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Everything posted by ColR1948

  1. John above is right, what works for one doesn't for another, seen it lots of times, you see comments like: "Works OK for me," "I have it installed, no problems." Then you get: "Installed it and got an error," or "After I installed this now getting CTD." It is hit and miss, do you take a gamble or not? Col.
  2. I got the Uiver one Jan, I read it works on both FS9 and FSX. Thanks for your help too by the way. Col.
  3. ColR1948

    Where is EGY2?

    Yes Bernard I once posted a screenshot very much like that, I had the invisible airport (waypoint) just above the ship and like your shot had the AI rescue heli circling. Only difference was your ship is in distress mine was afloat and not moving, that is a good screenshot too Bernard. Col.
  4. Bought a copy, should be arriving Wednesday or Thursday. Col.
  5. Again you are the master Jan, I found another model by the same guy and when I looked in the model file it was a DC3. Can't kid you can we Jan lol. Col.
  6. Wow that is great, I live 60 miles from there but been many times, my wife proposed to me there too. This was me in Blackpool in 1953 (Age5) Col.
  7. ColR1948

    Where is EGY2?

    As Bernard says those with landing gear tend to spoil it a bit, so the fixed gear aircraft do look better doing these TNG's. One I used to do was have a couple of AI rescue helicopters or navy aircraft doing a TNG over or near a ship, it gives the impression of a recon flight. Col.
  8. Yes Jan you are right it seems, it has a light but only a small one in the nose, I think the person who made it just added a light to make it look like a DC2 but he should have added 2 lol. I'll keep looking. Col.
  9. Ha Ha yes, I couldn't resist putting butterfly wings on it just for fun. Col.
  10. Well it had the little light on the nose and it says it is a DC2: [fltsim.0] title=Douglas DC-2 sim=Douglas_DC2 model= panel= sound= texture=LAPE1 atc_id=LAPE ui_manufacturer=Douglas ui_type=DC-2 ui_variation=LAPE ui_typerole=Bimotor de hélice ui_createdby= description= Sucesor natural del DC-1, el Douglas DC-2 fué un robusto avión bimotor de pistones, totalmente metálico, mayor y más rápido que su antecesor, cuya posterior evolución dió origen al inmortal DC-3. En el momento de su diseño compitió con el Boeing-247. Dispuso de diversos motores (desde el radial Wright de 690 hp -515 kW- hasta el Wright R-1820-53 radial de 1200 hp -895 kW-). 14 pasajeros, 2 o 3 tripulantes. Primer vuelo el 11-Mayo-1934. Poco después quedó segundo en la carrera de velocidad para aviones en USA. En 1935, durante la época de la república Española, 5 ejemplares pasaron a incrementar la flota de la compañía LAPE (Líneas Aéreas Postales Españolas). Prestaron servicio en la línea Madrid - Burdeos - Paris. Unless the person who made it just modded the DC3 a little, you maybe right Jan I don't know. Col
  11. Jan I found this freeware one, the The Maam Sim one I wanted because it flies in both FS9 and FSX I think but couldn't find it to buy, so I'll hang on and keep looking but this will do for now. Col.
  12. Thanks Jan, I'll take a look and let you know. Col.
  13. Thank you Jan, I think I have that somewhere but if I remember something was either missing because I tried to paint it one time and it was something about the nose section that gave me trouble, it was ages ago now, so maybe over time something got corrupted I don't know. Col.
  14. I'm no expert but do you have any FS9 or FSX sims installed, if so look on their flight school ones, they may provide you with a few ideas as well. Col.
  15. Jan, I have a DC2 somewhere on my disks but if I remember rightly it isn't very good, in your opinion which would you say is the best one to get, freeware or payware I don't mind paying if it is a good one? Col.
  16. ColR1948

    Where is EGY2?

    Yes that is the way, glad MAIW was mentioned i forgot I got a lot of waypoints from them too, it was on their forum I learned about doing the TNG's for just 4 mins, you can do them longer but they get boring. By using the dummy airports you can have an AI fly in a kind of circle doing TNG's then returning to base as in MAIW's case they use military aircraft so that can look like a patrol, the AI isn't going from airport A to airport B it is flying a route. Once you get in to it you will get addicted and it can be fun experimenting, I've had two AI's doing TNG's at the same waypoint as well, that is interesting. Col.
  17. OK I'll ask, what does that DLL do? Ignore I should have read Zippy's post first now I know lol. Col.
  18. I'm not sure Jorgen, even if it is an old thread resurrected sometimes they provide an answer for someone new to the sim and saved them a lot of searching. As for this thread I never knew DC3Airways had that scenery as others may not know either, but your answer also provided information about AIG so again others may never have heard of it so now may go there. Col.
  19. Mick you are right I often Google first but for some reason I didn't this time, I sometimes search the threads too and found the answer before posting. Col.
  20. Wow TY, I translated it yes you are right. Good find by the way. Col.
  21. ColR1948

    Where is EGY2?

    I use AIFP to do my flight plans now, I did use TTools at one time, I'll see if I can do a quick example. Col.
  22. What is or what does the file Elumens.cfg? [Elumens] NumChannels=3 DomeRotateX=0 DomeRotateY=0 DomeRotateZ=0 [Elumens.1] RotateX=0 RotateY=-45 RotateZ=0 LensPosX=0 LensPosY=0 LensPosZ=0 EyePosX=0 EyePosY=0 EyePosZ=0 [Elumens.2] RotateX=0 RotateY=45 RotateZ=0 LensPosX=0 LensPosY=0 LensPosZ=0 EyePosX=0 EyePosY=0 EyePosZ=0 [Elumens.3] RotateX=-90 RotateY=0 RotateZ=45 LensPosX=0 LensPosY=0 LensPosZ=0 EyePosX=0 EyePosY=0 EyePosZ=0 Col.
  23. ColR1948

    Where is EGY2?

    I have lots of waypoints in my scenery, they are great for setting up TNG's for your AI aircraft. When doing a TNG flight plan I only have the TNG set for 4 mins, as a rule the AI will do two runs at it then return to base. The AI won't land by the way it will do a missed approached. Col.
  24. I resurrected one of my old concept aircraft, the Driessen D111 (1939). The old original thread: https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?318147-Driessen-D-111 It always reminded me of a butterfly so I gave it some nice wings from the Monarch. Col.
  25. I have ran a W7 PC for ages in fact I still have it on one of my laptops with no issues, I preferred it running FS than W10 so why change unless you have to? Saying that I also have W10 on my PC running FS9 and FSX with not issues yet some do. Col.
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