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Everything posted by jorgen.s.andersen

  1. According to a report on the AIG website, the AIG server has issues, and they are apparently looking for another service provider. So, until further notice, the AI Manager is unavailable. Jorgen
  2. It would be interesting to know what scenery it is that "floats". Jorgen
  3. With all respect for Peter, the developer of ACA_2017, it is very much out of date today. I gave up using ACA years ago, and am only using AIFP now. Jorgen
  4. Available here: https://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/p3d/#scenery Works fine with my P3D v. 5.3 HF2. Jorgen
  5. WoAI is, as you found out, hopelessly out of date now. But why didn't you go to AIG instead: https://www.alpha-india.net/forums/index.php You have to register, and also you have to do some work, but it's worth the effort, and does not cost anything. Another flight plan site is here: https://aitraffic.ch/index.php I am not trying to put Traffic Global down, but why use payware when freeware is available? Jorgen
  6. This exception code from the error report: 0xc0000005 is a so-called "memory access violation", meaning that "something" attempted to write to an area of RAM where it has no access rights. Translated to your case, this is probably because aiplayer.dll tried to activate a badly programmed or incompatible add-on. Jorgen
  7. In order to troubleshoot these CTDs, we need to see if there are any "Error" entries in Windows Event Viewer at the time of the crash. Jorgen
  8. Of course Mr. Zippy always has the answer, I should have known that.... Petter1, search the web for "Microsoft C++ Redistributables" - download all you find, both the x64 and the x86 versions. Install them all, then run Windows Update, and - important - make sure that under "Advanced options" in Update the switch "Receive updates for other Microsoft products" is set to On. And leave this switch at On in the future. Run the Update until no more updates are found. Jorgen
  9. FSX has not been supported by Microsoft for years now. Your best bet for help is right here! I have not heard the expression "side by side conflict" before, what is happening? Jorgen
  10. You might want to bring that to the attention of Don Grovestine here: https://www.alpha-india.net/forums/index.php?topic=9594.5730 Jorgen
  11. Just remember that if you need to edit an .xml file, you cannot use Notepad or similar text editors. Use Notepad++ (free) or similar. Jorgen
  12. Aircraft yes, scenery could be more of a problem. Jorgen
  13. As far as I can see Rob McCarthy has replied to your question about this on the P3D support forum. Jorgen
  14. I have been running FSX Acceleration on Windows XP Pro, 8, 8.1 and 10 for years. Absolutely no issues with that whatsoever. Jorgen
  15. C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Prepar3D.cfg If you have other versions of P3D, then replace the "3" in "v3" with the version number you have. Jorgen
  16. KTEB is also included in one of Drzewiecki Design's New York Airports sceneries. Jorgen
  17. Look at the user forums on the Lockheed-Martin P3D site, several issues with ORBX products and v. 5.3 mentioned there. Jorgen
  18. I use O&O Shutup, and never had any of the problems described in the link. Jorgen
  19. And what does Just Flight support say about the issue? Jorgen
  20. Steve, I need to apologize for just seeing your reply right now. My reply may be a little long, so bear with me... I started my AI when I had FSX, and that was with WoAI - now a little long in the teeth. From there on I have gone on to collecting traffic from mainly AIG and MAIW, but also from wherever I could find traffic, for instance on AVSIM and on this august board. Every flight plan I find I run through AIFP to ensure validity and compatibility. The AI aircraft also come from the above sources, but here is a catch - in P3D, the "model" (the "basic aircraft skeleton) HAS to be at least an FSX model, FS9 models will not work in P3D as they will in FSX. Even better is of course native P3D models, and the AIG website has a lot of FS9 models that have been converted to P3D. But - there is always a "but" or two - AI traffic is no good without airports where the AI aircraft can land and PARK especially. Here you have to make sure that any add-on airports are P3D-compatible, and also compatible to your specific version of P3D. Hope this makes some kind of sense - Jorgen
  21. "Downloaded FSX Gold edition" - from where? FSX Gold is not a downloadable product, only FSX Steam Edition (FSX:SE) is, as far as I know. And if this is the Steam editoin, then the uiautomationcore is already in there. Jorgen
  22. There are always exceptions to the rules, especially to the unspoken ones.... Jorgen
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