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Everything posted by azzaro

  1. Thank goodness it doesn't resemble an anatomical part. :eek: :o -- Bob
  2. A treat. :) I always thought the wings looked much to short. Guess those big engine nacelles add to that effect. :confused: -- Bob
  3. Pandering to His Lordship, no doubt. :rolleyes: That huge tail section looks like a flying billboard. I like it! :) -- Bob
  4. Still in Calabria. Where the top of the foot meets the leg part. What other country can you describe this way. :) -- Bob
  5. If I had that kind of money I could afford better friends. :mad:
  6. Gad! What does that say about me? I was born right in that floppy fold-over part near the top! :o -- Bob Wait. I thought I was your good Italian friend? You mean you've been friending around on me! -- Also, Bob
  7. A short flight from Reggio Calabria (the ATC pronunciation is horrific!) to Lamezia. -- Bob Nice view of the Strait of Messina with the volcanic islands north of Sicily visible. Stromboli is farthest right. Got up to a 9500' cruising level. The clouds got quite thick on descent. Total white out for a few minutes. Disclaimer here. I landed, taxied to park and shut down, then went into replay to capture the landing. Bad idea as the flaps remained up for the replay. So, just assume I've got everything hanging out here. Completely power off long final with quite a bit of slipping. Yes, I started the descent too late. Too lazy to fly a pattern or two. But that's the beauty of simming. No consequences. There... perfect landing after all. Thanks for viewing.
  8. Hmmm, I thought they didn't drink beer down there. Guess tastes are changing. Thanks for sharing your cargo run with us. Any extra Guinness left over? :) -- Bob
  9. Haven't seen so much lightning since I hung out with Nicola Tesla. Are you sure you should be flying in that? :eek: Looks cool, but, sheesh! -- Bob
  10. Not really a bar. More of a Speke-easy. :rolleyes: -- Bob
  11. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. A very good movie IMHO: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0338013/ Sorry Jan, there goes that free association again. Too much trivia swirling around in my head all the time. :o The shots are stellar, as ever. I'll even forgive the shameless use of a classic airliner and perfect lighting. :p-- Bob
  12. Grazie. ;) No regrets. Canada is a wonderful place. Even for French speakers. :rolleyes: -- Bob
  13. Well, there's always the Dead Sea, but they aren't known for their beer. You may not want to point out your house around here. Some of us have been known to show up uninvited for real. :) -- Bob
  14. That's not the Mob, it's government tax collectors. Italy should be bankrupt if you look at the official numbers. Something like 25% of the economy is underground. When you've been governed by every group in Europe you learn to adapt. The leaders at the top change, the middle managers and local bureaucrats go on forever. A big reason why we left Italy. -- Bob
  15. Still a favorite bird in my hangar. It flies well, lands nearly anywhere and who doesn't like playing with those retractable floats? :) -- Bob
  16. I have certainly done my share of virtually illegal flying over the years. :o Most objects seem to have massive bounding boxes lately. I often crash before I even get near the bridge. :mad: -- Bob
  17. I don't understand how Duxford manages to have a continuous airshow. Don't those poor people ever get to go home? :rolleyes: Is that Ant's Tiger Moth? --Bob
  18. I'm frankly surprised Amazon hasn't acquired a few of those yet. It could be a flying warehouse. Thanks for bringing us some of the odder birds. A nice break from all the regular tubes. -- Bob
  19. Beautiful, beautiful places. :) If it weren't a 17 hour flight I would spend a month a year there. :cool: Preferably when I'm up to me arse in snow. :mad: Nice to have you back John. Keep the fine flights coming. -- Bob
  20. Don't get me started on that topic. :mad: If Italians stuck to food and art and let the British run the government it would be an idyllic place. Thanks for your compliment and contribution Gérard. A bientot. -- Bob
  21. Catania to Reggio Calabria via Messina. This inspred me to do a little research on the Kingdom of Sicily. Here's a link to the Wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Sicily. If you're at all interested in European history it's well worth the read. I now have a much better understanding of the Italian schism between north and south. On with the pictures. -- Bob
  22. Good one John. :cool: A lovely part of the world. Not often seen in this forum, but it should be. :) I now of another Noble Airman who likes to fly around whales. Not always by choice, mind you. :p -- Bob
  23. I trust you survived the local wine. It can pack quite a punch when you're knee deep in food and not really paying attention. :o Orbx Global and FSG mesh with AS16 (so, very little left of vanilla FSX). I had to uninstall Vector as it was causing all kinds of elevation issues. I have never been south of Amalfi but southern Italy in general is under appreciated. A much more Greek/North African vibe, both scenically and culturally.
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