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Everything posted by Macroburst

  1. That PA freight paint was a treat! Beautiful.
  2. Fantastic pics- I've gotta go get the bread!
  3. great shots James, esp the touchdown!
  4. Have to issue NOTAMS for aviators and any birds on the flight route that eye PPE is required for duration! Looking good though.
  5. Looking good David. Especially enjoyed the moonlit shot over the gulf. My Onward and upward.
  6. Much better option than hurricanes and snow! Looking good!
  7. Wow! A lot for the captain to keep tabs on! Looks great.
  8. And in good weather! It can get dicey around all that water! Enjoyed your journey.
  9. Google should pay you for some fantastic shore gps data!:) Good run!
  10. Good shots! Not a place to misjudge fuel status!
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