardware and software works yourself.
  8. Completely wrong. If software works for some it is no "reality" the problem must then be the user. You can base this assumption on software that is working well for the majority. When software is causing problems for the masses, it tells you the software is unstable.
  9. Ok, thanks. FS9 has the same issue. I'm working with a friend to try and resolve it permanently. We are about halfway there.
  10. I positively CRINGE when someone references a game as a simulator. Each to their own. ;) OP, probably best served with FS2002 or FS9.
  11. If you end up doing a reinstall, try what I suggested. You should have a completely smooth vanilla FSX with all settings turned down and no add-ons installed whatsoever. As soon as you add just the iFly, even with all settings still down, I expect your stutters will return. If you can ever confirm this would be a great help.
  12. May be how it functions on Win 10. Good luck finding a solution.
  13. When it was smooth were you running your iFly?
  14. He can run a 1024x768 monitor and if it makes a difference I'll give you a lollipop.
  15. Stutters as shown in the video below during taxi. You can skip straight to the 18 second mark.
  16. I came here and welcomed someone back to FS9. That was it. Then go look what happened!!! Those who take their gaming ridiculously seriously came in with a barrage of replies. I'm not the one who starts this stuff! lol I have fun with the threads. I don't cry when people bash FS9, yeah, ok, fine. I just shake my head at how over the top people are. Life can be fun. You are only playing a game, nothing more. I can assure you nothing eats at me nor gets me angry! haha I also don't call for threads to be locked. What for????? There is nothing wrong with this thread!!!
  17. At least on other forums those who are happily using it admit the sim has loads of bugs and problems. Here you always have the same half dozen members telling you there is not a problem in the world with MSFS! I don't need to own the game. I just need to ignore the comments from half a dozen members and listen to the other couple of million. :pilot:
  18. Yes! I would TOTALLY agree if looking at only a default FS9. And here is the exact reason those who bash FS9 have no idea. These are people who do not see what is possible with modern add-ons. If Kevin screenshots me his MSFS, I'll screenshot my FS9 and we can compare which sim has the better AI.
  19. A screenshot that shows me how well this sim is working? Talk is cheap. Text on a forum is even cheaper! Go to an airport, screenshot it. I want to see AI traffic. Is this a difficult request?
  20. Why? Because the discussion doesn't favor your point of view?
  21. Kiddie is when a grown man gets really upset because you are saying his computer game is no good. The rest of us are just having fun and enjoying life! :pilot:
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