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Everything posted by jorgen.s.andersen

  1. FSX:SE has the same limitations as good, old FSX does, limited to 4 GB of VAS. So does P3D versions 1, 2 and 3, it is only in v. 4 and 5 they have gone to 64-bit code and did away with that 4 GB limit. Jorgen
  2. There's nothing wrong with WoAI traffic except is is old.... the world has, in some fashion, moved on since 2006. As pomak249 says, something else is going on that causes this. Jorgen
  3. No, Hyperthreading is turned off so it only runs the 4 REAL cores, that's why it's 14, and I have it overclocked to 4.66 GHz. Jorgen
  4. Google "affinity mask calculator" - there are several guides on how to calculate that out there. The current trend is for Hyperthreading to be off - this is turned on or off in your motherboard's BIOS. With that off, the AffinityMask value for my i7-7700K is 14. Jorgen
  5. The new system will run FSX very well, and also Prepar3D. However, it will not solve the issue you have where you run out of memory - that issue is because of the limitations of FSX that only can use a 4 GB space known as the VAS - virtual address space. To get beyond that barrier, you'll need Prepar3D, from version 4 on. Jorgen
  6. Stinger, virtual memory is what the OS allocates on a disk, so that the OS can swap things in and out of RAM there as needed. It is really an anachronism from the old days when RAM was expensive, and I have the virtual memory (also sometimes called a RAM disk) turned off on my system. What westway is running out of is VAS, or virtual address space - the 4 GB block of RAM that is the maximum the FSX can address. And yes, that situation can happen if you install a new add-on or if you push your sliders too much to the right, and FSUIPC will help and monitor that situation. Jorgen
  7. In the L-M P3D forums, there are reports of issues with Navigraph and v. 5. Jorgen
  8. Look here: https://www.prepar3d.com/SDKv4/prepar3d/getting_help/advanced_configuration.html Pay special attention to limiting the frame rate to 30. You will need to calculate your own values for AffinityMask, based on your CPU. Jorgen
  9. Personally, I have never, ever seen a Windows Update change any UAC settings. But maybe that is because I use a nifty, handy-dandy freeware program called TweakUAC to beat UAC into place. I have UAC completely turned off, and have never had any issues because of that. You could try this program, and just turn off UAC for long enough so you can gain access to your rightful property. Jorgen
  10. Mike, I use all the UTX products, in both FSX and P3D v. 4.5, and have never had any issues with them. I think they really improve the scenery. Jorgen
  11. All the "title=" entries in all the aircraft.cfg files in your entire installation MUST be unique, that is what causes this issue. Jorgen
  12. SP1 and SP2 are included in Acceleration. If you installed one or the other after you installed Acceleration then you corrupted your installation. Short of an uninstall/reinstall, I do not know if this can be fixed. Perhaps another forum member could step in here if there is a solution? Jorgen
  13. I can try to check this on my own v. 4.5 HF3. I don't have ORBX. Jorgen
  14. And many of the models in WoAI are the old AIA models... use the FAIB models instead. I have gotten rid of all the AIA models and most of the TFS models, I use the FAIB and FSP (payware) instead. Much better models, and most of the recent repaints are for these. Jorgen
  15. On v. 5, ONLY install scenery (and aircraft), whether it be freeware or payware, that says they are compatible with v. 5. Even then, install it so you can uninstall it easily in its entirety if you run into problems. And if you do, in case of payware, demand your money back. Jorgen
  16. No. And not compatible with v. 4 either. Jorgen
  17. In FSX, if you have even ONE FS9 format flight plan, then ONLY the FS9 format traffic will show - all FSX format flight plans will not show. To change that, you need to use AIFP to find and convert your FS9 format flight plans to the FSX format - which is very easy to do. In the future, you should make up you TTools flight plan text files as you normally do, but then use AIFP to compile them. Jorgen
  18. Now, this is certainly much more like it! Jorgen
  19. When you go and select a computer, desktop or laptop, then remember what I said earlier in the thread - as fast a sustained clock rate as you can get/afford. The number of cores and the graphics adapter are not as important in FSX, the CPU clock rate is all-important. And - personal, opinionated opinion: Intel CPU, nVidia graphics. You can't go wrong with that. :D Jorgen
  20. I can only tell you that we see many laptop users both here in these forums and in L-M's P3D forums that find out that the "gaming laptops" cannot live up to their user's expectations. I also know that two things very often determine what a user can do in practice: 1. The very bad word BUDGET, and 2. Space available But here's where people need to realize that if these two factors play into the picture, they have to turn their expectations down - way down. And that is what some (hint: many) forget.... Jorgen PS: I almost forgot - and that is before they start piling tons of complex add-ons on.... PS PS: And in P3D, they often "forget" to read the minimum specs required.....
  21. The best gaming laptop for FSX is - a desktop! A "gaming laptop" is good for FPS games (such as Grand Theft Auto and similar kid's games), but FSX is not a game, it is a simulation of the whole planet, which is a totally different thing. Basically, for FSX, you will need a computer with as high a sustained CPU clock rate as you can get - forget about the so-called turbo boost clock rates, which the computer cannot sustain for long. In most cases this means that a laptop is not powerful enough. And forget about running with the sliders to the right, not even a powerful desktop can do that, especially not with complex add-ons. And why do you want a frame rate of 60, when all your eye can see is 25-30 FPS? Smoothness is what it is all about. Jorgen
  22. P3D v. 4 (64-bit) is not backwards compatible with everything, but with a good deal. I can fly the FSX Beech King Air 350 just fine in v. 4.5 HF2, for example. And the AI flight plans are completely the same as FSX. There might be issues with AI aircraft, though. Jorgen
  23. Allow me kindly to quote: "MSFS 2020 might have compatibility with 4.5, or even 4.4 for all we know..." I'll believe that when I see it, not before. Same goes for FSX compatibility. Jorgen
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