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Everything posted by dogdish

  1. Why Microsoft rushed FS2020 out without at least ONE helicopter is a mystery. I think it will be a free update though
  2. Just needed Windows 10 (Put on a separate NVMe drive from Windows 7), got a 10Tb HDD to use as a scenery download cache. Will consider selling a kidney for a RTX30xx later.
  3. Rikoooo... https://www.rikoooo.com/downloads/viewdownload/51/833 Here's another one... https://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/1788/fsx-concorde/
  4. The same can be said of a original FS2020 download as well. It will fall behind as well necessitating one to re-download the newest version. I just remember trying to install Pilot's FS2010 Global scenery mesh one time. It came with BOTH a download link and they also sent you the DVD set in the mail. I tried downloading the huge files and they failed several times, so I just waited for the DVD's in the mail. Not to mention I get a book :rolleyes:
  5. I ordered the Premium Deluxe on disc from simmarket myself. Since the sim is only in English, language won't be a problem. Just hope there are no issues with DVD region codes coming from Europe to USA. Guess that's mostly for movies though. I only see 6 discs though even in the Premium Deluxe. Where are the 4 other discs?
  6. I'm dying to see the enhanced LAX airport and what Las Vegas looks like in the new sim :p
  7. ORBX definitely making scenery for FS2020 starting with airports... https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/197150-orbx-and-microsoft-flight-simulator/
  8. There's some promise of a legacy mode to use FSX aircraft, but not going to hold my breath. We'll have to wait and see.
  9. Felt the same way. I hate Windows 10 but got it for FS2020 and also Prepar3D v5 needed it. I hate it so much I put it on a separate NVME stick. You can get Windows 10 and use it without activating it, or find those overseas keys for $20 or less. I found a unopened boxed retail Windows 10 Pro version on eBay for $60.00
  10. I see something called Digital Ownership that suggests this. Can you point me to the episode?
  11. Has anyone seen confirmation of a off-line mode? I have a feeling it's going to be on-line to do anything
  12. Sounds like you guys need one of these... https://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/4738/fsx-beechcraft-turbocharged-baron-b58/
  13. I was going to suggest you buy your specced parts from Newegg and grab a screwdriver and get busy. Then I read you bent/broke some pins unplugging a heatsink :o I guess not everybody is cut out to build his own. Glad to see your getting a new rig though :cool:
  14. +1 on the Alabeo DA42. On sale RIGHT NOW at Carenado. If you miss the sale, Alabeo usually follows the Carenado sale. The DA40 and DA62 also on sale (Have all three). Vertxsim has a super nice DA62, however regular price
  15. FSUPIC Traffic Zapper. Only wish I had one for real life during interstate rush hour traffic!
  16. Hope FS2020 will do what P3D v4~5 did my allowing installing aircraft into a add-on container so you can keep track of what the installer did making it a whole lot easier to remove too.
  17. Hiya Rick! Here are a few FSX A2A P-51 Military with Civilian repaints in P3D v5 Pro tooling around Stead, Reno... Livery by Calico Jack Livery by Deepdiver 8055 I don't think somebody would want to try and pass these in a air race though because it's the A2A Military versions with machine guns :) I got sticker shock from the A2A website for the genuine P3Dv5 versions ($80.00 USD each!), so I found a way to install my old FSX WoP 3 P-47 Thunderbolt and P-51 Mustang versions to P3Dv5 Professional Jack P. S.
  18. Personally, I would rather wait for the finished product, let others deal with the annoyances of a beta product. ;) I got Prepar3D v5 to tinker with until FS2020 comes out.
  19. Pretty sure the Logitech driver does not add itself to the FSX exe.xml This is what it looks like with Saitek... Saitek Panel(s) Plugin for FSX False C:\Program Files (x86)\Saitek\ProFlight FSX Plugin\SaiFlightSimX.exe -run For the Logitech driver, replace the BOLD with the name of the Logitech path and .exe
  20. Not sure why Logitech driver is so troublesome. Think it doesn't add itself to the .xml so FSX can use it. A few alternative options... You didn't say what operating system you have, however these work in Windows 7, never tried in Windows 10 1. Original Saitek drivers, I use Saitek_Pro_Flight_Panels_00000003_Software_pfw.exe https://www.mmnt.net/db/0/5/ftp.saitek.com/pub/software/full/ Be sure to virus check from third person website 2. SPAD http://fstools.weebly.com/ 3. Modern option SPAD neXt, still in beta https://www.spadnext.com/home.html BE SURE ONLY ONE DRIVER INSTALLED AT A TIME!
  21. Not a very good lost leader either. I tried installing the P-40 (P3D v4~v5) to P3D V5 Hotfix 2 and the installer only recogonized the path for V4, so I changed it to V5. When I tried to run P3D v5 and select the P-40, it crashed me back to desktop. I don't think I'll be getting any of them :( EDIT: Apparently the windshield.dll causes the CTD in V5 See here: https://a2asimulations.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=70166
  22. Thanks Lyn saw that. Basically a loss leader to get one to buy the prime models. Would rather they sold all of them at the same lower price.
  23. I have a RealAir FSX Spitfire I can reuse thanks to Sean at RealAir. If you or anybody sees a sale at A2A, please make sure the forum knows about it :)
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