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Everything posted by azzaro

  1. Love that first shot. Full of anticipation the second before wheels up. :cool: -- Bob
  2. OK, I've been watching Sesame Street most of my life and that, sir, is no Big Bird. :mad: A really nice airplane though. A unique design in airliners. Looks like Jan punched the nose right off it! :cool: -- Bob
  3. Yes it does look idyllic. But Jan, haven't the Bahamas suffered enough? Why don't you go cause your unique brand of chaos elsewhere? :p -- Bob
  4. Uuugh. I don't care to taste either thanks. -- Bob
  5. Well, I don't want to brag but I've always been known for my big broomstick. :o -- Bob
  6. http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6573mORCs1qco187o1_1280.jpg
  7. Thanks Jan but, ahem, we great airmen never steal. We simply borrrow... indefinitely. :o
  8. Flying my Stearman through the mountains of New Zealand. With a little color filter just for fun. -- Bob
  9. Flying arrowheads. Iconic :cool: -- Bob
  10. Having livery like that makes any flight bearable. :rolleyes: Are the connector flights lynx? -- Bob
  11. There's no sleeping in a plane that reacts to every breath of wind. -- Bob
  12. Nice colors. The slim engines give the 737 a completely different look. Almost military. -- Bob
  13. Very low and very slow over north Germany. Fields and fall colors abound. -- Bob
  14. Obviously the captain and crew enter the cabin via pogo stick. :D I see the airport won't let you use their mobile stairways. Probably still scraping the cheese off from last time. :rolleyes:
  15. Now you're speaking my language. T here's flying just to get somewhere and there is flying. :pilot: -- Bob
  16. We Peerhoven Academy students are always ready for any eventuality. And we only use the finest, most professional equipment available. :pilot: -- Bob
  17. No questionable runways to get stuck in here. A fine autumn day in southern Germany. Though I must admit, things have taken a turn for the wurst. :rolleyes: -- Herr Bob
  18. No, I was there for that one. See. :rolleyes: -- Bob
  19. Another idyllic flight spoiled by runway elevation issues. It was a lovely flight to Bowerman in my classic Stearman. Until... On short final I noticed the misalignment in runway textures and knew it would not end well. :mad: Still, it was a perfect all-point landing. :p -- Bob Could someone come and dig me out please. :o
  20. Wow! You're bouncing around the map like a pinball on meth. Take it easy man. Sit a spell and enjoy the smell of jet fuel. :cool: -- Bob
  21. Hot dog! Those are some delicious tube steaks there. I relish that sort of thing. -- Bob :rolleyes: (sorry)
  22. Hurricane Sharpie! or How I made my mark in politics. :p I've always been upset about snow in southern Ontario in September when don't usually see much before Christmas. Limited regional accuracy has always been an issue with flight simulators. I suspect it will finally cease to be so in FS2020. -- Bob
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