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Everything posted by jorgen.s.andersen

  1. Good to hear you are on a PC - can you please post its specifications? There is one thing you should do when you look at the FSX.CFG right away: In the [GRAPHICS] section, add this line: HIGHMEMFIX=1 Jorgen
  2. Allan, I will quote one of your answers to me: "3. Where are your AI aircraft installed? In the WoA installed bgl files" To repeat: the bgl files are pure traffic files, they do not contain any aircraft. If the AI aircraft are also installed in \Scenery\World\Scenery, where the traffic bgl files go, then the sim cannot see them. With your present FSX.CFG, the AI aircraft will need to be in \SimObjects\Airplanes to be seen. When you reinstalled Emirates, the AI aircraft from that package most likely went there, and now they can be seen. But I also have a couple of questions prompted by your FSX.CFG file. First of all, are you running this on a laptop? The Intel Graphics point to that. What CPU do you have, and do you know if Hyperthreading is on or off in your system's BIOS? Second, where do the [MAPVIEW.MAP], [WeatherMap] and [FlightPlanMap] in the FSX.CFG come from? Also, your [TRUSTED] section seems to indicate that you have a lot of add-ons - which add-ons do you have? Jorgen
  3. Quote from the OP: "I have Prepar 3D Version 3 installed" Jorgen
  4. "I use word to open and save my CFG files" - I do really hope you use Notepad or another text editor, not a word processor. Jorgen
  5. You might want to check this out: http://www.fsuipc.com/ Jorgen
  6. The forum logins should be the same, no matter what version you have - my login there has been the same since v. 4.3. The uninstall/reinstall process can be a bit tricky, absolutely. I will take the liberty to paste in a set of instructions that I use for myself after this post. Jorgen This is how I perform a clean install on Prepar3D v. 5, if you have v. 4 just say "v4" where the instructions say "v5". READ EVERYTHING BEFORE YOU PROCEED. WARNING: A clean install will mean just that - beware that all add-ons will not reappear in P3D, you will need to re-add or reinstall them, and that is beyond the scope of this tutorial. If you're doing a clean uninstall-reinstall because your installation was damaged in some drastic way, for instance a disk crash, some parts of this process will seem superfluous. Just follow the steps that are relevant - it will be obvious which are. But, if your installation was damaged to the extent that you cannot uninstall completely, then you may have a license issue. To resolve that, email the licensing department at licensing@prepar3d.com. When you have downloaded your new sim, do not bother with checking checksums, unless you have a suspicion that something went wrong during the download. Modern-day browsers, no matter which one, will tell you if that happens, and the utility you use for unpacking will also tell you. I have my P3D v. 5 on my H: drive, a dedicated SSD. It is in a folder called P3D V5. For your installation substitute your own installation location, but - IMPORTANT - do NOT install to the default location of C:\Program Files. If you had P3D installed there, then install to somewhere else when you reinstall, for instance to C:\P3D. The whole process begins with going to the Control Panel and uninstalling the old version: first uninstall the SDK, then Scenery, Content, Client and Professional Plus (or Academic) in that order. Remove whatever remains under the folder P3D V5. If you have moved your Documents folder, go to its new location and remove it from there. Go to the root of C: drive, in the Search box in the top right-hand corner type "Prepar3D v5" (without the quotation marks) in Windows Explorer (that is File Explorer, not Internet Explorer). Delete everything that is found. Some items cannot be deleted, go Skip on those items. Empty your Temp folders (not really necessary, but they should be emptied once in a while). Empty your Recycle Bin. Clean Registry, using Eusing's Free Registry Cleaner. (This is the one I use, there are plenty of others). Reboot. Right-click on P3D's Setup_Prepar3D.exe and select Run as Administrator, and on the first screen, under Options, select to install in the P3D V5 folder on the H: drive. This is for my own use, see above for installing on another drive. When the installation is finished. go into the P3D v5 folder, create a folder named SDK, install SDK to there. Right-click on the Prepar3D icon on the desktop, select Properties. Go to the Compatibility tab, put a check mark in the box "Run this program as Administrator". Click Apply, then OK. Start P3D, fly the default flight out of KRND (KVPS if v. 4) for a couple of minutes. Shut down P3D, reboot. Go into the SDK subfolder, right-click on ConfigureSDK.exe and select Run as Administrator. Answer Yes to the question that comes up. Now you are ready to explore the world of Prepar3D. If you reinstalled P3D because you experienced problems with add-ons, then test the flights where you experienced problems BEFORE you install ANY add-ons. Install your add-ons ONE AT A TIME, testing between each.
  7. If my aging memory is not deceiving me, then these aircraft are AI aircraft and not designed to be user flyable - if that is what you are trying to do. As AI aircraft, at least the 124 does show up on my system, even in P3D v. 5.1.... Jorgen
  8. Allan, Il88pp wrote some good things to consider here (yes there are a LOT of things to consider!). And yep I do have the patience - back when I was young and foolish I was a Danish Army sniper and used to jump out of perfectly functioning airplanes, then I got out and spent my career in tech support... still foolish! :D Jorgen
  9. Let's try to go back to the basics, and let's find out where things are installed. So: 1. Where is FSX installed? 2. Your flight plan .bgl files should be under FSX, in Scenery\World\Scenery - are they there? 3. Where are your AI aircraft installed? 4. What Windows version do you have, and is it fully updated, with the C++ and .NET updates that Brian and I mentioned earlier? 5. Where did you install AIFP? Not to worry, if you have the patience we will get it running. Jorgen Edit: Maybe you could also post your FSX.CFG file here.
  10. Here are some repaint sites I use a lot, in no particular order: https://unitedtrafficteam.com/ https://muenierweb.wordpress.com/ https://fsai-repaints.com/ https://flyingcarpet75.com/ https://aibizjetproject.wordpress.com/ https://kyles-ai-works.com/ https://atco-repaints.com/ https://www.juergenbaumbusch.de/ https://jcai.dk/ https://militaryaiworks.com/ and there are many more out there. Repaints can also be found here on flightsim and on AVSIM. For the errors you get with AIFP: Delete AIFP completely (all versions). Then search for Visual C++ and download and install everything you find, both the x86 and the x64 versions. Do the same for the .NET Framework. When all that is done, run Windows Update, and make sure that in Update/Advanced options, the switch "Receive updates for other Microsoft products" is set to On. Leave this switch on in the future. Then create a folder outside the normal Windows structure, for example C:\AIFP, and unzip the newest AIFP to that folder. To find what aircraft you are missing with AIFP, go to "Bulk Traffic" and select "List Missing Aircraft Used in Traffic Files", then let it run. Jorgen
  11. Allan, You may want to follow the guidelines set out by Brian, and install your AI aircraft in their own folder - if you get bitten by the AI bug, then it's so much easier to manage the aircraft that way. And another thing: the AI aircraft that come with the WoAI packages are outdated in many cases. For instance, for the Airbus A318/319/320/321 and Boeing 737/747/767 they use the AIA models, where you actually can get better models (also freeware) from FAIB, here: https://fsxaibureau.com/ Repaints for these are available all over, if you need some repaint sites then just yell. Jorgen
  12. Oh I forgot to repeat: when you have the new version of AIFP installed, then do recompile the flight plans. If you only convert the plans to the FSX format, they may still have FS9-only airport designators, which may not be the same as FSX airport designators. Recompiling will fix this and therefore remove a potential source of the scarcity you experience. And you will need the most recent version of AIFP for this. Jorgen
  13. Allow me a quote: "World of AI aircraft, which are embedded in the bgl files" - no, there are no aircraft embedded in the .bgl files, no matter which software was used to produce them. The bgl files are flight plans only, containing information about the flight's scheduling, which airports to fly from and to and when, and they call for the associated aircraft to be installed someplace where the sim can see them. This can be in \SimObjects\Airplanes, or somewhere else, as Brian has pointed out above. And again, forget AIFP2 - scrap it and install the most recent version. Jorgen
  14. Now, in this (very interesting) screenshot you obviously have HT on. It would be really interesting if you could try the same shot with an AffinityMask set, and then also with HT off and Affinity/no Affinity. Jorgen
  15. What the OP needs to do is to get the most recent version of AIFP here: http://stuff4fs.com/newpage.asp?Folder=AIFP Then, when installed, in AIFP go under "Bulk Traffic" and hit "Recompile traffic files". This will ensure that: 1. All flight plans are in FSX format, and 2. All FS9-named airports in the plans are exchanged for FSX-named airports. After that, take a look at the airports and see if more airplanes are visible. Jorgen
  16. Nice work, but why not paint of the FAIB models? They are also freeware.....
  17. You need to understand what an OOM here is. For that we need a bit of background. FSX is a 32-bit application, which means that no matter how much RAM is on your system, it runs in its own "VAS" - Virtual Address Space - which can be a maximum size of 4 GB. This is a "Hard Limit" - there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. When you load a lot into FSX, be it because of high settings or a lot of photoscenery or other add-ons, you will eventually hit that 4 GB limit and you have an OOM. What can you do? Lower your settings and/or get add-ons out of the picture. Simple as that. Jorgen
  18. Brian, Extremely well written, but you forgot one very essential thing: When all this is downloaded and installed, reboot the computer. Then go into Windows Update, and under "Advanced options", set the switch "Receive updates for other Microsoft products" to On. Leave this switch in the On position in the future. Now run Windows Update, and you may need to run it several times until no more updates are found. Jorgen
  19. Piet, I agree with you completely, FSX:SE takes so much out of the hassle. However, the OP specifically said FSX Gold..... Jorgen
  20. Michael, For licensing, username and password issues please send email to: licensing@prepar3d.com If you receive an automated reply, then you know your email was received, and then the usual processing time is 2 U.S. business days. But in these not so normal times it may take longer. For your CTD issue (if we can call it that), please check your Windows Event Viewer at the time of the crash and see if there is an "Error" entry with a "Faulting module name" in there. If there is, copy and paste it here. Jorgen - aka JorgenSA in the L-M P3D forums.
  21. Allow me to quote, with all respect: "Some people say download when they mean install." Again with all respect, if some people do not get their terminology right, it is impossible to help or support them. Jorgen
  22. Yes, v. 5 is a new version, and therefore a new purchase. Jorgen
  23. If you mean you downloaded FSX Gold from somewhere, you can be absolutely certain that it is a pirated copy. A legit FSX Gold comes as a set of 3 DVDs. Jorgen
  24. Ah good. The AIFP you were using is also outdated, for the most recent version, should you want to make aircraft flight plans sometime, look here: http://stuff4fs.com/newpage.asp?Folder=AIFP Jorgen
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