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Everything posted by azzaro

  1. Spending some time in the smelly part of the boot. :eek: (maybe it's the deflated soccer ball Italy is kicking) Hey. My grandmother was Sicilian, I can say stuff like that. :o Anyhow a fun flight across Sicily from Palermo to Catania. A great Tecnam Eaglet from Ant's Airplanes and some interesting weather courtesy of Active Sky 2016. Please be patient with comments - it's a three part post. Oh, yeah, Mount Etna shows up near the end of the send post. 2 more parts coming...
  2. Flies like a dream. Looks amazing. What more can I say. :cool: -- Bob
  3. I meant horizontal stabilizer. Y'know the non-moving thingy next to the rudder... This from a man who built his own plane? :confused::mad: Anybody want to fly with me? I iz a gud pilot, really! -- Bob
  4. I like them too! But you can keep the snow. We have enough here already. And winter hasn't even begun! :mad: -- Bob
  5. I'll have you knw we keep ours in a proper hangar. :mad: Although, given the rent this doesn't seem like such a bad idea. :confused: -- Bob
  6. Thanks. :) You think that hangar is too small? Check out what this poor Challenger owner came up with. :p -- Bob
  7. The good one with Yul Brynner, etcetera, etcetera. :) Thanks for playing along. :p -- Bob
  8. Hey John! Nice ones! But you snuck in a real photo as your second one. No fair! :mad: Don't worry about losing your touch, posting shots is just like riding a bike... … except for the bike ... and the riding part. :confused: :o -- Bob
  9. My mantra... Say the title a few times fast and you'll have the theme of this post. Some Oregon flying in the ever-delightful Goose. Best amphibian since Kermit the Frog. -- Bob
  10. http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/33700000/Random-writing-33719117-1600-996.jpg
  11. Wait. We're still taking about planes, right? :confused: Enjoyed this theme and I'd love to see more. :) -- Bob
  12. This paast is taap draaw, as they say in Beantown. -- Bob
  13. Biggest vertical stabliizer in the business! Nice! You could house a family of four in that thing. -- Bob
  14. Sounds like it's just one dam thing after another. :rolleyes: -- Bob (Unlike sex which just is one damp thing after another.)
  15. DAM=DYKE (as in Dick Van Dyke, which come to think of it, would never happen) Just translating for my friend in amsterDAM. :rolleyes: -- Bob
  16. Jan, Jan, Jan... You must realize that the Beaver (castor canadensis) is our national animal. The Beaver always has the right of way. Respect the Beaver. :) -- Bob
  17. They both look perfectly fine to me (hic). -- Bob
  18. Again, the title implied Free Beer! :mad: -- Bob
  19. Sorry, I thought the title said Heineken over Holland. :mad: Never mind. :confused: :o -- Bob
  20. Ahh! Fine choice of aircraft that. :cool: There's one at our local airfield (Edenvale, Ontario) that will be incorporated in their soon-to-be-built museum. Thanks for keeping it out of the water. With the miles of wiring on board that might have been a shocking conclusion. :eek: -- Bob
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